Drifting Pt2

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The next day I meet up with everyone again. This time it's girls against boys but somehow I get dragged to be in a car with Sam and Colby. They all talk smack at each other before we start
"You might wanna roll your windows up" I say getting into the back of the car
"Oh yeah" Sam says making me laugh. We start the race and the girls shoot forward
"They're winning" Sam yells
"Colby if you shift your gears you'll go faster" Colby does as I say and Sam gives the girls a middle finger. We get to the finish line and get out
"So who won?" Colby asks smugly
"Well summer decided to break before the finish line" Brie says
"Hey for the record I went 105"
"What did you do Colby?" Sam asks
"120 baby" Colby yells and I laugh
"You think that's impressive. In one of these I could easily go 170 maybe even 180"
"I think we need to test this out" Sam says. I shrug and get in the drivers seat. The girls and Sam get in the back and Colby gets in the front
"Please tell me if you start to feel sick because I don't do sick and if you throw up so will I ok?" Everyone nods and I start the car up, I rev it and shoot off
"Oh my god she's already at 80" Colby yells and I accelerate more until I reach 177
"I'm worried about pushing it further because of the tires" I say slowing down before stopping.

We get out the racing cars now and start to drift, Sam and Colby in one, Brie and Summer in one and me in one on my own. I cut up in front of them to scare the shit out of them and all I can hear is them yelling.

After a fun day Sam and Colby invite me to a spar with them, Summer and Brie and we talk about what they used to do
"It was like everyone was telling us that it was so cool so we felt like we had to do it" Colby says
"I get it. I had a year off from racing because I felt like I was doing it to please everyone else, not me. I had to take a step back and be like, ok why am I doing this, in the end I realised it's because I love it. It took me a hot minute to realise that it's ok to stop doing the thing you have loved doing for so long because you end up burning yourself out. You might find that in the future you want to do that sort of stuff again but this time sprinkled in with other stuff. You know the saying if you love something let it go and if it doesn't come back you never had it?"
"Yeah errr if it comes back love it forever" Sam finishes my sentence
"Exactly. Like I love racing and yeah it's my job but when I'm not working I like to do other things, things I've never tried before like swimming with sharks and bungee jumping"
"Oh god you'll love Elton then" Colby says laughing. I frown not knowing who he's on about "oh he's a friend of ours. Does crazy shit like that all the time"
"Oh I see" we hang out for a little while longer before it's time for us to leave. I pack my stuff into my car and say goodbye to Brie and Summer, hugging each of them
"It was lovely to meet you both"
"You as well thank you fo showing us how to drift"
"No problem, come back again and I'll give you a proper lesson" I smile and they get in their car and leave
"Thank you YN for doing this video with us" Sam says
"Of course it was fun. Thank you for letting me teach you and drive with you"
"No thank you seriously YN" Colby says smiling
"Well I better get going don't be a stranger now. Text me, call me, whatever and next time I'm in LA for a race I'll let you know"
"We will be cheering you on" Sam says, he then hugs me before getting into the car
"Ughh so I'm gonna say this now because I can leave with the embarrassment but damn you so fucking attractive and I wish we lived closer so I could take you on a date"
"What about a virtual date first. We set up face time so we can see each other and go onto watch party on Netflix. I have a week off work in 3 weeks. Maybe I could come to LA?"
"I'd like that" Colby smiles then hugs me "I'll see you on our date then" Colby opens the door of the car and waves at me. Before he get in I call him
"Oh Colby"
"Your pretty fucking sexy yourself" he chuckles the groans
"Ughhh I'm so embarrassed" he says
"Bye Colby" I wave at him laughing and watch them drive off. 3 weeks until I can see them again, and maybe meet this Elton guy he seems pretty fun....

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