Hell Hole

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@WaywardSister2 thank you for your patience with your request ❤️

Tonight is the night that I'm absolutely dreading, I've been trying to get out of this video since we started this 25 weeks of haunted and abandoned places. I've known these guys for a while now, I moved out here with Kat who is 18 months older than me. I've just turned 20 so I'm literally a baby, I started to come on these TFIL trips when I was 18 and tonight we go into hell hole
"What's up everyone and welcome back to TFIL this time Jake is joining us" well all give a little clap "and YN has been trying to get out of this for weeks now. For those who don't know YN has claustrophobia so she's going to have a really tough night but we're here to help her through it, she's like a little sister to us all so we will make sure she's safe the whole time. We're doing this to see if we can help her with her fear"
"We got you" Jake yells throwing his arm around me
"If at any point YN needs to leave we're all getting out, I mean the rest of us could go back in after if we still wanted to"
"I've taken Xanax before we started to film so it should kick in when were down there"

We hop a fence and walking past a shit ton of trees. The whole time I'm walking in the middle of the group so they make sure I'm ok. We arrive at the hole which I have no idea how I'm getting down there
"What the fuck Elton" Corey gasps
"Ok I have a problem. There's no way my ass and boobs are fitting in there" I laugh
"Basically if you can't fit through this then you can't fit through most of the cave" Brandon says
"Oh shit" I breath out.

The boys all start to mess about when Elton is in the hole trying to drag Corey in making me laugh
"I just wanna wait here till the next person shows up, just be like hi" Elton waves "hi welcome to hell hole"
"Welcome to hell hole" Corey laughs
"$5 please"
"It reminds me of the kissing booth" I say
"Hi welcome to hell hole can I take your order?" Elton asks
"I would like 1 soul please" Jake says
"How would you like that? Medium? Well?"
"I'd like to get the fuck outta here" I laugh
"Do you have Dr Pepper?" Corbin
"You think we sell that in hell? No we sell craft soda here"
"Oh no" Corbin yells disgusted
"I feel so fucking chilled right now. I feel like I've just smoked weed"
"And you'd know what that's like how?" Brandon asks
"Errr ok let's let in the hole" I clap my hands making everyone laugh.

Finally it's time to go in, Elton's already in there so Brandon goes in next who then helps me in by holding my legs so I don't slip then Corbin comes in. When were finally in the hole we start to make a move, Brandon in front then me, then Elton then Corbin
"So when we go down there we will be close to the what they call the man trap on the map"
"Oh god" I mumble as we go deeper "I don't know if I can do this guys"
"No no you got this. Just think of how proud you'll be of yourself" Brandon says
"YN I'm right behind you and Brandon is in front of you. You're going to be fine" Elton encourages
"I swear I only ever hear you being nice to YN. Everyone else you make things worse for" Brandon says
"YNs parents would kill me if she got hurt on one of these videos. Have you met her dad? Scary dude"
"No I haven't but I've heard stories" Brandon laughs as we get further down into the hole "ok this is the man trap" Brandon points in front of him
"I'm being deadly serious Elton I don't think I can do this"
"I'd hold your hand but I think you'll need it" Elton says
"YN you got this" Corbin says from behind
"You gonna go down on your stomach" Brandon shows us
"I can't. Elton I can't" I being to shake
"YN calm down" Elton says. I close my eyes
"I'm gonna throw up I can't" my breathing becomes rapid
"YN look at me" Elton says and I open my eyes "breathe"
"I can't. It's hot, I can't do, do this"
"Ok I'll get out but I need you to help me ok?" I nod my head
"Corbin head back up to the top where there's more room. Brandon can you follow us to make sure YN is still moving with us"

We all turn back around and in no time we're back at the top. Jake and Corey help me out
"YN stay here with Corey, Jake and Evan ok?" I nod my head. They head back down into the hole while I sit down with Corey, Jake and Evan
"How do you feel?" Corey asks sitting next to me
"My chest hurts"
"Here have a drink" Jake hands me a bottle of water
"Thanks" I open the bottle up and take a sip "I'm actually kinda disappointed in myself, but there was this part that Brandon wanted up go down and I just couldn't do it"
"Don't be disappointed. You did well even just going in there" Jake sits the other side of me "I know for a fact when you ring the girls tomorrow and tell them you even just went in a small space they will be so proud of you" Corey hugs me
"I need more Xanax" I say making everyone suddenly we hear a scream. Corey turns his light on with wide eyes
"What the fuck was that?"
"They screamed" Jake points to the cave
"No that was out here"
"No that was from the cave"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes" Jake says
"Well that was a dumb idea" I say
"What do you think they're doing down there?" Evan says
"Finding each others holes" I joke
"And she's feeling better" Corey laughs

Jake gets out his phone and starts reading off it
"In September the main concern for that time of year are rattle snakes in that hole and around the cement on the out side. So there's gonna be rattle snakes in there"
"Oh god that's really not good"
"Yeah no shit were on the cement outside"
"Wanna get food?" Jake says
"Yeah what food?" Corey asks
"Burger king"
"Yeah Burger King sounds fire. You remember those spicy chicken fries?"
"Yeah we should go" I say
"They were bomb"
"And Burger King have the best chocolate milkshakes" I says
"I've never had one from there"
"What?" Corey and I say and the same time looking at Jake
"I just usually get a soda quite frankly"
"I'm tired" I lean my head on Jakes shoulder
"It's a good job you came out of there" Evan says as I shut my eyes. Corey and Jake start singing to pass the time.

A while later I hear Elton's laugh making open up my eyes
"Welcome home honey" Jake says "we're just chilling up here"
"Oh really? I'm sure you are" Corbin sarcastically says. I look over to see Corbin get out
"This. This was nothing compared to what we just went through" he says referring to the entrance
"You've been in there 3 hours" Corey says
"Sorry we're a little late on your order we had a dispute with the chef, he was shaving his pubes into the food again" Elton crawls out as we all stand up
"Hey how are you doing?"
"Better" I smile
"She was literally falling asleep on Jakes shoulder"
"What did you guys do?" Elton asks
"We were attacked by a 1, 2, 3"
"Wheelchair chinchilla" Corey and Jake say at the same time
"Hey Corey what do you call an obese rodent?"
"A double chin chilla"

We talk more about the cave and what they had to do. Jake then gives me a piggy back ride back to the car that we have rented and I fall asleep on the way to our next location.

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