Queen Mary Pt5

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I'm sorry about not posting sooner, been really busy at work and home life but it's finally here. This one is based off the video 'scariest night of our lives' where Sam, Colby, Corey, Jake and Aaron go to the Queen Mary ship and stay in room B340. This is a long one but I hope you enjoy it

I'm stood outside the Queen Mary ship once again this time Sam Colby and I are joined with Corey, Jake and Aaron. Since Colby told me we're were returning my anxiety has been through the roof so I'm thankful there are more of us this time. Sam and Colby are currently stood in front of Corey, Jake Aaron and I while I'm stood in between Corey and Jake
"What's up guys is Sam and Colby" Colby begins the intro
"Today we are back at the Queen Mary with all of our roommates. Today we have been given permission to stay in room B340" my stomach suddenly drops. Sam and Colby continue to do their intro and start the explain the history of the Queen Mary as we are walking into the ship
"I heard that at 3am you hear someone say Daddy" Jake says Daddy high pitched
"No bro that's just YN" Corey laughs
"Ewww you guys" I playfully hit Corey on the arm. Sam checks us in and we are given a piece of paper with all the recorded experiences from that room Sam hands it to Colby and he starts to read off
"Sealed off from the public a passenger Samuel"
"No way no" Sam nervously laughs
"Wait seriously it says Samuel?" I move round to look where Colbys reading "suffered with dementia and was locked in the room the door could only be opened from the outside and in the morning he was found dead" I quietly finish the sentence
"Death by his own hand was impossible" Colby finishes
"I don't like this already" I sigh holding on to Colby's arm
"I heard that at night hands come up from under the bed and then touch you and stuff" "baabe" I whine trying to get him to stop scaring me
"Oh yeah that might happen to you guys"
"Is that gonna be from a ghost or from you?" Sam asks Jake
"I dunno man" Jake says so nonchalantly making us all laugh. Maybe it won't be as bad as I thought, at least we have Jake to lighten up the mood right? We finally get to B340, even before we get in I feel like we've made a bad choice in returning here. Colby takes my hand and whispers in my ear
"You ok?"
"Errm yeah I'll be fine" I smile up to him and peck him on his lips as Jake opens up the room "here's a question. Why have we let Jake have the card for this room?" I ask more scared now that he's going to lock us out at some point
"Don't worry I have a spare" Sam says patting his wallet in his jeans. Jake opens the door and we walk in. We're hit with a weird musty smell
"Dude what's that smell?" Corey asks
"It's probably from it being unoccupied for so long" I say removing my hand from Colby to look around. I walk over to the bed and sit "I mean the beds comfy" I shrug, Colby chuckles
"Yo look" Jake points to a chest. I hop off the bed and walk over
"Nope no no way. We said we would never do one again and I already broke that promise so no I'm not playing with that"
"I'm with YN on this. I'm not playing" Corey shakes his head. Colby sits down on a chair and I sit in his lap so that the others have room to sit on the couch
"I have a problem. I need to pee but I don't want to go alone" Colby says
"That's ok all 6 of us will come with you" Sam chuckles and we all get up to go to the bathroom suddenly the lamp in the room starts flickering
"What the fuck" I jump. Colby opens up the draw the lap is sat on
"Oh look that's why" he says as it carry's on flickering but then stops
"Wait what the fuck?" Corey now starts jumping around
"Is there loose wires or something?" I ask as I walk over to it as open the draw and shut it again
"It has to be a set up" Aaron says
"It's either that or a loose wire at the back. My led makeup mirror does it at home sometimes if it's not plugged in right"
"That's true. If I walk near it sometimes it flickers"
"Ask it to do it right now colby" Corey points to the lamp
"If there are any spirits in here with us right now turn on the lamp" Colby clicks his fingers and points to the lamp and nothing happens
"I'm putting that down to loose wires" I say shrugging sitting back on the bed. Jake sits next to me then leans back on to the pillows. We decide to turn the lights off and listen for anything. A few seconds later I hear a knock and Jake nudges me, I'm guessing he heard it too. Sam turns the lights back on
"I hear something" Jake says
"Yeah same. It came from around here" I point to the wall
"Yo wait wait are these hand prints?" Colby points to where I was pointing. I notice them and stand on the bed
"Oh hell no. No thank nope no. Not doing that again"
"Dude the closet" Sam exclaims
"Those weren't there before" Corey says freaked out
"Babe give me your hand"
"Why?" I slowing give Colby my hand and he places it on the wall next to the hand print
"It's smaller that YNs hand"
"That's creepy I don't like this" I whine snatching my hand back. We decide to go and explore the ship but as we leave Aaron stays back. When we walk back in the room Aaron says he was hearing knocking coming from the bed, he plays us an audio clip but we end up hearing a knock in real time
"Did you hear that?" Corey points to the bed
"Yup" I nod
"Let's just go and explore the ship for a bit" Colby takes my hand and this time we all walk out together. We explore the ship which lightens up the mood a bit as the boys mess about. Sam and Colby pretend to get married, Jake and Corey pretends to be Rose and Jack, Aaron pretends to be a.... a bird? I just watch these guys mess around goofing off realising that have the best friendship group someone could ask for.
To be continued.......

I'm only 14 minutes into the video and I've already wrote 1100 words so I'll split it up into 2 chapters for this video ❤️

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