New Zealand Pt1

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Thank you @-LOVEFORHIRE for your request

We are currently in New Zealand for a TFIL trip. When I say we I mean Elton, Sam, Colby, Corey who is my twin brother and myself. Yesterday we went bungee jumping and today we are at some theme park. Elton gets out his camera
"Ok Corey. You ready?" Elton points to a tall swing type of thing
"I'm not doing it"
"Err yeah you are" I say
"No I'm not"
"Sam says yes, Colby says yes, YN says yes and I say yes so your doing it"
"I really don't want to" Corey sighs. We watch someone swing and I clap with excitement
"We just ate" Colby says slightly worried
"Don't throw up on me. Aim it at Corey"
"Wow I have the best sister" Corey sarcastically says
"I know" I flip my hair making the boys all laugh and we all walk to the line
"Would it make it better if I held your hand?" Elton asks Corey who looks miserable but then smiles and nods his head
"YN who are you riding with?" Sam asks
"You and Colby. I'm not sitting next to nervous Nellie here and the guy who throws up on theme park rides" I laugh
"See how kind she is" Corey says to the camera. Corey and Elton do a bit where he walks off each time Elton looks away. Colby goes to get him then it's finally our turn
"I'm scared"
"You'll be fine" I pat Colby on the shoulder and Sam looks petrified. We get on the chair of the swing, I'm in the middle of Sam and Colby and we start to go up
"There's a bee on me" Sam yells blowing the bee on his pants (I just want to say how weird it is for me to say that or read that because in England pants are your underwear 😂) I lean more toward Colby to keep away from the bee
"Ahhh don't blow it on to me"
"Kill it" Colby yells. Finally the bee flys off and we're at the top
"Look how beautiful it is up here"
"You ready?" Colby asks
"Yeah on the count of 3" Sam says
"1, 2, 3" we all say and Colby pulls the string making us swing. Sam and Colby scream while I laugh

"That wasn't scary at all" Colby says getting off and walking over to Elton
"Yeah no that was nothing" Sam shrugs
"Yeah tell my ears that. I think they're bleeding" I rub my ears making Elton laugh
"No screaming then?"
"No no not at all" Colby shakes his head
"The ride didn't break on you at all by the way"
"That's ok if it because we've had our go. It's yours an Corey's go now"
"No" Corey shakes his head
"Good luck Corey" I wave him off as he walks up the stairs. Elton takes his hand and they interlock fingers. We watch as they go up

"He pulled it but it's stuck" Elton yells
"Oh my god this is hilarious" I laugh
"Give it another pull" the lady says who's operating the ride
"I can't" I wheeze
"You good YN?" Sam asks
"Yeah oh my" I wipe the tears that are running down my face. They finally go and all I can here is yelling which makes me laugh again.

When it's over they come off the ride and Corey looks fed up while Elton's laughing like a maniac
"I thought I was gonna die"
"Well now it's time for zip lining"
"Oh hell yeah" I yell
"How are you guys related" Colby points between me and Corey
"Well I got the fun gene obviously"
"What did I get?"
"Haunted?" I shrug then start to run as Corey chases me

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