Hide and Seek

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This one is based off of Sams video 'scary hid and seek' YN is dating Colby and is Jakes sister. YN doesn't live at the TRAP house. Kinda a long one but oh well. I really enjoyed writing this one
I pull up outside the TRAP house ready to hang out with all of my friends. I let myself in
"Hey idiots I'm here" I call out, I'm late which is typical for me
"In the kitchen babe" Colby calls out to me. I go over to the kitchen and see everyone already there, Colby sat at the table with a drink and slice of pizza. I go up to him, him thinking I'm gonna give him a kiss but instead I take a sip of his white claw and a bite of his pizza "hey" I laugh
"Hey YN" Jake says hugging me
"Hey stinky" I hug back
"Ok now we're all here are you ready to start hide and seek"
"Can I go for a pee real quick"
"You always gotta pee" Jake says laughing
"Shut it" I say smiling
"Sure you know where the bathroom is" Sam says. The truth is I don't need to go to the loo but I was to see if I can find a good hiding spot. Once I find my spot I run back down the stairs then we make our way to the cinema room. We all sit down, I sit at the back with Colby sitting behind with his arms around me
"Aright guys we got all the contents here for hide and seek they are going to be competing for a grand prize" Kevin and brennen jump up and do a bro hug screaming while Colby and I just laugh "you can hide anywhere in the house and anywhere in the back garden. Are you ready?" We all cheer "then let's go" Sam puts his camera down and walks out while we all scramble to find our hiding places
Cassie- behind the trap house mural
Jake and Tara- inside Jakes bed
Brennen- inside a cabinet
Griffin- behind the grill
Devyn- inside a cabinet
YN- in a cabinet in Colby's bathroom
Colby- in his closet
Kevin and Reggie- in the trap house dog
Xepher- under the bowling thing (idk what to call it)
Kat- in Jakes closet
Colby and I go up to his room passing Devyn on the way
"See you in a few hours babe" Colby says kissing me on the lips
"Try and not get us caught" I laugh kissing back

Sams POV
"Guys it's time to go in and I've just realised that I've only told half the people that I'm dressing up as slender man so they are going to be so scared" I knock on the door then walk in "ready or not" I then begin to look around. I first find Xepher
"I thought that was a good spot"
"It's was honestly" I then continue to look around "I feel like Jake would hide in his own room, but there's not that many hiding spots"
I go into his closet and find Kat
"Ahh I couldn't breath"
"2 down 10 more to go" Kat takes the camera for me. Not long later we find Devyns shoes then we find Devyn
"Oh my god why do you have that on" she says laughing while I'm doing a little dance. Next we go over to check the kitchen then outside where I find Griffin and then Cassie. I head back inside and go to Colby's room. I knock the door and walk in I find him in his closet
"Goddang it" he says getting out
"Do you know where anyone else is?" I ask
"Yeah I know where YN is and where Devyn is"
"Oh well we found Devyn. Where's YN?"
"I'm not saying, but she's close by"

My back is starting to hurt and I hear talking in Colby's room so I'm guessing he's been found. I hear footsteps and a door open, I hold my breath
"YN come out come out wherever you are" I then hear him opening the cabinet door. Then mine opens making me scream at the mask he has on
"The the hell sam why?" I start laughing while Colby helps me out "who's left?"
"Errrm Kevin, Reggie, Brennen, Tara and Jake I think. Tara and Jake are hiding together though because Taras scared of slender man"
"Err so am I you asshat"
"Hey that's rude Colby control your girl" Colby starts laughing which causes the rest of us to laugh. Kat goes to join the others while Colby takes over the camera, I decide to walk around with them. We then here a whistle come from the laundry room and we find Brennen all cramped in a cabinet
"Oh my god brennen" I laugh
"I'm so uncomfortable. I'm done with this game" we then find Jake and Tara in the bed and finally we find Kevin and Reggie in the blow up dog outside
"We've been in here for hours. Please tell me we won" Kevin says
"You are the winners" both Reggie and Kevin start screaming
"Sam you don't understand Kevin farted in here and it was circulating over and over again"
"We've been breathing my fart for over and hour and half I'm so sorry" we all burst out laughing and head over to the living room. Im lying with Colby on the love sack playing with his rings while he's stroking Kobe with his free hand
"Alright guys first of all a huge thank you to these guys for waiting for hours all of their links will be down below but down to the winner. Technically I found Kevin first but do you guys want to play Rock Paper Scissors?" Sam asks to which they agree and Kevin wins getting a new pair of air pods
"That's no fair he's already got some. Mine broke because Jake was stupid and threw them in my juice" I say crossing my arms
"I said I'll buy you a new pair"
"Yeah yeah" I slump down more while Colby is laughing
"Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next week peace" Sam turns off the camera and we all go over to the kitchen again. Colby grabs me a white claw while I get some left over pizza
"Hey YN turn around" Jake says. I look at him and he sprays fart spray in my face making me gag
"Your so dead" I throw my pizza at him
"Baby you stink" Colby laughs making me frown
"Oh do I now. Right well I guess no sex for you then. Jake I'm telling mum"
"No baby I'm sorry" I roll my eyes playfully as Colby hugs me. Jake drops the spray laughing so I grab it and spray him
"Eww YN"
"I think these to need to wash off in the pool" Kevin says
"What? No" I look at Colby with pleading eyes before I'm picked up and Jake is picked up by Kevin. We're throwing the pool. When we get out I head to Colby's room, I have a shower then get into bed
"So about that no sex thing.... did you mean it"
"For tonight" I say smiling and then cuddling Colby before falling asleep.

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