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This one will be the last request, thank you @spiderman_0707 for this request. I based it off the video 'overnight at trampoline park (winning team gets $10,000) but it's won't be exact and word for word like the other imagines I've done

Also the first chapter of 'The Mafia Book 1' is now out!

Somehow I have been roped into doing a TFIL over night video with my brother, roommates and friends. Thankfully it's at a trampoline park and nowhere dodgy. Corbin and I have been friends now for a year or so after staying overnight at Corbins trampoline park and since then we have had a very flirty kind of relationship, the boys are all used to it now and even my brother Colby wants me to date Corbin
"Ok so tonight we're playing games for $10,000" Elton holds up the money
"I'll take that thank you" I go to take the money out of his hand but he puts his arm up do it's out of reach from me making my pout. Red team is Jody, Tavin, Elton and Corbin while blue team is Jake, Sam, Colby, Corey and myself, were the TRAP team. We first start with football (soccer for you Americans put there, but for my sanity we're calling it football) in like zorbs we only have 2 red zorbs and 2 blue so we have to take it on turns. It's finally my turn to go in after Jake
"Ewww it's all hot in here" I yell making everyone laugh
"That's because your in there" Corbin comments, I mean technically he's not wrong because if I wasn't in here it wouldn't be warm because my breath wouldn't be making it hot, but I know what he means so I just roll my eyes   I run after the ball pushing Jody out the way but I'm tripped up by Elton and land on my butt. Evan walks over to me as I just sit there contemplating what my life
"You ok?" he asks laughing
"Yeah just, ya know now wondering if the $10,000 is worth the sweat you know"
"YN you should be used to working up a sweat if ya know what I mean" Corbin bounces over to me
"Your so dirty minded" I laugh getting out of the zorb thing giving it to Colby
"I was on about the fact you dance but ok"
We ended up loosing that game and red team wins. Corbin does a back flip off the zorb ball then flips over Elton in the zorb ball
"YN you do a flip" Jake says
"Nooo" I say kinda childishly shaking my head
"What have you and Corbin been doing then during those privet lessons?" Sam asks walking up to me
"Oh yeah sure I can flip yeah" I shrug trying to avoid that subject
"Go on then in the foam pit" Elton says
"Fine but then you all have to do pliés"
"Ok I'll make you a deal if you back flip into the foam pit and have perfect form then we will all do a pliè"
"Deal" I walk to the edge of the foam pit
"Ok just make sure you push yourself a little so you don't hit your head on the side, but don't go to far or else you'll hit your head on the beam" I nod my head at Corbin. I do a back flip perfectly and now the boys are all lined up with their feet out in first position
"Pliè and stretch" I say demonstrating.

The next activity is we are on the beams over the foam pit and we are throwing each other off. Elton throws Sam off, Colby throws Corbin off, Corey throws Tavin off, Jake throws Jody off then finally it's my turn. Corbin goes again I kinda hit him
"Sorry guys but I don't want to hurt my future girlfriend" Corbin jumps off
"Yeah in your dreams Corbin"
"Oh don't worry baby your always in my dreams" I roll my eyes and jump off the beam into the foam pit.

Next is a game of dodge ball which after being hit a few times we loose. We then go again then lifting our shirts up so we can't see
"Ok can we just point out that YN has the best abs out of all off us" Jake says pointing to me
"Yeah. I go to the gym nearly everyday and look" Colby tenses his stomach showing a few abs but when I do I have a whole ass 6 pack. We loose again so at the moment the red team are in lead. We play a few more games like laser tag  and chapter the flag when we finally get to the last game.

We play the football game again but this time in led black lights. I'm not in a zorb ball this time but just jumping about on the trampoline. Elton rams into me making me fall
"Oww Elton" I pout as Sam helps me up "see at least I have one nice friend"
"Hey I'm nice" Corey says offended
"Yeah and me" Jake says
"And I'm like the best brother right?"
"Eh I prefer gage" I shrug getting up
"Wow just wow. I'll remember that" Colby points to me
"I'm kidding you know I love you both equally" I run and hug Colby "ewww your all sweaty" I laugh pulling away from him. I jump off he trampoline to go and get my water bottle but land funny on my ankle making me fall "ow" I yell holding on to my ankle
"What the duck just happened?" Elton says as tears start to form
"How did you manage to hurt yourself" Corey laughs but stops when he sees I'm not laughing with him. Corbin runs over to me and crouches down to my level
"What's happened?"
"I jumped off the trampoline and landed funny"
"Ok can you move it?" he asks
"I don't know but it hurts"Corbin moves my hands so he can look "oh shit. Guys it's already swollen" the staff who let us stay the night go to get an ice pack while Colby goes to get a chair for me to sit on and Sam gets one for me to rest my ankle on. Corbin helps me up and sit back down as the ice pack arrives
"Maybe we should call it a night" Elton says "and one of us should take her to the hospital to to make sure it's ok"
"Yeah I will, I'll bring her back home later once we're done" Corbin says. I get up with the help of Corbin once again and we make our way to the car. I get in and he starts driving
"Do you know how I keep saying your going to be my future girlfriend?"
"Well what about if I started to call you my girlfriend" a smile plasters on my face
"I'd like that" Corbin takes my hand in his as he drives to the hospital.

Thankfully my ankle was just sprained and I've been told to just keep off it for a few weeks. Corbin drives me back to the TRAP house
"So I'll see you tomorrow then for our date?"
"As long as we're sat down then yes" I smile and give him a peck on the check before hopping into the house.

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