The Conjuring House Pt1

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Request by @tfilbabygunther01
Also this is going to be in many parts and each chapter will be fairly long as there is so much information and things that happen but nevertheless I hope you enjoy this one ❤️❤️
Also this is going to be a fairly long imagine

In this one YN is Elton's younger sister. YN and Corey are extremely close and both Corey and Elton are protective of YN.

Im currently on one of Elton's TFIL trips, this one is particularly special because we are touring the world for 25 weeks. Of course Elton has been getting us to do some crazy things already like returning to the abandoned mall and most recently exploring a haunted ship. Now I'm not one to get extremely scared, I mean I have filmed with Sam and Colby so it's hard to actually be scared by noises happening.
Corey and I have always been close, he was one of my first friends when I moved to LA and recently I've been having feelings for him but I of course know that he would never like me back in that way, so I keep it a secret. Plus if Elton found out Corey and I would be dead.

We're stood outside in the middle of no where. Elton just set up his tripod and joined the rest of us who are stood in front of the camera. Elton stands next to me while I'm stood next to Corbin
"I'm freezing right now" I say shivering
"I've got another jacket in here because I knew you'd complain" I roll my eyes at my brother who hands over another jacket. The boys mess around dancing while I jump to try and keep warm
"We got a free styler a popper a ballet dancer. Show the viewers how you plié" Corey says and I demonstrate
"Oooo foot work needs some improvement" Elton says
"Shut up. Let's see you do one"
"Ok welcome to the video" Elton yells making me laugh "what's up TFIL friends and family and viewers or casual people who have stumbled upon this video. We are at, Josh where are we?" Elton moves his hand to allow Josh to speak
"We're at the conjuring house"
"I don't know how I feel about this" Corey says nervously
"Yeah me either I kinda have an iky feeling in my tummy" I pout but I'm ignored by my brother
"For the record this the real conjuring house not the one from the movie this is the real deal"
"This is the one Ed and Lorraine Warren blessed right?" I ask looking towards Josh and Corey
"Yep that's the one" Corey says nodding his head slightly
"This house is coming close to 300 years ago and so just like in our last videos I expect you guys watch out for YN because if she gets hurt our parents will kill me ok? Cool. Also if you didn't know YN is somewhat s psychic. She can't tell people's futures or anything but she gets these feelings whenever we go somewhere haunted. Tonight we are going to learn a lot about this place and we might even play some games just for the sake of terrorising each other and of course we will be staying here throughout the night investigating till sunrise because I highly doubt anyone will sleep tonight but we all agreed to what?"
"To cuddle?" Brandon asks
"No. To sleep in the basement" Elton says
"But cuddling?" Brandon asks again
"Not YN though she can sleep with the ghosts"
"Wow thanks Elton. You'd rather your own sister die of freezing to death or have
a heart attack because of a ghost than cuddle with my friends"
"I'm kidding. Mum would kill me if you died of hypothermia"
"And this is why you've never met any of my previous boyfriends" I cross my arms.

We start to walk around the grounds, Josh tells us about a a death in the barn and Elton walks off to look at something. I'm walking next to Corey with my hands in my pockets while Josh is explaining that there's a hidden cemetery down the path we are walking
"You ok?" Corey nudges me slightly
"Huh? Oh yeah just cold"
"You sure? You said you felt iky earlier"
"I think I'm just nervous and tired don't worry" I smile at Corey and walk a little quicker to catch up with the others
".... the spirt box said to go outside to go straight to go left to go right and it took them to the cemetery honest to god that happened" Josh says as I walk up to Elton "it's half a mile in the woods. No one has ever filmed it even when ghost adventures came here they had no idea about it" I look up at Elton who has a evil look
"Elton?" I raise my eyebrows
"So maybe we won't sleep in the basement tonight"
"What no you can't do this. No I don't wanna. I'm going home see ya" I wave walking away
"Your gonna walk back all the way to LA?" Elton questions. I stop walking and turn around and sigh
"No" I pout and walk back to the boys "but I'm not sleeping in a cemetery again I've done that once and threw up 4 times" Corey chuckles at me
"Well this isn't the tame channel. This ain't Sam and Colby" Elton says with a straight face
"Someone come save me please" I look up at the sky being all dramatic while the boys laugh. Josh then talks about how there might be body's buried at the back of the house and one of the founders of ghost adventures who came here with someone to try and find the bodies and they saw anomalies that may be dead bodies . I shudder at the thought of being near dead bodies
"I read that this is just a whole portal for new ghosts to come through" Elton says
"Im actually really creeped out"
"Oh and we have to sign wavers" Josh says
"Well this just gets better and better" I mutter
"Hi I'm Corey. I'm 25 years old. Errr I like long walks on the beach and I like to go to chillies I get the 2 for 20 err chicken alfredo with the potato soup and errrr my favourite soda is probably orange" Corey says into the camera making all of us laugh
"Hi Corey nice to meet you" I put my hand out to shake his
"Hi and what's your name?"
"YN Castee"
"Oh no. Your a Castee? I'm sorry please don't tell your brother I was talking to you" Corey hides behind Corbin
"Hey I'm not that bad" Elton crosses his arms
"Errr yeah you are" I laugh.

We walk over to what looks like a barn or shed of some sort and Elton knocks the door. It opens revealing a tall guy with a long bead. We shake his hand and introduce ourselves finding out his name is Corey. He explains the spirit box further and how his friend John found the cemetery. We are taken into the room and the boys sign the wavers. Elton passed me the clip board
"I hate you Elton. I really do. It all started off with one abandoned mall video and now I'm here signing a waver to say that my family can't sue these guys because I might have a heart attack and die" I sigh signing my name and giving back to Corey with the beard. Ok that may have been exaggerated a little, the waver was just to say if I get hurt I will pay for my own medical bills and such
"Has Brandon finished the movie yet?"
"No he couldn't get through the trailer. He might be the most scared person you've had set foot in this house"
"Elton are you sure? Because I've done a few trips like this and I happen to remember a certain person freaking out over taps. Bro I got chills. Dude let's bounce. I'm not kidding bro let's go. Duuuude" I imitate Corey
"Hey I'm not that bad"
"Really? Not that bad? I beg to differ"
Corey with the beard continues to tell us some stories about the house and things he's seen. We start the tour and immediately see an ouija board on the table which apparently was sanded down with whoever owned the boards hands. We walk into the living room
"Ooo raggedy Ann dolls" Elton says then looks at me
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I sigh "I hate dolls" one of the dolls I particular makes me feel weird, almost like it's staring at me
"So what a lot of people don't know is that a seance went wrong here" Corey with the beard says
"Wait what? What went wrong?" Elton asks as I end up hiding behind Corey
"Ok so during the seance, who was there was Ed and Lorraine Warren, another psychic, a priest, a videographer and the owners of the house. So the way a seance works is the psychic would call upon the spirts and the spirit will speak through that psychic. So basically Lorraine was gonna control it. Well what happened was whatever they conjured up jumps right passed that psychic and to carol, one of the owners of the house. So they weren't ready for that and it was speaking in tongue through carol. The whole thing just went bad and the owners just kicked Ed and Lorraine out and they never came back"
"So the ending of the movie isn't real?" I clarify
"Wow that makes this even more creepy" Corey shifts then looks back at me. I smile at Corey then look back at the dolls that are freaking me out. While looking at them I swear I saw one of them wink at me. My breathing starts to become heavy and I shake a little
"Can we leave this room?" I ask, my voice wavering a little
"You ok?" Corey asks
"Errrrm not really. I'm not being funny but I swear one of those dolls just winked at me"
"Ok let's go upstairs" Corey with the beard takes us up stairs.

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