Prank Wars Pt11

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This one is based on Elton's video 'roommates get arrested'
"Hello everybody today my roommates are going to get arrested. I have my sister YN helping me today with this prank" I wave at the camera "we are currently in a parking lot with some cops and they are going to be arresting Sam, Colby and Corey. YN and I will be getting arrested as well but obviously we know that it's a prank" Elton turns the camera round "so you guys are going to have a field day with arresting the boys, YN has given permission for you guys to throw her about a bit but obviously please don't hurt her" I laugh
"I'll be fine. It will make Corey angry"
"That's true. so I'll see you guys in an hour or so when we get the prank started. YN and I are about to head home and make a fake video competition that I am going to deliberately loose as the looser gets their egged. Are you boys ready?" Elton turns the camera round and high fives everyone. WE head back to the house and create a fake video for the lead up to the prank
"So there's going to be a round of ping pong, Rock Paper Scissors and a handstand competition. The loser gets their car egged" Sam puts on the Donald head and Corey puts on Elmos head. We get through that round with Elton loosing then we do Rock Paper Scissors, once again Elton looses and finally we do a handstand competition. Finally we arrive at the parking lot
"Ok here you go" I say giving everyone an egg and we start throwing the eggs
"Corey do you have some anger you need to let out" I laugh watching him throw eggs after eggs. I throw one and hit the go pro
"Oh my god baby and your saying I have some anger I need to let out" Corey chuckles while the boys run around. After around 20 minutes a woman drives by then not to long later we spot a cop car
"Oh shit" I say holding on to Corey
"What are you guys doing?"
"Hi we're just making a video" Elton says as Corey starts shaking as the cop comes out the car
"Were just filming a video. Well make sure to clean everything up" Sam says walking over to the cops, I try not to laugh
"Who's responsible for this?"
"I am it's my video"
"It's your car?"
"Yes it's mine"
"Do you have id?"
"Yeah" Corey says
"Mines in the car" I say hold on to Corey as everyone gets out their ids. After a while the cops then start to handcuff us
"Woah be carful with her please" Corey says as one of the cops push me into the hood of the car
"Ow these are on really tight can you loosen them?" I ask, they aren't tight at all
"Put the camera down and put your hands behind your back"
"What the hell" Sam says putting the camera down
"Elton you better get us out of this shit" Corey says angry
"Elton do something" Sam says
"I'm in fucking handcuffs what do you want me to do"
"Ow ow ow" I say and we go to the floor on our knees
"This is bull shit" Corey says
"Shut up and do as your suppose to. Get them in the car" on of the cops yank me up, not enough to hurt, and I'm put in a car with Corey and Sam
"What the fuck this is bull shit"
"This doesn't make sense"
"Who's going to clean up that mess"
"Elton" both Sam and Corey say
"So you guys are going to jail and will be realised in 24 hours. Get the girl out she needs to go somewhere else" I'm pulled out the car and stood next to another
"What the fuck is this?" Corey shouts
"Right get out" the cops pull everyone out the cars
"Dude that's so fucking tight" Corey says as the cops tighten his cuffs
"Ok well we've spoken to someone at the station and they've said. Welcome to the prank wars"
"Wait what?" Colby says confused. I burst out laughing with Elton
"Oh my god. We're you in on this" Sam asks looking at me
"Yeah" I nod while the cops take off my cuffs
"Oh my god Elton" Corey sighs
"How about we get out of these handcuffs and we all egg the car?" Elton says smiling. We all grab some eggs and throw them at the car then drive home
"Thank you for watching make sure you check out everyone's channels and I'll see you in the next video" Corey and I head outside
"Babe you know we will have to team up now and prank Elton"
"Uh huh" say smiling
"Do you have anything in mind?" Corey smirks

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