Farm Life

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Thank you @braelynnscott32 for this request! I hope you enjoy it ❤️

YBN- your brothers name
YN- your name
YMN- your mums name
YDN- your dads name

Today I take Sam, Corey, Jake and my boyfriend Colby to my home town in England. it will be the first time Colby has come to my home, normally my parents just come to LA. I live in a place called Castle Combe in Wiltshire, there's nothing to do other than work on the farm. We wait for my brother to pick us up
"Ok so once we get to my place your gonna want to change. Especially you Corey don't want your yeezys to get muddy"
"I can't believe we agreed to come with you" Corey chuckles
"Sam said it would make for a good series" I shrug the. Watch the familiar red pickup truck arrive at the airport
"Where are we sitting?" Jake asks
"Well 2 of you can either sit with my brother in the front and the rest in the bed of the truck"
"Is it safe?" Corey asks
"Well..." I walk over to my brother who's just pulled up "hey YBN"
"Hey sis how are you?"
"Im good. Ok we've got an hours drive ahead of us let's go" I go to the bed of the truck and throw in the suitcases then pull myself up "so who's in the back with me?" Corey pushes Sam and Colby towards me
"Have fun being thrown around without a seatbelt" Corey says getting in next to my brother with Jake following. Once we're ready I hit the top of the truck letting my brother know to get going
"Is the legal?" Sam asks
"Errr well once we're in Wiltshire we will be fine"
"Oh grate, if I end up in jail again babe I swear..."
"You won't" I chuckle cutting Colby off.

After the hours drive we arrive at the farm
"Ahhhh do you smell that" I jump down out of the truck
"It smells of shit" Corey says
"That's the smell of a farm. Now first thing let's go change, then I'll show you around" we take our bags and head into the house. The dogs running up to me immediately
"So this is Skye she's the sheep dog along with Aria. Then this is Ollie and Mia who are the cattle herding dogs and finally this is Bella the family pet" I pick up the little Jack rustle "we also have 5 cats but they are pretty feral so I wouldn't attempt to stroke them except the black and white one who is friendly" I show Jake and Corey where they will be sleeping, then I show Sam where he's sleeping and finally I take Colby to my old bedroom. I open up the door smiling
"It's not changed" I say looking around
"You were so cute as a child" Colby picks up a photo of me and my brother
"And I'm not now?" I say offended
"Hmm you can be when your asleep and when your focused but I'd say your more hot than cute" Colby walks up to me wrapping his arms around me
"Yeah yeah lover boy. We look to LA. Get changed" I gently push Colby away and grab a pair of overalls out of my bag putting them on. When we're changed we knock on Sam then Corey and Jake.

"So bathrooms are luckily in your rooms now. We used to only have the outdoor toilet but when I started to earn a good amount of money I sent it to mum and dad who renovated the house a little" we walk down the stairs "living room, we only have 5 channels though and you can't get signal in the house but that's fine because we will be working on the farm" I show them the kitchen and dinning room then we go outside "ok wellies on"
"Our what?" Colby asks confused
"These. I dunno the American term for them"
"Ohhhh you mean rubber boots" Corey says putting his on with the other boys following. I take them to the stables where my mum and dad are
"Hey sweetheart" my mum says walking up to me hugging me "hi boys good flight?"
"Yes thank you YMN" Colby says hugging my mum
"Hi dad" I say as he walks out of the stables
"Hi sweety pie" dad kisses my forehead then shakes the boys hands "welcome to our home. I'm guessing YN here will have told you you'll be helping us around the farm"
"Yeah what exactly will we be doing?" Sam asks
"Well first off you'll be cleaning out the pigs pen then prepping the animals food. YN have you shown them the animals yet?"
"Not yet came here first. Where's Smokey?" I ask my dad and if on cue my beautiful black horse pokes her head out of the stable doors. I walk over and stroke her "I've missed you" I say kissing her nose
"She's beautiful" Jake says walking over
"You can ride right?" And Jake nods
"Corey can you ride?" I ask
"Ok well I know you two can" I point to Sam and Colby "so tomorrow we're gonna go ridding"
"Sound good" Jake says stroking Smokey
"Ok let's go to the pigs pen and clean that out then we will go and find Bertha"
"Who?" Sam asks
"You'll see. Let's go. Bye mum and dad we will see you later" we walk to the pigs pen. Sam gets out his camera and I get out a shovel handing it over to Colby then giving Corey a bucket
"Baby what am I doing with this?"
"Shovelling the shit then putting it in the bucket" I point to the bucket Corey is holding. Corey throws the bucket on the floor
"Ewww" he squeals
"Oh you think that's bad wait until we have to lamb the sheep" I chuckle picking up the bucket "now Sam your with Jake Corey your with Colby and I've got to check on the piglets" we walk into the pen "hey Martha" I pat the pig
"You've named the pig Martha?" Colby asks
"Yeah. Now get to it chop chop" I clap my hands.
Not long after we clean the pen out we go over to the field full off cows. I stand on the fence calling out for Bertha
"Hmm where is she?" I whisper looking around. Then finally seeing a cow running over to us "ahhh there you are old girl"
"This is Bertha?" Corey asks
"Yup. I've had her since she was a calf. We had to hand raise her so she's probably our friendliest cow" I scratch behind her ears. I put a rope around her neck and let her out taking her on a walk. After the first day we all have some food, hang out for a bit then get into bed
"You know I enjoyed today" Colby says with his arm around my waist
"I kinda miss it. Ya know riding and looking after the animals"
"Well there an equestrian Center and stables not far from where we live so you could always ride there. Maybe we could ship Smokey out?"
"Are you serious? Babe Id love to but it's so expensive to do so, plus we don't have time to look after a horse we're always way on trips"
"Maybe if you talk to Shea she will help out when we're away?"
"Maybe. It's a big thing though. A horse isn't like having a dog babe"
"I know but I want you to be happy"
"I'll think about it"

For the rest of the week we ride the horses and look after the animals. Colby and Jake do really well actually and I can easily see them on a farm. Sam does alright but mostly films while Corey... he is definitely not a farm boy especially after nearly passing out while I was helping a lamb give birth. I spoke to my mum and dad and we've all decided that I will be taking Smokey to LA. I need a little farm life in LA. The boys also agreed to let me have a pet pig after falling in love with Martha. Jake wants us to have a pet cow but I'm not sure where we would keep a cow. Maybe one day I'll be able to buy my own farm in America and the boys could help out again... well maybe not Corey.

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