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This one is based on Sams video "this game ends friendships". YN is dating Colby
"What's up guys it's Sam back at you with another video. Today I have brought the whole squad here. We are going to be playing another game called paranoia. So one person will ask the next person in line a question and they have to answer the question but here's the catch. You can only tell everyone the question if you flip a coin and it lands on tails. Make sense? Ok let's start with YN" I'm sat next to Colby with my legs on his lap, one arm around my waist and the other resting on my thighs. I take out a piece of paper from the hat which says 'most likely to shit and follow through on a date' I whisper it to Colby
"Hmmm let me think" Colby pulls a thinking face "I'm going to say Jake"
"I would have gone for Jake as well" I agree
"Ok let's flip a coin" Sam hands me a coin and I flip it to on to heads
"So that secret stays between YN and Colby. Next up Colby your gonna take the paper and whisper to Reggie" Colby takes a piece of paper and whispers
"Erm I'm gonna say Kevin"
"I knew you were gonna pick me" Colby flips the coin and it lands on heads
"No" Kevin brings his hand to his face
"So Kevin won't find out what the question was until he watches this video" Reggie then takes a piece of paper and whispers into Tara's ear
"Oh easy YN"
"What that was quick. I'm scared now" I laugh
"No I have a reason why I picked you" Reggie flips over the coin and it lands on tails
"Ok so the question was who would dies first in a zombie apocalypse"
"Yeah ok I'll give you that one"
"I said you because I can imagine you like trying to save all of us like you would make sure we're all safe before yourself"
"I don't know whether to feel good about that or not" We continue the rounds when Mike says my name on a question
"Oh no" sam flips the coin and it lands on tails "ok so the question was who's most likely to get a piercing where the sun doesn't shine"
"Oh my god"
"How do you know she doesn't already have one" Colby says
"Babe" I playful hit him "I don't by the way but why did you pick me?"
"Your the one with the most piercings" Mike shrugs. finally it's my turn. Mike whispers in my ear
"If you could read minds who's mind would you never want to read?"
"Erm. Hmmm. Colby"
"What?" Colby yells making me laugh. Mike looks at me confused
"I have my reasons"
"Ok let's flip the coin" Mike flips it and it lands on heads
"Oooo is this going to cause an argument" kat laughs
"No. Errrm maybe. I don't know" Colby looks worried "no it's fine I'll tell you later" I pat him on the head
"Can you tell me?" Mike asks looking at me still confused. I nod and whisper
"I wouldn't want to know if Colby was thinking that other girls were hot"
"Ohhhh makes sense" Mike nods now understandingly
"Is it bad?" Colby asks
"No but when YN tells you why she picked you make sure you have flowers and chocolate at the ready"
"Hey it's not that bad. Don't listen to him" I hug Colby
"Ok YN it's your turn to pick a question again" Sam hands me the hat 'who would you choose to slap in the face every morning for a year?" I whisper to Colby
"Well I would chose YN for this as it doesn't specify what with but as I can't I'm saying Jake" my eyes go wide and what he said
"Ok time to flip the coin" I flip the coin and it's tails
"So the question was who would you choose to slap in the face every morning for a year?"
"Dude why?" Jake looks shocked
"Also why would you chose YN" Tara asks confused
"Again it doesn't say what with"
"Ewwww your gross" Kat scrunches her face up. We continue to play the game, Jakes name gets called a few times so does Colbys and Sams. Mine and Kat's only get call once
"Ok that is the video thank you for watching make sure you follow all of these wonderful people their links will be down below and I'll see you next week with another video. Peace" Sam wraps up the video
"So are you going to tell me about the one you picked me for?" Colby raises his eyebrows
"Oh no. Kids I don't think we want to hear mum and dad fight" mike says
"Shut up" I laugh "ok so the question was if I could read minds who's would I not want to read"
"Why did you pick me?" Colby asks confused
"Because I wouldn't want to know if you found other girls hot"
"Aw baby" Colby hugs me "I don't find other girls hot. I only have eyes on you"
"Promise" I stick out my pinky
"Promise" Colby links his pinky with mine
"Awww my heart. Just get married already" Kevin says pretending to cry

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