Saved Pt2

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Trigger warning ⚠️ abuse

Not long later everyone eventually arrives back at the house. We're sat watching TV
"Corey is it ok if I stay over here tonight?"
"Of course. Is everything ok with Liam?"everyone's now starring at me
"Yeah everything's fine. He's out with some friends tonight so I thought I'd ask to stay over" Corey looks at me like he doesn't quite believe me, but I haven't completely lied because Liam will probably go out and get drunk at a bar.
"Hey let's all go chill in the pool" Kat says excitedly. ahh shit I can't let them see my legs or arms, they are covered in bruises. I need to think of an excuse
"Errr I haven't got my swimming costume with me"
"That's ok YN I've got a spare one here" Tara says, great
"I'm actually kinda tired so I might just go nap for a bit"
"YN what's up? Somethings off with you. It has been for the last few months" Jake says. Jake is normally the joker of our friendship group but there are times when he can be serious and those times he is you know something up. Now because Jake is acting serious everyone else is
"Nothings wrong just drop it" I raise my voice, something I never do. I know I should just tell them about Liam but 1. My brother will probably kill Liam 2. The other boys will end up joining and 3. How do you tell your brother and friends that your boyfriend of 3 years has been abusing you? I get up from the couch and go to the spare room, which has basically become my room. I'm sat at the edge of the bed looking at myself in the mirror opposite. Theres a knock on the door and Tara and Kat walk in
"Hey YN. You going to tell us what's going on?" Kat says as she walks over to me and sits on the bed. Tara comes and sits on my other side, she pulls me in for a hug which makes me wince as I'm sore. She notices and lets go
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, but how come that hurt?" I need to think of an excuse
"Oh errr I fell down the stairs at Liam's, you know me clumsy as ever" I laugh trying to play it off
"YN why do you always refer to your home as Liam's? It's not just his" Kat asks me
"I guess because I moved in with him. We didn't pick it out together" the truth is it's not my home, it never has been. Liam never put my name on the lease and so if he kicks me out I will be homeless. Yes I guess I could live here but I wouldn't want to burden the boys like that. This is their space
"YN are you happy with Liam?" Tara asks and at this point I can't contain my sadness and a tear falls down my face "did he do something? Did he cheat or are the arguments getting worse?" I just shake my head and bury my face into my hands. We're sat like that for just a minute or so, Kat rubbing my back and Tara hugging me but being more gentle.  Before I know it Corey was now in the room, I'm guessing Kat or Tara had texted him
"YN I need you be honest with me please. What is going on?" Corey says as he kneels in front of me. I shake my head
"I-I c-can't say" I stutter
"YN you are my baby sister and I promised mum and dad that I would take care of you when you moved to LA. If you don't tell me what's wrong I can't help"
"I'm s-s-scared all th-the time"
"Why are you scared what has he done?" Kat asks in her soft voice
"At the b-beginning he was nice. H-he loved me, b-b-but then started to s-say nasty things"
"Like what" Corey is now raising his voice obviously not at me but he's angry. I take a shaky breath
"He would call me things whore and ugly he would say that I" I take another shaky breath "wasn't worth love. He then started to get angry when I posted on Instagram without his permission" I begin to cry even more. Corey stands up
"THAT DICK. IM GONNA KILL HIM" Corey shouts as he walks out the room. I get up and run after him
"Corey wait"

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