Stepdad Pt2

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It's been a couple months since I met Colby and Sam. Since then Colby and I have been on a few dates and he asked me to be his girlfriend not to long ago. I have met most of their friends and Soph has met Jake, Corey and Sams girlfriend Kat, but tonight Im bringing Soph to met everyone else. We're also staying the night at the house, so fingers crossed she will be ok. I get a text from the group chat and reply to the messages
"Mummy when are we going?"
"In a little bit. Go and pack the bag upstairs with toys you want to bring, but Colby and his friends have bought you some that are at the house"
"Ok mummy" Soph runs off to her room

 Go and pack the bag upstairs with toys you want to bring, but Colby and his friends have bought you some that are at the house" "Ok mummy" Soph runs off to her room

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Once ready we head over to the house

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Once ready we head over to the house. I turn my car off and help Soph out of her seat
"Ok baby listen, you know Colby, Sam, Jake, Corey and Kat but there's going to be even more people you are going to meet ok. If you get worried or scared you need to tell me or one of the others ok?"
"Ok but mummy I'm big girl and I don't get scared"
"Is that right? So you didn't come into my bed last night because you thought there was a monster under your bed?"
"Mummy I was keeping you safe" she says shaking her head. I laugh as she hops out the car. She can be so funny sometimes. We knock on the door and Colby opens it, he kissed me ok the cheek and hugs both me and Soph
"Hey Soph" Corey comes over to us picking her up
"Hi corwy"
"We got you some juice do you want one?"
"Mummy can I?"
"Hmmm because mummy's drinking her special juice tonight sure you can have some"
"Yay" she claps her hands as Corey takes her in the kitchen
"Your all so good with her. Thank you" I look at Colby then Sam and Jake
"It's nothing. She's adorable" I smile at Sam
"Mummy?" I hear from the kitchen
"Yes baby?"
"Corwy says to ask if I can have pizza"
"Yes sweetheart you can"
"Thank you mummy" I laugh shaking my head
"You know you've done a good job with her. Being a single parent and all, I don't think I've ever met a little girl or boy with manners like her and she barley ever has tantrums"
"I try haha"
As the night goes on more people arrive and Soph has basically made everyone her best friend, she's sat on the floor with Kat, Tara and Jake building Lego. I'm sat next to colby cuddled up to him. I don't realise I'm tearing up util Soph comes over to me
"Mummy what's wong why are you crying? Are you sad?" I shake my head and smile
"No baby I'm not sad. I'm just very happy that mummy's friends are your friends" Soph hugs me and kisses my cheek
"I love you mummy"
"I love you too Soph" I kiss her forehead and she goes back to build Lego
"She's an amazing little girl" I look over to Kevin and smile
"Takes after her mum" Colby says and kisses my forehead. After a while we put on a Disney movie, shes cuddles up to me on my lap and ends up falling asleep half way through
"I'm just going to take her up to the spare room" I say as I get up. I take her to the spare room and tuck her in, I go back downstairs to see everyone now in the kitchen filming or messaging on their phones
"How have you done that for 3 years on your own YN. I'm worn out" Tara says as she grabs a drink
"I didn't really have a choice. I got pregnant at 17 and when my parents found out they told me to never come home. I was living with my friend Jade over here before I managed to get a job. Then I had Soph and Jade couldn't cope with me and a baby so I left hers and found an apartment, Jade moved away with her boyfriend and so I was on my own sending her to nursery from 3 months old" I look down at my cup "sorry to get all emotional with you"
"That's not ever going to happen again. You've got all of us to help, anytime you need someone to come over just text or ring" I smile at Kat who's moved to hug me. About an hour later people start to leave, I then hear sobbing from the stairs I look to see Soph crying at the bottom of the stairs
"What's the matter Soph?"
"I had a bad dweam" I walk over to her and pick her up "it was just me and you again because coby didn't like me" hearing that break my heart. Colby comes over to us
"Listen here, you are the sweetest little girl I know and I love you to pieces. Me and mummy's friends aren't going anywhere ok now why don't we all have a sleepover down here?" I smile at Colby, Sam goes to get blankets and cushions. We turn the living room into a fort and snuggle down
"Pease don't leave my mummy" Soph says to not just Colby but to everyone
"Never. Don't you worry Sophia Jane YLN" Kat says and Soph snuggles down between me and Colby and she falls asleep while I play with her hair
"Thank you" I say and kiss Colby.

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