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Another request by @Gertrude235lucy

"Just take it easy please" Kevin my boyfriend says to me dropping me off at Sam and Kats
"Babe I'll be fine. If anything happens I'll ring you, this is why we decided I would some to Kat and Sam's"
"Yes" Kevin stops the car and comes round to my side helping me out of the car. Sam and Kat come out the house to greet us
"YN your stomach has completely dropped" Kat says
"2 days over my due date and I'm so fed up" I sigh and Kevin chuckles
"I'll pick up up after I've filmed a video with the cam boys"
"Ok I'll see you later. I love you"
"I love you too" Kevin and I kiss then he gets back in the car. I waddle inside Kat and Sams house, both of them guiding me to the couch. I sit down as Kat sits next to me, Sam walks into the kitchen to get us all a drink
"Colby is coming over in a bit, said he's bored" Sam calls from the kitchen
"I feel bad I've barley seen anyone recently"
"Don't feel bad, your 9 months pregnant and it doesn't help the boys create a hyper environment"
"Are you still ok being my birthing partner with Kevin?"
"Of course, this little girl needs to hurry and come out soon because her auntie Kat wants cuddles"

An hour later Colby arrives and I've started to get a few pains in my stomach, but I have been having these pains for the last couple of days on and off. My midwife said it's because my body is getting ready to give birth and it's normal so I just brush it off at first
"Do you remember how we would always go out and get drunk" Colby laughs refusing to the friend group
"Oh god yeah, thank god we did though because else I wouldn't be with Kevin, Brennen wouldn't be with Amber and you wouldn't be with Shea" I laugh but it makes the pain a little worse, I try to cover it up though
"Ohhh I remember that night" Sam chuckles "I still can't believe you girls were about to run into the road thinking you were some sort of immortal thing"
"That was the night you told Kevin how you felt right?" Kat asks
"Yeah, god I was so drunk he thought I was joking until I started to sober up. Took you and Shea long enough though didn't it?"
"Hey I was taking my time, plus the fans" he has a point there, when Kevin and I announce we were dating we had so much support, same goes for Amber and Brennen, but Shea well she got there brunt of it all. I suddenly need the toilet so I ask Kat for some help getting up
"Kat can you help me up?" Kat nods her head and helps me up off the couch "thanks, I'm just going to the toilet" I waddle to the toilet shutting the door but before I can do anything I feel wetness around me, did I just pee myself? I look down and a gush of water comes out and a huge contraction "KAT" I yell holding onto the sink. The door opens and I turn my head to Kat who looks shocked
"Guys it's happening" Kat calls out guiding me out of the bathroom. Sam and Colby run around the house panicking trying to find towels. Finally I'm in the car on the way to the hospital, Colby is trying to get hold of Kevin while Kat has rang the hospital to let them know I am on my way and in labour. Colby ends up ringing Reggie and Jake as well because someone has to answer their phone right?

Finally after Colby gets through to Kevin, we arrive at the hospital and Im taken into a privet room, as that is what we had paid good money for. Not long later Kevin arrives and I'm told I am already 10 centimetres dilated, this labour is progressing really quick, the doctor believes I have been in slow labour and today it has just picked up in progression. After only 20 minuets of pushing and basically breaking Kat and Kevins hands from squeezing them so much, our baby girl was born
"Whats her name?" Kat asks stroking the babies forehead.

Kevins POV

I'm currently in the middle of filming jeopardy with the cam boys
"Lets go Disney movies for $1000" Christian says
"The colour of the dress Cinderella's stepsisters ripped off her" I read off the screen. Reggie and Christian buzz in with their answer, I can hear my phone vibrating on the side but I ignore it at first not thinking of anything
"Can I phone a friend?" Reggie asks
"Who would the friend be?"
"YN duh, she's probably made this question"
"That is correct but no you can not phone my girlfriend"
"OK well one of the dresses she has is blue"
"Wrong. team 5"
"Periwinkle?" Jc asks
"No, next team" I hear my phone ringing again, then Reggie's
"Bro I have 3 missed calls off Colby"
"He's probably bored" Jc laughs. I go to check my phone and see Colby has rang me 7 times. Just as I am about to ring him back he rings again of course this time I answer it
"Dude you need to get to the hospital now, YNs in labour"
"Wait what?"
"Be quick" he puts the phone down. I look up at everyone
"I need to go. YN's in labour" the boys all cheer
"Go we can finish this another day, go be with your girlfriend" Reggie  slaps my back
"Your gonna be a dad"
"I'm gonna be a dad" I repeat Jc smiling "Reggie can you go to mine and YN's place and grab the back by the front door and bring it to the hospital?"
"Of course"
"Ill drive you because your shaking" Christian laughs.

Once we arrive I'm sent straight to YN's room
"I'm so sorry I wasn't answering" I bend down to kiss YN on the forehead as she's lying down on the bed
"It's ok. Your here now"

YN only had to push for 20 minuets while squeezing mine and Kats hand, she delivers our healthy baby girl
"Whats her name?" Kat strokes the babies forehead gently while YN is holding our baby
"Elizebeth May Langue" YN says looking down at our baby. This is pure happiness right here.

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