Bed Day

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@80s_alina asked for another Reggie imagine so here it is. I hope you enjoy it ❤️

I'm lying in my bed in pain because of that time of the month. My phone rings, I groan rolling over to answer it, however once I see the same across the screen I feel slightly better
"Hiya babe" I say through the phone
"Hey angel I was wondering if you wanted to come over to film?" Reggie's voice comes through
"Ughh I would but I've just started my period and nothings helping the pain"
"Your in pain?" He asks with concern
"Yeah. Normally the tablets I take help but this time they haven't. I just don't think I'd be very fun to film with at the moment" I chuckle a little
"Ok no worries angel. Get some sleep and I'll speak to you in a bit"
"Ok speak to you later" I put the phone down and close my eyes trying to think of anything but the pain I am currently experiencing.
I must have dozed off because I'm woken up by my front door opening then shutting. I sit up in bed just about to get out when the bedroom door opens revealing Reggie holding a bag
"What are you doing here?"
"Well you said your period started and your in pain so I've come to look after you" he plonks himself down on my bed " I've got you some chips, chocolate, some pads and candy"
"Babe you didn't have to do this"
"Yes I did because I love you" Reggie kisses my forehead as I smile "now let me get you a hot water bottle while you pick out something to watch on Netflix" Reggie walks out holding my Minnie Mouse hot water bottle. I put on friends, which is honestly the best comfort show ever.

Reggie walks back into the bedroom with the hot water bottle and I put it around my stomach. He climbs in bed with me and pulls me to him so his one arm is around my shoulders and the other is holding the water bottle on my stomach. I open up the bar of chocolate, plopping a square in my mouth then feeding a square to Reggie. This goes on for a few hours, after eating the chocolate we ate the chip then after that we ate the candy. Before long it's evening time
"How's your tummy?"
"Better than it was but still hurts"
"I'll run you a bath" Reggie kisses my lips as he gets out of bed and makes his way to the bathroom. I hear him turn on the taps, I get out of bed and walk over to my closet pulling out some night clothes. I walk in to the bathroom and the bubbles are flowing, Reggie puts on some calming music
"Let me pamper you. I've got your face wash and face masks here so just relax and think of being at a spar" I giggle a little before getting into the bath. Reggie washes my face then puts on a face mask
"Thank you for this Reggie"
"Anything for you my angel"
"You truly are the best boyfriend in the world"
"And your the best girlfriend in the galaxy"
"Ok now your just being cheesy"
"But you love it"
"Hmmm maybe I do. Can't you stay the night?" I ask with my eyes closed
"Of course I will"

After the bath I get changed and both Reggie and I climb into bed, our legs tangle with each other's and I lay my head on his chest
"I don't think I say this enough but I love you Reggie"
"I'm glad you don't say it all the time because then when you do say it it hasn't lost it's meaning. I love you too angel now let's put on a film, anything in particular?"
"Just an easy watch because I'm probably gonna end up falling asleep" I giggle
"Ok how about Matilda. We haven't watched that in a while?"
"Ooo yes Matilda" Reggie presses play "thank you to today" I snuggle into Reggie and soon fall asleep as the pains start to ease.

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