Destroying Bestfriends Car Pt2

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So apparently I'm not allowed to drive the tank but I get to ride on top of it. I put the harness on so I don't fall off
"I feel so cool right now" I laugh. We have someone drive the tank over to Colbys car
"So we're gonna blow up Colbys car?" Corey says
"Yeah we're going to shoot at with this tank then when we're done we're gonna take a bigger tank and crush it" Elton says like it's nothing
"HELL YEAH" I yell
"Ok she really scars me" Corbin says laughing
"She's like Colby x10" Corey laughs
"You sure she's Colbys sister not Elton's?" Andrea says frowning. I shrug
"Maybe I was swapped at birth" Jay is the first to have a go at shooting Colbys car
"I wanna, I wanna" I say jumping up and down as Elton puts the camera on me. Andrea shakes her head walking away towards Jay. I get up the tank with the help of Corbin and Corey
"Ok are you ready?" The guy who was driving the tank says as I put on goggles and earmuffs, I nod my head and he shows me what to do. I then shoot at Colbys car laughing at how much fun I'm having. After my turn it's Elton's turn to use the big missiles
"How did that feel?" Jay asks Elton
"I- I want more" Elton laughs
"I'm guessing you enjoyed that?" I say
"Hell yeah I did. This is like a good stress reliever" he continues to laughs
"That was fucking awesome" Corey breaths out
"What if we do that to Sams car?" Elton say
"No" I say dead pan "I love Sams car. Also Sam hasn't annoyed me so no" I frown
"Yeah not a good idea" Jay makes a no motion with his hand "don't want to get on the wrong side of her"
"How about we crush the car then?"
"YESSS lets goooo" I yell. We have a crane lift Colbys car away to take it somewhere where we can crush it. We get into another tank ready to drive over the car
"How you feeling?" Elton asks Jay
"Ughhh I dunno. This is weird. We're about to run over a car with a tank"
"Yeah. It's our friends car" Elton says
"Ugh yeah that's true"
"I feel like we've all forgotten that and now it's just a car we're destroying. Well all off us except YN who has been way to excited and happy about this" the tank starts moving and we all start yelling. Colbys car is crushed underneath us as we all yell. We get off the tank and I frown
"What's wrong?" Corey asks
"It's over" I say sadly
"Oh my god" he yells
"What?" Elton asks bringing the camera over
"Dude she's sad because it's over" Elton just starts laughing.

A few days later
It's been a few days since we destroyed Colbys car. We're now back in LA and it's time to reveal to Colby what we did. I haven't seen Colby since he got home last night
"Alright everybody Colby got home last night and he FaceTimed me with the note and sticker on his door and wanted to know what the hell YN and I did"
"He tried to to ring me but I told him I was catching up with Sam and didn't want to be disturbed"
"Ok ewww" Corey says says looking at me
"Well I told Colby he had to wait till the text morning and now where here with his new car"
"With his Tesla" Corey says
"Shhhb you can't tell them" Elton says pointing at the camera
"Oh sorry it's a Jeep not a Tesla" Corey saying making us laugh
"Ok so I think we should go to his apartment and show his what we did to his car then show him is new car"
"Yeah I like that idea let's go"
"He's gonna be so happy" I say
"Yeah he's gonna kiss us" Corey says excitedly
"Yeah with his fist" Elton says
"With his fist your funny. Naaa he know not to harm the favourite child".

We walk up the stairs towards our apartments meeting Sam half way
"Hi Sam" Elton yells
"Hi Elton" Sam yells back. I jump on his back and he carries me the rest of the way to our apartment "welcome to Colbys apartment" he says. I jump off Sams back and bang on the door
"Colby your favourite sibling is here" I yell as he opens the door
"Gage? Oh wait it's you. Where's my car you worm"
"Wow... nice to see you to bitch"
"Where's my car?" He asks again
"I think the correct term is dude" Elton says
"Dude. Where's my car?"
"Ahhh he's really good. Like an actor" Corey laughs
"Where's my car?" Colby asks again
"Ok ok well tell you" I say moving him out the way walking into his apartment
"I got the note that says 'sorry from YN and Elton' so where's my car?" Colby slams down his hands
"ITS GONE" Corey yells
"WHERE IS IT?" Colby yells back
"I know it's a hard time for you but listen we did everything we could but.... I'm sorry she didn't survive" I say giving him a sad face and patting him on the back. Colby grabs the paper towels and throws them at me
"I just want to say I wasn't apart of this" Sam says holding his hands up
"Errrr cut to 2 weeks ago when you were outside with me and Elton whole Colbys car was being toed away"
"Do you want the good news or bad news first?"
"I dunno" Colby reply's to Elton
"Well the good news is that we got you a new car" Colby looks at Elton suspiciously
"A new car?"
"YEAH" Corey yells pretending to drink out of a red solo cup making us laugh
"What the fuck dude" I say
"Ok but the bad news is we destroyed your old car"
"You what?"
"Well do you remember when you took Skye? Well this was pay back. Let's show him the footage"
"Now just a warning to both of you" Elton says pointing at Sam and Colby "the angel that is YN literally becomes a demon during this video"
"Huh?" Colby looks confused
"Just watch" Elton shows Colby and Sam the video footage. Colby complains about me driving and then they laugh at me falling over
"What the fuck was the matter with you?" Colby laughs
"She was so hyper that day" Corey says
"The fact she was actually sad it was over. Babe are you ok?" Sam looks at me concerned. We take the boys downstairs to Colbys new car.

"On three ready Colby" Corey says holding the sheet "one, two, three" they take off the sheet and reveal a brand new Toyota Corolla. I burst out laughing
"Wait is this my car? Did you even destroy my car?" Colby looks confused
"Where's the dent? Where are the scratches?"Elton says pointing the car at me
"Hey why are you looking at me?"
"Because we all know your not the best driver and you borrow Colbys car a lot"
"Ok ok but hey I'm sure we can create those scratches and dents" I shrug
"Wait so you got me a new car but it's the same as my old one?" Colby shakes his head
"Oh my god" Sam laughs
"You wanna drive your new car?" Elton asks
"Or I can?"
"NO" everyone yells
"Fine" I cross my arms getting in the back between Corey and Elton. The boys all make jokes about how the car feels so familiar. After the little drive we park back in Colbys space
"Now can I have a new car?" I ask
"You can have one of those toy ones to learn how to drive" Elton laughs
"I'm not that bad" I pout
"Cut to YN driving the old car"
"Ok whatever"
"That's it for this prank. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as YN enjoyed destroying the car and I'll see you all soon" Elton ends the video and we all head back to Colbys apartment
"Are you sure you don't want to get me a new car?" I ask Elton
"How about this. If you learn how to drive better and have 1 year no claims. I'll buy you a new car"
"Deal" I say shaking his hand.

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