Queen Mary Pt1 (overnight)

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The Queen Mary series is going to be a long one this one is based off of the first Queen Mary video (I think) Sam and Colby posted 'overnight at haunted queen Mary ship'. YN and Colby are dating. YN is Sams little sister (only by 18 month).
We are stood outside the Queen Mary ship. I'm stood in front of Colby with his arms around my waist. They start their intro and introduce Moe and Kazzy. Once the boys have finished the intro they explain what we're doing
"Apparently it's haunted for a million different reasons..." Sams cut off by Moe
"Shhh I swear I heard a scream"
"Same" Kazzy says
"Already hearing things. Tonight is going to be a long one" sam nervously laughs. I take Colbys hand and walk in. Immediately I feel creeped out
"Babe you ok?" Colby looks down at me. I smile at him
"Yeah just creeped out" Colby squeezes my hand tighter for reassurance
"Ok so Moe had a fantastic way of explaining why this is haunted. Moe can you tell us" Sam points the camera at Moe
"There's a whole bunch of things. Firstly it's super old and was handed over by the Americans to Queen Mary of England. I think it was a wedding gift. Anyway the ship saw through WWI and WWII" Moe continues to explain and talk about room B340 while we are on the way over to it "It doesn't get rented to anyone because it's so haunted"
"Haven't guests died in there before?" I ask
"Yeah of heart attacks because of how scary it is. They've removed the number off the door to try and stop people from going up to it"
"How does that work? Because everyone will just look for the door with no number" I ask confused
"I'm not sure" Moe shrugs. We continue to walk to the room, Colby takes the camera from Sam while I'm trailing behind them. Colbys talking about something about how big the ship is when I hear footsteps behind me, I turn to look and there's no one there. I hadn't noticed id stopped walking until I look back at the others. I jog slightly to catch up
"Everything ok?" Sam asks
"Errm yeah don't worry about it" Colby looks at me confused. Once we arrive at the room I feel off
"God this is creepy. Who would want to stay here?" Sam asks
"Us. I know you guys one day your gonna find a way of getting us in that room" I shake my head
"That's true" Sam points to me smirking. Moe gets down on the floor and listens to the door
"Here anything?" Kazzy asks, Moe shakes his head
"No but I'm getting weird vibes"
"Look at the camera it's going out of focus" Colby whispers. I look over to see what he's talking about
"That's so weird. The camera never does that" I whisper back
"I have an idea. We should knock" Moe suggests. I shake my head
"Nope you can but I'm not here to get possessed" I move behind Colby. Moe knocks but nothing happens
"We should come back at 3am" Colby suggests
"Why would you say that?" I whine as Colby chuckles at me. Just as we're about to leave we hear knocks coming from the door, I grab hold of Colbys jacket that he's wearing
"Your ok" Colby moves his hand round to find mine and rubs circles with his thumb. After a little while we decide to explore trying to get to the pool, we end up in a restricted area which ends up leading us back to room B340. We try again but can't seem to get to it. We explore some more for around an hour. Colby turns on the camera and points it to Sam, me and himself, as Sam is talking I hear a sigh and look up to Colby to see if it was him
"Was that you?" I ask
"Me what?"
"I swear I heard a sigh. I thought it was you"
"No not me"
"Ok that's creepy. I didn't here anything" Sam says before he continues to talk about us going back to room B340. When we get there Kazzy and Moe aren't there
"I don't feel good" I say quietly to Colby
"Your probably tired" Colby kisses my forehead "look there's Moe let's scare him" we hide at the room then scare Moe and Kazzy "low key when we were hiding I heard breathing from behind me"
"I heard it to" I say crossing my arms as if that would protect me
"I thought it was you" Sam says pointing at Colby. We see if we can hear more sounds
"I don't feel good at all guy" Moe says while Kazzy knocks the door
"YN said that as well" sam states. Sam and Colby start talking about the breathing while I sit on the floor with my head in my hands
"I feel so light headed right now" Moe says
"Same. Come sit down for a bit" as Moe comes over to me he passes out
"Yo guys" Kazzy says, Sam and Colby both run to us. I sit on my knees and check his airways and roll him on his side
"Babe I thought you felt ill as well?" Colby asks
"I do but you idiots wouldn't think to put him on his side" Moe starts to wake up
"Water get him water" Colby says frantically. I sit back and lean my head on the wall "Babe"
"You good?"
"No I feel really light headed"
"Sam pass me some water" Sam gives Colby a bottle and hands it to me while Kazzy gets Moe a drink
"You good bro?" Kazzy asks
"I felt like I couldn't breath"
"You were breathing I checked your airways"
"That's weird" Sam says taking the camera off Colby
"Lets go and get some food. We haven't had much to eat since like 1 yesterday so you both might be dehydrated and hungry"
"But feeling that at the same time? It's weird babe"
"I know but come. Sam you and Kazzy help Moe and I'll help YN" Colby helps me up and I lean on him for support. We go back to our room, Sam and Kazzy go and get us food while Colby stays with me and Moe
"How are you feeling?" Colby asks us both
"Not good man I just feel like shit"
"Same" I lie down on the bed. Finally the boys come back with food and both Moe and I start to feel a little better
"All right guys we hope you enjoyed that video. YN and Moe have started to feel better but we noticed that Moe has a mark on his neck either a cross or a T we're not to sure. Anyway we're going to head off to sleep now because we are tired. Like this video if you would like more haunted videos and we will see you guys next week" Sam turns the camera off and we all get into a bed, Moe and Kazzy in another room, I snuggle up to Colby and half asleep, I can hear Sam and Colby talking about the breathing but end up falling asleep before they finish their conversation. I walk up to the sound of something falling
"Babe what was that?"
"I have no idea"
"There's paper on the floor" Sam says
"But that wouldn't make that noise"
"Let me get my phone" I hold on to Colbys arm. Sam turns on his phone light but his charger falls out
"This is weird. Come on let's just go back to sleep. We just need to film a couple videos tomorrow but then we can go home ok?" I nod my head and go to sleep holding on to Colby.

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