Song Association Pt2

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I'm on my phone replying to Devyn about what she should paint the walls in her new house. I hear Aryia click the camera on and so I put away my phone
"Ready?" He asks me
"What's up guys is Ariya. Once again I'm joined with my very beautiful girlfriend YN. As you guys may know YN said in our last video we should play Song Association but Disney version. YN is a huge Disney fan so I think she will probably beat me but I have watched a lot of films with her. This time we have Colby behind the camera who will give us a word and instead of Reggie we have a blow up Sam. YN are you ready?" Aryia turns to me
"Let's do this. Also I am going to win again"
"Your first word is go" I grab the blow up sam
"Let it go Let it go can't hold it back any more" I sing "let it go from frozen"
"2 points for YN. Your next word is fly" Aryia takes Sam
"You can fly you can fly you can fly. Peter Pan"
"2 points Aryia"
"I feel like that's cheating because I basically gave you that in the last one"
"Yeah because you love me"
"Colby next word please"
"Your literally children. The next word is care" "no idea. Babe?" Aryia looks at me and I smirk picking up the blow up Sam
"Why should I worry why should I care. Why should I worry from Oliver and company"
"2 points to YN. Next is love" Aryia picks up blow up Sam
"Can you feel the love tonight the peace the evening brings the world for once in perfect harmony with all its living things" Aryia wraps his arms around me and sings to me while I'm laughing
"Aryia that's another 2 points. Next up is soul"
"Bless my soul herc was on a roll. Hercules zero yo hero"
"Another 2 points for Aryia come on YN" I cross my arms and pout "the next word is way" I grab Sam
"I got to go my own way"
"What about us? What about everything we've been through?" Aryia sings
"What about trust?"
"You know I never wanted to hurt you"
"And what about me?"
"Ok guys that's enough. YN what's the movie"
"High school musical 2"
"2 points for YN. Next word is show"
"Ahhhh" I scream making Aryia jump "show yourself I'm dying to meet you show yourself it's your turn. Show yourself from frozen 2"
"2 more points to YN. Kevin what's the scores so far" YN 8 and Aryia 6" I turn to Aryia
"I'm winning sucker"
"Oh shhh"
"Your next word is run" I look at Aryia
"Run? I have no idea" I say shaking my head
"I don't know either. Run. Run I don't know"
"Ok neither of you get a point"
"Can I give them a word?" Kevin asks
"Sure go for it"
"Your word is queen"
"Hmmm" I can't think of one straight away
"Queen. I am the queen, the evil queen" Aryia sings and does a funny dance
"Oh erm" I pick up Sam
"Tik tok YN" Aryia says
"Babe shhh. Erm ahhh how does it go"
"Tik tok tik tok times running out" Colby says
"Shhhh. Oh I never thought of myself as mean, I always though I'd be the queen and there's no in between cuz if I can't have that then I will be the leader of the dark and the bad. Yeah queen of mean out of descendants 3"
"Ok fair enough 2 points. Ok this is your last word. Fire"
"Huh?" Aryia looks confused
"Like fire hell fire this fire in my skin. Hell fire from hunchback of Notre Dame"
"And once again YN is the winner" everyone claps and I bow
"Thank you. Thank you. I'll take pictures later"
"Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you again soon" Aryia ends the video and we spend the rest of the night singing Disney songs and dancing.

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