Insecurities- Colby

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I've been dating Colby now for about 8 months and I've been friends with him for about 3 years now. When Colby and I announced we were together I got a lot of hate, I learnt to ignore it and it started to die down. However there is still a handful of people who still send me hate. Recently they created a group on twitter just to hate me and I got added into this group. I've always struggled with the way I look, when Colby and I first met I was anorexic and although he helped me get better I have never felt like I was pretty or liked how I looked
"Baby are you ready?" Colby calls from downstairs
"Yeah I'm coming now" we're filming a video for Colby's channel. It's winter so the pool is cold, we're all getting in the pool and and first to get the answer right can get out the pool the looser will have to drink a smoothie made by the winner. I walk downstairs in my bikini and see the other girls, Kat, Tara, Xepher, Shea, Cassie and Andrea. All these girls are gorgeous then there's me, just an average girl. During the whole video I felt uncomfortable being around the girls and I think the viewers will be able to tell that. Once I'm out the pool I go straight back to mine and Colby's shared room and get changed into baggy clothes. Colby walks in through the door
"Babe what's up?"
"I know what something bothering you. Come on tell me"
"It's just the other girls are all beautiful and look amazing in bikinis and there's me. I've never loved my body and I just don't understand how you can love me, like look at Shea for god sake she's a model"
Colby's POV
"Baby are you ready?" I call you to YN who's in our room
"Yeah I'm coming now" she says. A few seconds later I hear the door open and shut then see my beautiful girlfriend come down the stairs. We head outside where all our friends are waiting for us. We start the video and I can tell the whole time YN doesn't feel good and as soon as she gets a question right she heads inside. I pause the video to go and check on her. I got up stairs to our room and walk through the door
"Babe what's up?"
"I know what something bothering you. Come on tell me"
"It's just the other girls are all beautiful and look amazing in bikinis and there's me. I've never loved my body and I just don't understand how you can love me, like look at Shea for god sake she's a model" I hate when she feels like this. All I see is a beautiful woman but she can't see that
"Babe come here. I love you only you. Your beautiful inside and out, Shea may be a model but you could be as well, in fact you are one in my eyes. I know you were added into the group on Twitter and I don't know what they have said but don't listen to them. I will love you enough for the both of us util you start to love yourself and I promise one day you will" she starts to cry when there a knock on the door
There's a knock on the door, I wipe my eyes and see the girls with a sad look on their faces
"YN are you ok?" Kat asks
"I just hate feeling like this all the time. Being jealous over my best friends because I hate the way I look" I say crying. Kat and Shea are the first to walk in
"YN you are smart, kind, so god damn pretty you have no reason to feel like that. I could tell you felt uncomfortable in the bikini so why don't we go out shopping tomorrow and we will find you some clothes that make you feel amazing while looking sexy as hell" Shea says, Shea is like a big sister to me. I nod my head and we have a group hug before they all leave the room, leave me and Colby together
"YN I love you so much and I will tell you everyday how beautiful you are and how much I love you" I smile at Colby and kiss him
"I love you too" I hug Colby and we head back out side. I sit on the sun chair outside while Colby finishes up is video. Jake was the last to leave the pool so had to drink a smoothie made by Sam who was the first one out.

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