Axe Murder House Pt 1

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Requested by @Astridnaomiwatson probably going to be a few parts and each part will probably be long, but I hope you enjoy it ❤️

I'm currently stood outside the Axe Murder House for a TFIL video and I'm half excited and half scared right now. Elton starts the intro to his video and explains that this is where 8 people were murdered in the house, but the killer wasn't found. Corey and I are holding hands as Elton continues to talk about the place
"It was mostly kids right?" Corey asks
"Yeah it was a total of 6 kids and 2 parents"
"How someone could do that to anyone let alone children is beyond me" I shake my head
"When you talk about a haunted house. This is it. This is the haunted house. Everything has happened here, full body apparitions, foot steps, voices , EVPs, this is the most documented paranormal place we have ever been to and we aren't leaving until 10 in the morning"
"No, Elton that's no" I groan as everyone else's either pulls a face or laughs nervously. Elton then introduces one of the contest winners who's name is Kaylyn.
Corbin and Corey start to run to the house, Corey grabs my hand meaning I have to run with him
"I hate running" I slightly yell making the boys all laugh at me
"Elton's got the key" Corey points out
"FYI that's not the entrance" Elton shouts over to us.

Once Elton opens up the door we all basically run in because of how cold it is outside
"Where are the lights?" I say looking up to the ceiling
"I don't think there are any light switches"
"They kept it how it used to be. Like this is the phone" Brandon points to the old phone on the wall
"Yeah sorry YN and Corey you can't post on tik tok on this phone" Elton laughs
"I just can't get over how there are no lights" I say
"Yeah when the sun goes down Evan will be our pelt source of light"
"To be honest babe when do we ever turn the lights on in an investigation?"
"That's true" Corey nods his head agreeing with me
"The fact that everything is like kept the same freaks me out" Corey wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on the top of my head
"I'm not going to go over the history right now. We have a tour guide coming in like a hour and half, he will give us all the history and paranormal evidence of this place"
"I'm guessing tonight is going to be a really long night" I sigh leaning my head back a little so its resting on Corey's chest
"Yep YN it's going to be a long one" Elton chuckles
"Great" I groan.

We all walk up the stairs and try to figure out where we are all going to sleep
"This house sleeps like 3 people" Brandon starts "where are we supposed to sleep?"
"2 there" Elton points at a smallish bed
"In there?" Brandons eyes widen "In the broken bed"
"YN and Corey have broken a bed before and slept on it, they can sleep in here"
"Woah woah woah" I step in correcting Elton "our bed broke because you broke it by jumping on it with circa"
"Hello?" Elton pretends to get out his phone "huh? what? oh ok, sorry I haver to take this" I roll my eyes. Corey walks off and starts to yell
"Oh my god, theres a secret room" I look through the door way where he had walked and see him with a shocked face looking at me. I make my way over to him with Kaylyn
"Is he like this even off camera?" she asks
"Yep, but that's why I love him" I giggle a little. We all climb into the secret room, which is tiny
"Yo watch your head" Corbin puts his hand over Katlyns head while Corey puts his over mine "Don't lift your head theres like a hundred nails behind you"
"Oh shit" I breath out
"Yeah so scoot over here" Corey takes my hand and pulls me over to him while Kaylyn moves away from the nails staying close to Corey and I. Corey lets go of me and I stick close to Kaylyn
"What's it like being the only girl to come on these trips?" she asks
"Exhausting, it's so hard to keep these idiots in check especially Elton who likes to scare the absolute shit out of us"
"This is the birthing room, that's what this is 100%" Brandon says
"Hey babe look"
"What?" I turn around to see Corey with a doll
"I'm Iron man"
"Of course you are, I'll be sure to let RDJ know that you're the next iron man" I laugh walking out of the room and back into the room we were originally in with the beds. The others follow me and we all sit down. I look around the room and notice a Fram on the wall with 4 pictures in it
"Are these some of the victims?" I ask getting up and taking a closer look
"Looks like it" Corbin says behind me
"Wherever we go if a child has died or been killed it just gets to me. Like they are so young and someone took their lives for literally no reason what so ever. I just hope the Axe murderer doesn't still haunt this house and the kids and parents are able to be at peace"

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