Dead Girl Walking Pt1

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One based off the musical heathers this is basically a story I wrote on Instagram so if you have already read that one I'm sorry 😂 however it will be changed up a little ❤️ also if you haven't watched heathers then you won't get some of the song references but if you have I hope you enjoy how I've worked the songs into the story (not all songs will be in the imagine)

Dear Diary
September 21st- First day of senior year.
Looking at the people I have grown up with I have one question... what happened? Colby Brock for example, we used to be best friends then he got hot. I didn't. Xepher Wolf and I were really close, then she got hot. I didn't. Hold my breath and count the day I'm graduating soon, collage will be paradise if I'm not dead by June"

My thoughts stop when my best friend Devyn walks up to me "hey we still on for movie night?"
"Is that even a question? Of course we are" my diary is then swiped off the table
"Oops" Colby says smirking at me, I roll my eyes
"Got another diary YN?" Jake says picking it up and reading a few entries
"Hey give that back" I stand up and shout
"Why do you guys have to be such dicks?" Devyn crosses her arms
"What did you just say?" Corey walks forward
"Why can't you leave us alone?"
"Well where's the fun in that. Come on boys let's bounce" Jake throws my diary me
"Ughh I hate them"
"Same" Devyn agrees
"I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back in a bit" I put my diary back in my bag and walk over to the bathroom. Of course Xepher, Cassie, Kat and Tara have to be in there. What I would give to be like them and not worry about anyone harassing me. I walk I to the bathroom stall trying not to be noticed
"Ahhhh Xepher, Katrina, Cassie and Tara what are you doing in here? I hope you have a hall pass" I hear a teacher say
"Tara wasn't feeling well. We're helping her"
"Not without a hall pass your not" I grab my paper and pen and quickly write out a hall pass "detention tonight" I walk out
"Actually were all out on a hall pass. Year book committee" I hand over my forged note
"Hmmm I see your all listed. Get where you need to be" the teacher walks out handing the not back to me. Xepher takes it out my hand
"This is an amazing forgery. Who are you?"
"You know for a nobody your quite pretty" Tara says playing with my hair
"With our help we can make you look beautiful. Make you one of use. What do you say?" Xepher asks me. This could be my chance to finally be left alone and not get harassed
Kat does my hair, Xepher does my makeup and Tara finds some spare clothes for me to wear. Finally it's times to walk out the bathroom and show everyone my new look. Xepher and the others lead me over to their table
"YN? Wow you look...." Corey starts
"Different?" Kat finishes his sentence
"Yeah different"
"My house tonight?" Colby asks, I laugh
"No thanks" I smile at him and he looks shocked that someone actually turned his down
"So YN who have you got your eye on?" Tara wiggles her eyebrows at me
"There's this guys in biology, he's so cute"
"What's his name?" Xepher asks
"Oh no you don't want to get involved with him?" Sam says shaking his head as his puts an arm around Kat
"Why not?" Just as I ask the question Brennen walks in beating someone up
"That's why" Jake says pointing
"He's bad news YN" Sam says
"Maybe he's just miss understood"
"Whatever it's your funeral" Xepher says interested looking at her nails
"Ew look who's coming over" Cassie says. I look up to see Devyn walking over to the table
"Hey YN. You look great" she says nervously "errm I was just wondering what food you want for tonight"
"Tonight? What's happing tonight?" Xepher suddenly looks interested
"Err Devyn and I are having a movie night. We've had it planned for over a week"
"Well you can't tonight. It's Colbys party and your coming with us" Kat folds her arms
"It's fine YN your popular now I understand" Devyn walks off and I immediately feel guilty
"You need to let her go. She's no good" Xepher looks back at her nails
"What? Why?" Xephers head snaps over looking at me
"Are we going to have a problem here?" Have you got a bone to pick? You've come so far why now are you pulling on my dick? Usually I would slap your face off and everyone here could watch but I'm feeling nice so here's some advice list up be-ach. Don't test me ok. Because if you do I would have to make your life a living hell. It's us or her"

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