Who She

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I'm YN Apa, I'm the younger sister of KJ Apa who is currently playing Archie Andrews on Riverdale. KJ is 3 years older than me, making me 20. We moved to LA when KJ was 18, I was only 15. While KJ pursued his career in acting I wanted to dance. I've danced my whole life leading me to be in some famous music videos, just a few examples are:
•Justin Bieber- Sorry
•Ariana Grande- Breakup With Your Girlfriend I'm Bored (I was the girl in the video)
•Tiësto Mabel- God Is A Dancer
•Little Mix- Power
•Lady Gaga- Stupid Love and most recently Rain on me
I've been hired to be a dancer for a girl called Katrina Stuart. I've listened to her songs and I actually really enjoy them so I'm quite excited to meet her and dance to Who She
"Bye mum I'll see you later"
"Bye sweetheart" mum calls from the kitchen. I get into my Uber and end up at this huge house, almost mansion. I get out pay the driver and walk through the gates. I can already hear music and laughter. I knock the door and a guy wearing a bucket hat answers
"Hi I'm YN Apa I'm here to film for Katrina Stuart?" I ask in almost a question
"Oh hi I'm Corey come in. Your lucky I heard the door everyone's outside getting set up, I popped in for a drink" Corey extends a hand for me to shake and then leads me into the garden
"Kat this is YN your back up dancer"
"Ahhh it's so nice to finally meet you"
"You to I love your music" I laugh while Kat hugs me
"Ok so I'm Katrina or call me Kat" Kat introduces me to everyone, not that I'll remember half their names
"We were just about to rehearse before we get dressed in our outfits"
"Perfect. Where can I put my things?"
"I'll show you" a small girl grabs my hand and pulls me inside then upstairs
"Thank you" I put down my things and we head back outside. We do a quick rehearsal of the dance then get changed into our outfits. We head outside, I grab a bottle of water that was provided and take a sip
"Hey so I don't want to sound creepy but you looks really familiar" a guy with purple hair says walking over to me. I laugh
"Yeah I guess I've been in quite a few big music videos" I take a sip of my drink, his remark seems to have catches everyone's attention
"Like what?" A girl with long brown hair asks me excitedly
"Errm Justin Bieber, Little Mix, Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande..."
"That's it. Oh my god your the girl out of break up with your girlfriend" Kat says
"Yup that's me"
"Whats it like to work with Ariana?" Corey asks
"It was so much fun. She's so lovely"
"Your last name sounds familiar as well" the small girl says
"My brother is KJ Apa. Archie Andrews from Riverdale"
"No freaking way" she says amazed
"So do you know Cole Sprouse?" Kat asks
"Yeah. I've met everyone on set of Riverdale"
"That's so cool" the girls seem to be more interested than the guys but the purple hair guy keeps staring at me, not in a creepy way but like as if he wants to talk to me but doesn't know what to say. Finally it's time to start filming

Colbys POV
I'm sat with Kevin, Aryia and Sam watching the girls dance
"Damn I can't believe she was the girl in Arianas music video" Aryia says
"Do you think she actually kissed Ariana?" Kevin asks
"Dude why do you wanna know that?" Sam asks
"Why don't you?" I ask Sam. Damn this girl is hot. We carry on watching them when someone yells cut. YN goes over to get a towel and water "damn she looks good" my eyes follow her
"Dude go talk to her" Kevin says
"No I can't. She's probably already seeing someone"
"You don't know that. Go" Sam says

I wipe the sweat of my arms and chest when the purple hair guy comes up to me
"Hi" I smile at him
"Errm" he turns his head round, I look over to see him looking at 3 other guys. He looks back at me and scratches the back of his neck. Awww he's nervous "I was wondering if you would like to maybe errr go out for food one of the days. It's ok if not you've probably got a boyfriend, or girlfriend you know it's cool either way but" Jesus this kid. I smile
"I'd love to" I smile
"Cool. So here's my number text me your address and I'll pick you up say tomorrow 7pm?"
"Sounds great" he walks over to his friends and Kat walks over to me
"Wow I've never seen Colby like that around a girl before"
"He's cute. I think I'm going to get on with him. That's if he can handle me" I smile at Kat
"So erm how would you fancy coming over to mine tomorrow and I'll help you get ready for your date"
"Thank you so much. I'm terrible when it comes to clothes, I live in joggers, leggings and sports bras" we both laugh. I head back over to the group
"Hey refresh me on names. I know your Kat, Corey and Colby" they all tell me their names and I think I got them. We end up chatting for a little bit before we have to film again
"Ok we all have a huge question for you" Aryia  asks
"Oh no"
"Did you and Ariana actually kiss?"
"Oh my god" I laugh putting my face in my hands "typical guys. You know this one of the top questions I get asked. Either this or am I Australian. No I didn't actually kiss Ariana"
"Do you have her number?" Kevin asks
"Yeah I do actually why?"
"Maybe errr put in a good word for me?" This causes all of us to laugh. I'm definitely liking this group of friends

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