Dead Girl Walking Pt3

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"Welcome girls. You know the drill drinks and food in the kitchen, bedrooms upstairs and if you throw up your cleaning it up" Colby greets up as we walk into his house
"Hey Colby where's jake?" Tara asks looking around
"He's floating around somewhere"
"Well thanks that's helpful" Tara walks off
"Yo girls were playing never have I ever in 10" Sam calls from the living room. Kat walks over to him Xepher and Cassie wonder off leaving me with Colby
"Here" he hands me a drink. I take a sip and gag
"What the fuck is that?"
"I have no clue" he chuckles
"Hey bro. Hey YN"
"Hey Corey" I wave at him approaching us
"So I want to apologise"
"For what?" I look at him confused
"We both want to apologise" Colby now says
"We have all been horrible to you. Teasing you with you diary and that's not fair"
"Yeah Corey's right we shouldn't have been so cruel to you but you've been a good influence on us all.... well all but Xepher"
"You've changed us all. In a good way but Xepher still has her guard up"
"Thanks guys and I excepted your apology if you promise to stop being dicks to everyone"
"You have our word right Colby"
"Yup. Now let's party" Colby hands me another drink, I take it skeptically and take a sip this one not being as bad as the first one
"Yo listen up. Dad says act our age, you heard the man it's time to rage. It's time for big fun" Colby says getting everyone's attention. I then notice Devyn walking in, I can't believe she actually came
"I'll be back in a bit" I walk over to her "hey Dev I'm surprised to see you"
"This is amazing. I'm actually at a party" she squeals with excitement
"Hey YN over here" Xepher calls and I roll my eyes
"I've got to go but I'll catch you in a bit. Drinks and food are in the kitchen" I smile at her and then walk over to Xepher
"What's up" I fake smile
"Let's mess with Devyn"
"What? Why? She's never done anything to you. No leave her alone" I cross my arms and stare at Xepher
"Oh look little miss quiet here has put on her big girl pants and she thinks she can tell me what to do" I'm about to flip my lid. I look over to Corey and Colby who are smiling and nodding their heads to say continue
"Ya know what I'm sick of your crap you treat everyone like shit. I'm done if this is what it means to be popular I don't want it I'd rather go back to my life before popularity"
"Oh sweetie you don't just get to have your old life back. I will make your life a living hell" Xepher smirks
"It already was" I spit back frowning
"You have no idea what's going to happen on Monday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend because your a dead girl" Xepher laughs and I walk off to find Devyn. Once I find her I take her hand and we begin to walk out. I turn around to see Colby, Corey and Kat looking impressed while the others look shocked
"Before I go I'd have a reality check. Your never going to have real friends if you scare them into liking you"
"What are you on about? Look around me I have plenty friends and look at you..." I walk up to her
"You have less friends than you think they're just scared to leave you" I turn around and walk out with Devyn. I drop her off home and decide to go over to Brennens. I sneak into his room through his window
"Jesus fucking Christ YN what are you doing?"
"Sorry I really had to wake you. See I decided I must ride you until I brake you, cuz Xepher says I got to go your my last meal on death row shut your mouth and lose them tighty whiteys"
The next morning I wake up with a headache, remembering last night I groan. I wake brennen up and we argue about me going to see Xepher but I need to make it up to her or else I am literally a gonna at school Monday. Once we arrive at her house I knock on the door, she's not to happy to see me
"What do you want?"
"I came to say I'm sorry"
"Make a drink to cure this hangover and I'll think about it" she walks into her bedroom. Brennen and I walk to the kitchen and I begin making a hangover drink
"Hey here's my revenge. I'll spit in her drink" I giggle a little
"Or you could put bleach in" I laugh as Brennen gets out some bleach and puts some in a cup
"Yeah because killing her is such a great idea" I roll my eyes
"At lest her hangover would be cured" I take the cup "YN wait that..." he pauses
"You forgot to put in some salt" I frown at him as he puts in a pinch of salt. I head to Xephers room and hand her the drink. She downs it but soon grabs her throat and then collapses. I bend down to check her, shit she's not breathing. I check the cup and I smell bleach
"You knew I gave her the wrong one. You dick" Brennen smirks
"What the fuck do we do?"
"Your going to write a suicide note"

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