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Thank you for your request @Limelight_Seavy14 I hope it's ok I just do one of the request for now but I'll make a note of the other one for the future

Kevin and I have been dating for a while now and recently moved into our own place. I've been busy filming for a new TV show and so I've been coming home late and just feeling exhausted so Kevin and I haven't spent much time together since moving in together

"Kev I'm home" I yell putting my bag down "babe?" I call not hearing a response. I notice a pink sticky note on the key holder
'Finding the first clue will be a treat! Look for it where you get something to eat' I walk over to the fridge and see another note
'Now that your fed, go and look for the clue where you lay your head' I walk into mine and Kevin's bedroom
'Look for the clues, but don't get stressed! You'll find another where you get dressed'

I continue to follow the clues that have been left all around the house until I'm following the last clue outside. I see Kevin dressed in a suite holding a bottle of champagne stood in a love heart made of rose petals with a pic nic blanket with food on
"What's all this?"
"Well I know how hard you've been working and how tired you've been so I've made dinner for us. Plus it's our anniversary, did you forget?" Kevin raises an eyebrow
"Of course I didn't but we agreed we would do something after I finished filming. You didn't have to this" I walk over to the blanket
"Of course I did" Kevin sits down and I sit next to him "so we've got your favourite pasta bake with chocolate covered strawberries for dessert"
"Thank you Kev" I smile looking up at him
"No problem now how was you day today?" Kevin pours us both a glass of champagne
"Good actually. Tomorrow I get to film my own stunts, maybe you could come onto set with me?"
"I'd love that" Kevin and I continue to talk about our day and watch the sunset. When it gets dark Kevin wraps a blanket around us and gets us hot chocolate and lights some candles
"What did I do to deserve you?" I say
"More like what did I do to deserve a beautiful, smart, kind, talented girlfriend"
"I guess your just extremely lucky" I laugh
"I guess I am. I got you something"
"But we said..."
"I know but I had to" Kevin pulls out a small box and my eyes widen "it's not an engagement ring don't panic" he opens the box and I see a beautiful necklace
"Kev it's beautiful"
"Just like you then"
"So cheesy" I laugh as Kevin put the necklace on me "I kinda have something for you" I smile getting up and running into our house and getting a box out of one of the kitchen cupboards that I knew Kevin wouldn't go in. I run back outside and hand the box over to Kevin. He opens it up to see a designer watch
"We said no presents"
"Obviously neither of us listened"
"Thank you angel" Kevin leans in and kisses me. We stay outside for a little while longer before we both get sleepy and head back inside and up to our bedroom. I fall asleep in Kevin's arms.

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