Haunted Barn

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This one is based off the video exploring a hunted barn on the Sam and Colby channel. In this one YN is dating Sam and is Colbys sister
Today we are in Kansas, we're here visiting family and friends but Sam and Colby wanted me to join them in exploring with them. We meet up with our friends Nate and Alex, Sam turns on the camera and starts filming. I'm stood in between Nate and Colby
"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby"
"Today we are at my least favourite place in Kansas. We are here with Nate, Alex and YN" Sam says
"We have been here a few times when we were growing up and it's so creepy"
"YN doesn't usually come with us on exploring trips but we managed to get her to join us today" Colby looks at me
"Let's go" Colby walks forward to take the camera as Sam walks to me and takes my hand. Colby films us walking together then films Nate and Alex imitating us. Colby then proceeds to tell us how he was walking to a house where the barn is and a little girl had committed suicide up the stairs of the house back in 1990 something. The room is called the pink room and now is haunted and has been abandoned since then. We continue to walk
"YN didn't you and Colby have an experience here?"
"Yeah. We came here with a few friends and we heard shuffling and a breathy laugh. I've been so scared to come here again"
"You've not been here since have you?" Colby asks and I shake my head. We walk past the house that had now been burnt down and finally arrive at the barn
"It smells so bad in here" Sam says shining the touch in the barn
"Oh god it does" I scrunch my face up
"Are the hay bails still in there?" Colby asks
"Yeah they are" Nate shines his touch over to them "I bet people did weird sacrifices here" Suddenly Alex starts to yell which makes me jump and scream. I cling on to Sam who wraps his arm around me
"Jesus Alex" Sam sighs. We then here a bang, I look at Colby "that wasn't me" Sam says as Colby turns the camera on us
"I hate this place so much" I say shakily. We continue to walk "ew what the fuck is that" I walk over to an object and shine my touch on it. I squeal
"Babe what's wrong" Sam walks over to me and looks at the dead raccoon found
"Ew ew ew I'm gonna be sick"
"Viewer discretion is advised" Colby says as he hands the camera to Sam. I turn away from looking at the dead animal
"Guys can we hurry up. I have a bad feeling" I say. We walk over to the hay bails, Colby jumps up first then Alex. Sam and Nate hell me up by me standing on their hands as they push me up. Colby takes my hand and pulls me on to the hay bails
"Thanks" I say taking the camera off Sam to hand to Colby. The boys all begin to mess around running and jumping. They then decide to have a race. I hold the camera
"Ok. Ready?" I ask "3, 2, 1" the boys all run to me "Nate won". Colby jumps down from the hay bails, Nate following suit
"Ok YN just dangle your feet over, like be on your stomach and slide down, Nate and I will hold on to you ok?" I turn around and lie on my tummy. I dangle my feet as Colby and Nate grab them, I lower myself down slowly "ok you can jump now" I jump down. Sam throws the camera to me and we all walk to another abandoned building
"Yo yo yo check that out" Nate says pointing to some stairs this an arrow pointing up the stairs with words on the wall saying 'play with me'
"That's creepy" I say holding on to Sams arm. We decide to walk up stairs
"I'll go first" Colby says walking up
"Be carful, there could be rotting wood up there" I say
Sam follows Colby up, I stay in the middle
"Don't all come up at once the floor might not be stable" Colby says. Nate and Alex follow me
"Errm I'll just chill here" I say laughing slightly
"Yeah so will we. Erm will protect YN" Nate says, Sam and Colby chuckle
"Oh please like you two will do much" I laugh. The boys walk around upstairs then we hear a thump and Sam in pain
"Sam?" Colby calls rushing over to him
"Ahh my ankle"
"Babe are you ok?" I call from the stairs
"Erm Nat Alex I need your help" Nate and Alex brush past me and go to Sam
"Yo yo yo he's fallen through the floor" I shine my touch over and see Sam on the floor while Nate and Alex are trying to pull him up
"Are you good dude?" Colby asks
"Yeah I think I'll be fine I just don't know how much I can walk"
"Guys can we go now please" I call and everyone agrees. Colby passes me the camera as he helps Sam down the steps. We make our way to the car, Sam leaning onto Colby and Nate. Finally we get into the car and I check Sams ankle
"Hmmm I think it's just going to be a sprain. We will put some ice onto it when we get home". Nate drives us back to Sams, in squashed in the middle of Alex and Sam. Once we get back I get some ice for Sam and we head up to bed
"Are you sure your ok?" I ask
"Yeah I'll be fine. I just need to rest I think" Sam gets into bed and I get in after cuddling up to him
"Goodnight Sam"
"Goodnight YN" he kisses my forehead and we drift off to sleep.

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