Fruit By The Foot

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Requested by @delineglamour

In this one YN and Jake are dating

I groan getting up off the couch after hearing a obnoxious amount off knocking on my apartment door
"Ok ok I'm coming" I say slightly irritated. All I wanted to do today was lie on the couch and watch TV. I open the door to see my boyfriend Jake, Colby and Reggie. Jake is holding a camera smiling at me "oh no what do you want?" I ask slightly worried
"Will you be in a video please"
"What video?" I narrow my eyes and cross my arms over my chest
"You'll see" Jake puts his hand out for me to take. I groan once again making everyone laugh, and take my keys off my hook and walk out the apartment locking it on the way out. We walk out the apartment complex to the side where the grass is
"Ok YN can you please sit down?" Colby asks
"Your not gonna give me a lap dance are you?" I question flittering my eyes between the boys making them laugh at me. Jake hands Reggie the camera and he starts his video
"Ok so let's see if YN can break free after we wrap all of this fruit by the foot around her"
"Wait no Jake why? This is gonna make me all sticky and yucky and then I'll have to take another shower"
"YN quiet let the master work" Jake carefully opens a packet and starts wrapping it around my wrist while Reggie is filming and Colby is opening a packet to help Jake tie my hands
"So if YN can't get out should we just leave her here over night?" Jake asks Colby
"Yeah probably"
"I hate you guys"
"No you don't you love us" Jake says kissing my cheek then proceeding to wrap my arms. I cough and open my mouth to hint I want to eat some
"Stinky your ment to put your hand over your mouth to cough you'll spread germs"
"I'll cough on you in a minute" I glare at Reggie then open my mouth again. Jake puts some fruit by the foot in and I smile while chewing.

The boys continue to wrap my arms up, Colby squeezes the fruit snack a little
"Owwww" I yell
"Did that hurt? I'm so sorry"
"Are you ok YN? Colby I told you not to squeeze to hard" I grin then laugh watching how serious Colby went and how quickly Jake turned into protective boyfriend mode
"Your evil you know that" Colby shakes his head
"Yeah helps me sleep at night" I nod "can I have a green and orange one when you get the chance" I ask. After a few packets Jake opens one up
"Is this the one you wanted?" He asks
"Yeah. Just put the tip in my mouth.... wait that sounded wrong. I didn't mean for it to come out like that" I laugh
"No you knew exactly what you were saying" Reggie says. Jake pours some water on my arms
"Jake what are you doing? No it's gonna be sticky"
"That's the point"
"YN" I look up to Colby who throws a strip at me
"I swear when this is over you guys are gonna be in trouble"
"People probably think we're doing something sketchy" Colby says
"Yeah no shit. A girl being tied up by 2 guys while another guy is holding a camera" I shake my head
"They're gonna think we have some weird kink" Jake laughs "let's wrap your legs as well"

After a while my arms and legs are wrapped together it's nearly time to break free
"I want a massage after this. My back hurts from hunching over"
"I'll give you one later"
"Awww relationship goals" Colby jumps up and down clapping making me roll my eyes
"This actually is starting to hurt now guys" I say
"Doesn't hurt us" Reggie says. I glare at him
"I'll hurt you once I'm out of this. I swear all you guys are getting a bitch slap" I rub my ear on my shoulder which makes me loose balance and I end up rolling "ow ow ow can you help me up"
"Yeah Colby grab her shoulders" Jake and Colby pull me back up
"You ok?" Colby asks
"Yeah but there's hair in my mouth now" Jake moved the hair out of my face

"Ok we're done now" Jake stands up
"Can I break free?" I ask excitedly
"Bye YN you guys want a smoothie?" Jake asks the others and they walk off
"What no don't leave me. I want a smoothie. Come back. Guys" I pout "I'll cry?" I say more of a question to see if they will come back. When they do Jake calculates that I roughly have about 300 rolls of fruit by the foot which are about 3ft long so I currently have 900ft of fruit by the foot wrapped around my arms and legs
"Ok so the ultimate test can YN break free? 3, 2, 1" Jake counts down and I start to pull my hands away from each other
"I can't do it" I say struggling
"Come on you got this" Jake says trying to encourage me
"Jake I literally can't" I say feeling extremely weak now. I struggle some more
"You got it YN" Colby says. I manage to push my one leg forward and my arms up. It's starts to rip "your doing it"
"Look you've almost got it"
"Guys I thought the plan was to leave her and run?"
"Reggie I swear to all things good I'm about to kick your ass" I managed to get my arms free then my hands. I take the rest off my legs and stand up "ow it's hurts to stand. My back is literally killing me right now"
"Ha so you can't kick my ass"
"Today. Just you wait"

Jake ends his video and we head back inside my apartment after saying bye to Colby and Reggie. I take a shower and lie on my bed on my stomach
"Do you want that massage now?" Jake asks
"Yes please" I say as Jake moves my shirt up to rub my back and shoulders. I sigh contented at my life, I have some amazing friends and boyfriend. Even though I do weird stuff for them we always have each others best interests in mind.

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