Treasure Hunting Pt2

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We're inside the tent that the boys have picked up
"This is fucking scary" Jc says lying down
"Ok question where am I sleeping?" I ask
"Here. In between me and Sam"
"Sorry Kat love you" I blow a kiss at the camera
"We need to howl at the full moon" Jc laughs
"We have to get on all fours" Sam then quietly howls
"Then Derek Hale can sweep me off my feet"
"Hey I'm right here"
"I'm kidding" I tap Colbys face then mouth to the camera 'I'm not kidding'
"Ok what are we gonna do now? Summon some spirits" Kian asks
"Well there are ghost stories" Sam takes out his phone
"Oh great can't wait to hear them" Jc fake smiles and Sam proceeds to tell us a story about one soldier who tried to leave the war but was killed before he had a chance to escape and how he's apparently haunts the land
"Shhhh did you hear that?" I whisper
"Yeah sounded like a whistle, a human whistle" Kian confirms what I heard and we all hear it again
"Kinda sounds like a scream"
"Oh fuck off Sam why would you say that?" I pull the sleeves of Colbys number that I'm wearing down
"I think we should go explore"
"Really? Babe you wanna explore in the dark?"
"Yeah didn't we come here to explore?"
"Like I said witches forest vibes"
"We came here to find treasure dude" Kian says
"Then let's go find fucking treasure then"

We loose the argument with Colby and get out the tent and start exploring. Colby runs off and Sam, Kian and Jc run the opposite what while I just stay where I am
"Guys we can't run off like this" I yell "last time this happened we lost colby and I had a fucking panic attack"

"Where is Colby?" I ask again
"I- I don't know?"
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I thought he came back here" Sam says while Jake is coughing
"Oh god" I start crying after everything just gets to me
"We went towards this baby thing"
"Wait you left Colby?" Corey raises his voice
"We tried, we tried bro but he ran off" Jake raises his voice a little. The boys all start to yell at each other while my ears being to ring. I try to focus on my breathing as my eyesight starts to go black and my head begins to hurt. Thankfully I'm sat down so if I'm about to pass out I wont fall. I start to come back round when I here Corey say
"Was that fucking yell Colby?"
"What? No no no no" Sam freaks out. I feel the bile begin to rise as I stand up
"Talia are you good?" Jake walks up to me and I shake my head as he puts a hand on my shoulder
"Talia listen the scream we heard was to high to be Colby, we will find him. Put out the fire and we will find him" Corey puts out the fire and puts the camera down
"Talia stay close to me, Corey or Jake" I walk over to Sam and walk by his side as the boys all yell for Colby while I silently cry. The tears seem to fall more and more the longer we dont hear him or find him.

"Guys?" I yell running in the direction they went, or so I thought "guys? Colby? Sam? Kian? Jc? Hello?" I then hear the coyotes "oh shit" I start walking in the directions away from them "crap where the fuck am I?" I take out my phone to see if I have any service but I don't

Colbys POV
I catch up with the others
"He found us"
"Oh we're you running from me? Where YNN?"
"I thought she was with you?" San says to me
"No I thought she ran with you? Where the fuck is my girlfriend?"
"Ok look let's just go back the way we came and see if she's still over there" Jc says trying to calm me down. We start to walk but then here the coyotes closer
"No no no. What if they are after her?"
"She knows how to scare them off she will be fine. We will find her" Sam puts a hand on my shoulder "now come on they're getting close let's go this way" we start running in the opposite direction to the coyotes
"Guys I can't fucking breath" I say worried sick
"Check your phones has anyone got any bars?" Sam says getting his phone out of his pocket
"No" Kian says
"Dude no. I haven't got any and my girlfriend is out there probably scared shitless and..."
"You need to calm the fuck down bro"
"I can't Sam. What if this was Kat? Huh? What if we had lost Kat and couldn't get hold of her?"
"Ok I have 1 bar" Jc says
"Ring her" I yell. Jc rings her but it just beeps
"I'm guessing she doesn't have signal" Kian says
"Text her on everything, iMessage, text, whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, everything you can think off because one of them will deliver to her once she has signal. Tell her to go to the river and stay put"
"Ok. Colby we will find her ok?"
"Yo did you hear that?" Sam says
"Hear what?"
"That breathing sound?"
"I heard it" Jc says "hello?" He calls out and we heard a scream
"Holy fuck. Holy fuck"
"No no no. YNN?" I yell out
"That was to low to be YN. Let's just get to the river and we can walk up and down it until we find her"

I keep walking around shaking from not only the cold but how scared I am. I feel my phone vibrate, I pick it up and see multiple messages of Kian saying to go to the river, but where the fuck is the river? 'Oh god I'm completely lost. Wait ok YN calm the fuck down. I've been walking in pretty much the same direction. I wasn't that far from the tent when I got lost so if I walk backwards then the river I believe was on the right. Ok I can do this' I think to myself. I spend the next hour walking until I come across the river 'thank god and my guardian angels' I stay where I am and around 45 minutes later I hear yelling
"Guys?" I yell back and a few minutes later I see 4 guys running towards me. I run up to them and I'm immediately pulled into a hug, I know it's Colby because of his cologne
"Babe I thought I'd lost you" he says
"I know, but I'm here now"
"Are you ok? Your not hurt or anything? I pull away slightly so I can see Sam
"No no I'm fine just a little cold"
"Ok let's find the tent and just stay in there" Jc suggests
"It's not far from here I don't think" I say still holding on to Colby
"Ok so you know roughly what direction?" Kian asks
"That way I think" I point to where I think the tent is. Colby takes my hand and walk to where we think the tent is getting a little lost on the way but we soon manage to find the tent.

After we get in the tent Colby and I unzip both our bags so that it's more like a blanket, one under us and one on top of us so that we can cuddle
"Dude what are you doing?" Kian asks Colby
"Are you and YN getting off in this tent?" Jc laughs
"No bro I'm itching my poison ivy arms"
"Suuure" Sam says and turns off the camera. We all head off to sleep

The next morning we all get up and do our business. We pack up the tent and start walking towards where we were dropped off until someone calls out to us
"What are you guys doing out here?"
"Shhh" Sam hushes us
"Hello?" Colby says back
"Yeah what are you guys doing?"

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