Queen Mary Pt2 (hide and seek)

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"What's up guys it's Sam with another video. Today we are at the Queen Mary with Colby, YN, Moe and Kazzy. We just filmed an overnight on the Sam and Colby channel so make sure you go to check that one out, but today we are playing hide and seek. We are in the engine room which we have to ourselves. I will have the main camera Colby has a smaller one you guys have your own and YN has her phone. So let's get started" Sam walks off talking to the camera
"I don't know where to hide I'm kinda scared to alone down here" I laugh
"We've got our phones so I'll face time you while we're hiding" Colby hugs me
"Ok let's go" we all separate. I find my spot and face time Colby
"Where are you hiding?" I ask
"I honestly don't know. You have to climb a ladder then jump across 2 holes and I'm in the corner"
"Of course you'd find the best spot"
"Where did you go?"
"Up some escalators and round a corner" after a few minutes I hear footsteps "shhhh. I think I hear Sam" I say
"I have a feeling someone is in here" Sam says. He then appears out of nowhere making me jump
"Jesus you nearly gave me a heart attack" I say laughing "I got to go babe Sam caught me"
"Ok love you"
"Love you too"
"You were on the phone to Colby?"
"Yeah because I was scared" I laugh with Sam
"Ok so YN is out just 3 left. Do you know where Colby is?"
"Not really" I jump I've the railing I was behind. As we are walking we hear something almost like a scream
"What was that?"
"I dunno. It sounded kinda like a yell like someone was hurt"
"That was weird" we end up outside the boat so we turn around and go down the escalators
"This is so hard. Maybe they're down here. Just watch your step jumping down" Sam says. I jump down and follow Sam
"Did you just see that?" Sam asks
"See what?"
"I just saw a shadow over there"
"Wait is that Kazzy?" I ask
"Ooooo you trying to be sneaky. Your the second one found"
"I've been waking around" Kazzy says laughing
"I cannot find anyone"
"You just missed Moe he was with me a minute ago"
"This game is hard" I laugh
"Hey I'm trying my best. So is Moe just walking around"
"All I'm going to say is your a head turn away from catching someone" Sam turns around
"I can't believe you didn't see him" I say
"Wait what?"
"Just go forward" Kazzy tells Sam. We all start walking around
"Why do I feel like someone is gonna jump out at me?" I say as we turn a corner. Sam jumps making me scream a little while Moe is on the floor laughing
"Dude I've been following you this entire time" Moe stands up
"So Colbys won. YN where is he?"
"I don't know where he went I just know he climbed a ladder and hand to jump over holes"
"Sounds like Colby. You know when I found her she was on face time to Colby"
"Wait really? You actually face timed? I thought you were kidding" Kazzy asks
"Yeah but I didn't see where he went"
"So he climbed something. I'm not surprised"
"I would phone him but he won't answer because he knows I've been caught" we carry on walking round unable to find Colby. I text him to see where he is and he said he will whistle. We then here a whistle
"That's Colby. He told me he would whistle to help us"
"He's in here somewhere" Kazzy says
"But I went down here first thing. Jesus Colby if you went passed all the broken shit then props to you...... you piece of garbage" Sam says and Colby starts laughing
"I was over there but then I was this chair so I changed hiding spots". We start to walk back "babe be careful I don't want you to slip" Colby holds on to my wait keeping me steady over the wood planks
"Yeah please don't fall mum would kill me" I laugh. We then jump over the broken panels and head back to Moe and Kazzy
"Ok guys that's it for hide and seek. Make sure you check everyone out we've done video on everyone else's channel except YN because she still hasn't made one yet so tell her in the comments you want her to create a channel. Thank you for watching and I'll see you next week" Sam turns off the camera and we get ready for our next game for Colbys channel.

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