Hot But An Idiot

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I walk down the halls towards cheer practice in the gym when my idiot of a boyfriend Colby pushes me into a locker licking his lips
"Babe not now I've got practice" I say irritated
"Come on baby just a quick one in the janitors closet. You know you look hot in that uniform"
"I'm sorry I got to go" I push Colby off me and continue to walk down the hallway. Once I arrive I'm greeted by Kat and Devyn
"Your late"
"Yeah yeah I know. Colby cornered me" I place my bag down
"I don't get why your with him if you don't actually like him" Devyn shrugs
"He's hot don't get me wrong and a good time if you know what I mean but that's all he cares about. That and sports. I just want someone who has more depth to them not someone who needs 2+2 explaining to him. Like I have to act dumb around him. Thank god im not in any of his classes" we finish up cheer practice and I'm on my way to science when I see Colby, Sam, Jake and Corey pushing Aryia and Kevin around. I walk over to them "hey what are you guys doing?"
"Just teaching these 2 a lesson"
"A lesson in what exactly? How to be a douche because we really don't need more idiots around these halls" Colby walks up to my face
"What did you just say?"
"Give over Colby. Just leave them alone ok"
"Whatever let's bounce" the boys leave and I turn to Aryia and Kevin
"Hey are you both ok?"
"Errr yeah I guess thanks" Aryia says
"Come on I'll walk with you to class" we walk into science and are given a new seating arrangement. I'm sat next to Kevin
"Why did you intervene earlier?"
"Because I can stand dicks like Colby pushing people about. He thinks he's all that but he's really not"
"Isn't he your boyfriend?"
"Yeah well it doesn't feel like it. It's like we're just fuck buddies"
"why are you being so nice. Isn't it common practice that the cheerleaders are mean like their jock boyfriends?" I laugh
"Just a stupid stereotype that I don't want to fit into. Hey do you and Aryia want to go grab food after school? My treat"
"Erm sure thanks"
After school I meet Kevin and Aryia in a juice shop. The shop is pretty full of people from school causing me to get a few glares while sat with Kevin and Aryia but I get on with them really well, it's nice to have an actual conversation and not talk to a brick wall. The shop door opens and in strides Colby with his arm around a girl. I scoff
"Huh would you look at that. Not only does he only date me for sex he cheats on me when I won't have sex with him"
"I'm sorry YN"
"It's fine kev don't worry. I'll get my own back" I smirk
"I don't like that look" Aryia says. I stand up with my juice and walk over to Colby
"Baby I know your thick but really you thought you could sneak around hooking up with some other chick?" The girl looks at me confused "oh sorry I'm YN I'm Colbys girlfriend, oh wait I mean ex girlfriend" the girl doesn't go to our school and from her expression she didn't know about me. He slaps him and walks out
"What the hell YN?"
"What the hell? Your really mad at me for telling that girl that your cheating. I'm sorry you now don't have anyone to fuck but I'm sure you'll find someone else" I go to turn around "oh and one more thing" I pour my juice on him and there's an uproar of laughter. I walk back over to Kevin and Aryia.
Over the next few weeks Colby got the piss taken out of him for what happened at the juice shop, Aryia and Kevin started to become popular and it was now a good thing to be smart in class. I didn't have to hide that I wasn't dumb and I may have started to get quite close to Kevin.... ok Kevin and I started to date. We're walking down the hall towards the gym hand in hand
"So you gonna watch me practice?" I ask Kevin
"Of course baby" he leans down and kisses me on the lips
"I'm so happy I stood up to that idiot"
"So am I" he replied hugging me

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