New Girl Pt4

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3 years later
"We'll be fine mum stop worrying" I say as I get mine and my sons luggage out of the car
"I know I'm just going to miss you both"
"We will miss you as well" I hug my mum bye and my son does the same
"Bye nana"
"Bye Luca I love you"
"I love you nana"
"Bye mum"
"Bye sweetheart" I take Luca's hand, our new life starts in LA

"We need to talk"
"About what?"
"Listen my dads been stationed in Texas. I'm moving next week"
"Ok well you know Sam and I are moving to LA soon live with me until then, come to LA with us"
"You know I can't. I haven't got the money"
"Baby please I'll pay just don't leave me"
"I'm sorry Colby but I think we need to break up"
"No YN please we can work this out"
"Maybe one day we will meet again. I love you"

I haven't spoken to anyone in the last 3 years, I did everything I could to forget about Colby but it didn't work. Finally we arrive in LA and get an Uber to our new home
"Mummy why didn't daddy come with us?"
"We spoke about this sweetheart, he has a new family and needs to look after them"
"But what about us?"
"Why don't you pick your room yeah" Luca runs off upstairs while I start unpacking. I remember Sam and Colby both moved here 3 years ago, I wonder if they still do?

 I remember Sam and Colby both moved here 3 years ago, I wonder if they still do?

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Once 1:45 rolls around we head out to the coffee shop. I see Sam sat down with a familiar face
"Oh my god YN" she runs up and hugs me
"You live here as well?" I ask
"Yeah we all do, you were the only one out of the group who didn't"
"YN who's that?" Sam asks about Luca who's clinging to my leg
"Oh errrm this is Luca, my son"
"You have a son? How old his he?" I sign knowing exactly what they are going to say when I tell them
"Is he Colby's?"
"No. Errm I'll explain later. Luca these are mummy's friends Sam and Kat" Luca is wavs still clinging to me. We sit down we all order a coffee and I order Luca a hot chocolate, I give Luca my phone and some headphones so he can watch something
"So are you going to explain?" Sam says pointing to Luca
"After I left I tried getting over Colby and ended up getting pregnant, I stayed in that relationship for nearly 3 years for Luca. A few months ago I had enough and broke it off with him made my son my priority and decided to move away, hence why I'm here
"So how would you like to come back to mine? It's pizza night and everyone will be there" Sam says beaming
"I dunno. I haven't spoken to anyone for 3 years. I blocked everyone trying to forget" I look down at my now empty mug
"Come on. Everyone misses you" Kat says taking my hand"
"Ok but I'll have to bring Luca. I haven't found a nanny yet"
"That's absolutely fine" Sam says. We finish up and Sam takes us back to his
"I'm guessing more of you live here Sam?" I ask laughing as I'm stood outside a mansion
"Yeah, me Jake, Corey and colby. Come on" we walk in, Luca behind me holding my hand "boys I'm home come downstairs for a surprise" Sam yells up the stairs, suddenly I hear doors opening and shutting. Then I'm face to face with my old friends
"Oh my god YN" Jake runs and hugs me
"What are you doing here?" Corey asks also now hugging me
"You have a son?" Colby looks at Luca who's clinging on to me
"Hey guys. Yeah erm I just moved here and meet my son Luca"
"Hey little one would you like some apple juice?" Corey says bending down
"Yes please"
"let's give mummy some time to talk" Corey takes Luca's hand and walks him to the kitchen
"So..." Colby says, well this is awkward
"Were going to give you some time to talk" Kat takes sam and Jake by the hands hand leads them away
"I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you for 3 years, it's been crazy"
"I can see. Look I'm just going to be honest, I miss you and I'm so glad you're here now. I'm sorry how things were left"
"Yeah me to"
"Friends" Colby and I hug and join the others in the kitchen, Luca sat on the table laughing at Corey
"How have you been?" Jake asks
"Good thank you. What about all of you? What have you been up to?"
"Were all YouTubers now" Jake says proud
"Wow that's amazing, sorry I haven't really been keeping tabs on you guys. It's was just easier for me block everything out after... you know"
"No we get it don't worry, so what brings you to LA?" Corey gives me a hug
"I'm a model now so I moved here and to get away from my ex. I guess that's what I do best, run away from ex's" we all have a group hug.

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