Playlist Q&A

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For this one I'm just using random names for the @
Today I am doing a panel with my brother Sam, my boyfriend Colby and best friends Corey and Jake. I used to explore abandoned buildings with Sam and Colby a lot, now we do paranormal investigations. I'm sat in between Colby who's holding my hand and Corey
"What's up everyone are you all enjoying playlist?" Asks our interviewer Ryan. The crowd cheer
"Ok so first we have some twitter questions then you guys will get the chance to ask some questions. So the first question is from baileyloves_thetraphouse. And she says YN what's it like living with a house full of boys and going on trips with them?"
"Ooo good question. I actually love living with these guys, I actually enjoy cleaning so it doesn't bother me to much when they make a mess. The only thing I ask them to do is their own laundry and plates which they are pretty good at. As for the trips again I love it"
"Ok the next question is from Sophie_james. Can you all try and do the splits?"
"YN can" Sam points at me
"She's really flexible which is really useful at times" Colby says then everyone starts laughing and making oooo noises. I burry my head in my hands "oh my god guys I didn't mean it like that I just meant like when we play hide and seek and for pranks she can fit in small places" Colby's face goes red, all the boys are laughing
"I think you all need to show us your splits" we get up and I get all the way down but the boys struggle while I just laugh
"Nope can't do it" Sam says
"YN was a gymnast for years and is a dancer so I feel like it's just unfair to go against her" Jake says. We walk back behind the table to answer more questions
"Lillysbrolby says can you describe each other in one word"
"Ok I'll go first"Sam says as he's on the end "Colby is passionate, YN is annoying" everyone laughs and I roll my eyes "Corey is funny and Jake is crazy"
"My turn. I'm going to say Sam is hardworking. I can't say one thing to describe YN she's everything" everyone awwws "Corey is hilarious and Jake is bubbly"
"Sam is a workaholic. Colby is captivating, everything he does just makes me want to stare at him, not in a creepy way. Corey is loving and Jake is... Jake"
"I'm going to say Sams a workaholic as well, Colby is strong minded I know that's 2 words but still. YNs energetic and Jake is a fruitcake"
"Sams warm, like you can just easily talk to him. Colby is a secret romantic, YN is smart and I'm going to also say Corey is hilarious"
"Now we're going to move on to the audience"
A girl stands up wearing the XPLR merch
"Hi my names Harriet. My question is for YN, will you be bringing out merch or anything soon?"
"Yes I will be bringing out some hoodies, sweats, leggings and sports bras very soon"
"Hi my names fran and my question is for Sam. What was your reaction when Colby and YN announced they were dating?"
"Errm I think I always knew it was going to happen at some point so when they told me I wasn't really shocked, but I was upset for a long time because I was the last person to know"
"I thought you were gonna hate me bro" Colby laughs
"Hi I'm Oscar and this is for all of you. What was the scariest moment on a trip?"
"All of them" Corey says causing all of us to laugh "for real though probably the castle when I saw the shadowman"
"My scariest moment was probably when we were at the Stanley stood on the stairs. I don't think we got it on camera but I saw a shadow at the top of the stairs then the next thing I knew was I was at the bottom of the stairs with these guys surrounding me" I say shivering at the thought of what happened
"Oh god yeah that was scary" Sam says looking at me
"So much weird stuff happened there so I'm with YN on the stanly hotel. After that I was so scared for her all night" Colby says shaking his head
"You were joined at the hip after that" Corey says
"For me it was when we were at the graveyard and we found all the teeth"  Jake says
"Hi my name is Ella and my question is out of your friends who would you swap lives with for a day?"
"Hmm id probably swap with Aryia so I could sing" Colby says laughing
"I'd swap with Corey so I could dance" Sam says
"I'd swap with Tara so I know how it feels dating me" everyone starts laughing
"I'd swap with Devyn because 1 she is gorgeous and 2 her makeup skills"
"I'd swap with Colby so YN can cook for me"
"I already do Corey" I look at him confused "I cook for all of you. If it wasn't for me you would all be having postmates all the time"
"She not wrong bro" Sam chuckles
We continue with the panel being asked questions and doing little tasks like handstands and cartwheels. Finally it was time to wrap up and head over to our meet and greet then back to our hotel rooms to sleep ready for the next day at playlist.

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