Runaway Pt2

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"Y/N? What's going on?" Corey frowns opening the door up for me and my mum "Colby messaged me to say you were both coming over"
"We've left home"
"What why?" We head towards he kitchen
"My dads an asshole"
"What happened to you both?" Corey grabs a clean rag and wets it for my mum "did he... did he hurt you?" I look down at my feet and nod my head "oh god Y/N" Corey puts his head in his hand and sits down on one of the stools "I'm phoning the others, we're having a family meeting tonight" Corey picks up his phone
"No I'll explain everything tomorrow to the others but for now mum needs somewhere to sleep"
"Ok. Lorraine you can stay in the spare room if that's ok"
"I'll only stay for tonight"
"It's ok. Both of you can stay as long as you need. Do you need help taking your bags upstairs"
"Yes please" Corey gets up and takes my mother's suitcase from her hand and we make our way upstairs to the spare room
"I hope it's ok for you"
"It's great thank you Corey" Corey smiles as we walk out going to Colbys room. I open the door and walk in while Corey puts my bag on the bed "thank you Corey"
"No problem" Corey smiles at me and walks out as I open up the suitcase looking for something comfortable to wear. In the end I settle on one of Colbys shirts and lounge wear shorts. I get into bed on Colbys side and cuddle up to the pillows breathing in his sent, tears begin to except my eyes thinking about everything thats happened. I must have cried myself to sleep as I'm woken up to someone rubbing my back. I open my sore eyes to see Colby looking at me
"You wanna tell me what happened?" Colby says softly, I sit up
"Erm my dad.. he.. he's been hitting me for the last few weeks, things have been getting worse and tonight he basically kicked me out"
"Is that why you won't come in the pool or won't show your arms" Unable to speak I just nod "baby why didn't you say something?" Colby hugs me and once again I break down into tears "shhhh it's ok. I'm here"
"I don't know, I guess I thought he would change but he hasn't, it's just been getting worse.. then.. then tonight happened and..."
"Shhh I got you" Colby hugs me tighter
"My mums in the spare room"
"Corey said she was hurt, both of you" theres a knock on the door
"Guys it's Sam, can I come in" Colby looks at me and I nod
"Yeah bro"
"Hey Y/N there's some food downstairs if you want" Sam smiles
"Thanks but I'm not really hungry"
"Ok well I'll put some leftovers in the oven for later if you get hungry. Also we're having a family meeting tomorrow. You don't have to tell us anything if you don't want to but the option is there"
"Thanks Sam"
"No problem" Sam walks out shutting the door
"Everything's going to be ok now. You can stay here for as long as you want or need"
"The money I had from my last sponsored post I'm giving to her. Can we look at flats for her that are nearby"
"Of course we can" there's a long pause "why don't you file a report on him?"
"I wish it was that simple but he's still my dad and anyway the police won't do anything, who are they more likely to believe a reputable business man who owns one of the largest companies or a 21 year old who's a full time social media influencer? They won't do anything especially without evidence"
"What do you mean? You've got evidence, you're arm are covered in bruises, I can see a bruise forming on your face even with makeup on and who knows what else your hiding and then your mum..." I cut him off
"It's not just that it's the whole thought of having to go to court and stand in front of a jury while my dad is watching and say that he hits me and my mum" I sit up and put my face in my hands "I just don't think I can do it"
"Look whatever you decide I'll support you, so will the others. Now let's take your makeup off and watch a couple films" Colby goes into his draws next to his bed and pulls out some makeup wipes. He hands them over to me and I gently take off the makeup I had on revealing a fading bruise on my left eye, a bruise around my nose and of course the new one forming on my right cheek
"I'm so sorry you've had to go through this. I promise he won't lay another finger on you or your mum again" Colby hugs me once more then grabs his TV remote and starts to search for films
"I love you Colby"
"I love you too Y/N"

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