The Audition Pt5- Interview

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2 years later
Today Kat, Xepher and I are doing a interview to promote our new album on the Zach Sang show. Colby and I are still together, however a few months ago I had a miscarriage which put a strain on mine and Colby's relationship. We're doing better now but talking about the miscarriage is hard, we had told Colby's channel what had happened a few weeks back
"Welcome back today we have YN, Kat and Xepher or better known as the The Blue Roses in the studio with us" the others cheer and clap "thank you for coming here today"
"Thank you for having us" Kat says smiling
"How excited are you for the release of the new album?"
"So excited, we have worked so hard on this one" Xepher says
"We really have. When we did the last 3 albums we obviously loved making them but it didn't sound like us. We really had to figure out our own sound and voice, so we ended up leaving the record label which I feel everyone knows that by now" I say
"How did that all happen? Didn't you have a contract with Simon?"
"Yeah so the contract we signed was that we had to make 3 albums with him. We still love those albums and the songs but we wanted to write our own music more but we couldn't really do that" Kat explains
"It was a tough decision but there's no bad blood it was just business I guess" Xepher says
"When I listened to the album I got vibes from different eras. Was that something you had planned or did it just happen?"
"We definitely wanted to take inspiration from different eras for this album but we never expected it to go up in eras on each song" I say
"Yeah because the first few songs sound very 50s inspired and then the last few are very 90s early 2000s inspired"
"YN loves the 50s era so it started as that then I love 80s and Xeph loves 90s early 2000s. So it's definitely a collaborative album"
"What do the boys think? We had Sam and Colby on here a few months ago and they hinted to a few things happening soon that are exciting. I asked them about you girls if you had anything planned and they said that as a group yes and one of you there would be something exciting to happen soon" I sign knowing what the boys were talking about was the pregnancy
"Erm yeah the whole friendship group are so supportive" I say trying to avoid the last part of the question
"So can we know about the individual projects or do we have to wait?" I look at Kat to take over
"Unfortunately the thing Sam and Colby were referring to was the pregnancy"
"Oh I'm so sorry YN. How are you doing after that? I can only imagine how difficult it was"
"It was really hard but these two have been my rock and I honestly don't know what I would do without them, they have been..... oh god I'm gonna cry"
"Aww YN"
"They have been so supportive and understanding. Of course our other friends have been as well but these are my sisters"
"YN your gonna make me cry" Kat hugs me
"You girls really are so close aren't you"
"We're barley apart. We have sleepovers, we go on holiday together we just adore each other" Xeph says wiping one of my tears away
"Sam said that it was crazy how quickly you all became friends and how as soon as YN joined your group things felt right, as if you were missing a piece of the puzzle"
"Oh 100% we all felt it. We never realised we were missing something until YN came along and she just fit right in" Kat says smiling and hugging me
"There's one song on the album in particular that made me cry and that was Ghost. Was that inspired by anything in particular?"
"Yeah kinda. I moved to LA just before I auditioned and I had left my whole life behind, no one from my past tried to stay in contact so they became my ghosts"
"Have you found that people that you weren't really friends with or were friends with at one point try to come back into your life?"
"Definitely. We were actually talking about this the other day, we played Ghost to our friends and started talking about people from our past trying to be friends again and it's crazy" I say
"It's so rare to see a girl group actually friends with each other and I love it and as you said everyone in your friendship group is so supportive of you. Would you ever go solo?"
"Well that was quick from each of you"
"I wouldn't know what to do without these girls. Like on stage if I need that little extra support I just look over to Kat or Xeph and they're there"
"How did the name The Blue Roses come about?"
"Kat made a song a few years ago called blue roses and when we met YN we obviously started thinking of names. We were on a phone call one night and Sam said as a joke what about blue roses and for a long time we couldn't decide and the night YN met our friends we were introduced as The Blue Roses and it just stuck now we love it"
After an hour we wrap up the interview with Zach and head back to the TRAP house. We are immediately greeted by the boys giving us hugs and kisses

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