Axe Murder House Pt3

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So I have a new book coming out soon, would mean so much if you could check it out. It's called 'The Mafia Book 1' the first chapter will be out tomorrow, the 19th April.

Elton shows us and the camera different devises that will be using tonight, some are newer versions of our old ones like the EVP and REM Pod. While Elton tests them all out I hold on to Corey nervously
"You ok?" he asks looking down at me
"Yeah" I smile at him. Kaylyn reads off a person's experience that had been written down on a piece of paper
"Lots of orbs. Have photos and videos to back that up. Almost active in the hallway upstairs. Video kept blurring and cutting out. Slept in the living room downstairs, had uncomfortable feeling. I remained freezing and my husband soaked his shirt with sweat, it was defiantly and experience" she finishes. Corbin then picks up a different piece of paper and being to read off
"Closest door slammed shut, they even put the time. That happened at 7:30. Errr a block was pushed off.." Corbin looks up at us and smiles nervously
"What does it say?" Elton asks
"It says a block was pushed off the dresser at 7:40" we all look at Brandon because he heard something fall earlier, which was the picture that had fallen off the dresser
"What at 7:40, that was remarkably close" Elton says meaning to the time the picture fell making Corey open is mouth in shock
"Baby close your mouth, your gonna catch flies" I use my free hand to close Corey's mouth as he continues to looked shocked. The boys all continue to read off some stories from past guests then it was my turn
"A group of us came here as skeptics but left as believers. Hair was moved, felt cold breezes behind us and felt like we were being touched. Think the ghost likes girls as we had the most experiences when it came to physically feeling a presence"
"Hey mr ghost man don't you touch my girlfriend ya hear, she's mine" I roll my eyes at Corey
"Baby you've probably just challenge mr ghost man now"
"Oh shit, err sorry bro erm please don't touch my girlfriend, thank you and sorry for being rude" I burst out laughing as does the other boys and Kaylyn.

We start off by putting the REM Pod in the attic, Elton states that if it goes off we should hear it from anywhere in the house. We get all of our other equipment. Everyone sits in a circle on the floor, except Corey and I who are sat on a chair.. well Corey is sat on a chair and I'm sat on his lap
"We have like 12 hours left, how many minutes is that?" Elton asks looking at the rest of us
"How are we meant to know that" I pull a face
"14,400?" Evan says behind the camera. We all look at him like he's mad for knowing that
"Ok nerd" Brandon laughs jokingly
"You just have to hold a cam.." just as Corbin is talking the device we set up by the bed lights up, Corey and I both notice it first them the others see the light flicker
"I say get the spirt box out" I say pointing to Elton who nods his head and picks it up off the floor and switching it on. As usual white noise comes through, Elton places the spirt box down and immediately it says 'corey'
"What the fuck?" I exclaim
"It just said Corey" Corbin says. I look at Corey who looks defeated. Bless him these spirits really do like to mess with him and scare him. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it reassuringly. We carry on listening to the white noise waiting to hear something else come forward
"Woa, what was that?" Corey says moving his head. Elton turns down the volume of the spirt box so that we can all hear Corey talking
"What?" Elton asks
"I just saw like a line of like, of light. It was like a ball that went across the bed"
"Did you see annoying YN?" I shake my head no in response to Corbin
"It was only there for like 2 seconds then it disappeared"
"Thats weird" I say
"Also baby can we scoot up because I keep looking in the mirror and your hair scares the shit out of me, plus it said Corey and I don't want it looking at me" I stand up from his lap and Corey sits down next to Corbin while I sit in-between cores legs, leaning on his chest. Elton turns the spirt box and immediately a female voice comes through saying something that sounds like 'we're back'.

We sit around for a good 15 minuets listening to white noise, trying to hear any voices come through
"I'm freezing" I say leaning my head back a little more on to Corey. He moves his arms from my waist to my arms and starts rubbing them trying to warm me up
"Do we have permission to stay here tonight? Brandon asks and a female voice comes through saying something that sounds like 'cry' but it goes quiet again for another like 10 minuets
"What is your name?" Corey asks and a voice comes through saying 'who are you?' then a really clear male voice comes through saying 'you're doing it' suddenly I go really light headed. I groan putting my head in my hands
"YN what's wrong?" Brandon asks
"I just feel super light headed. Like you know when you've had something alcoholic to drink and your head goes fuzzy, the only way I can describe it is like a dream feeling, but not as nice"
"Do you need some water?" Elton asks
"Maybe, yeah"
"Here" Evan reaches into a bag and rolls a bottle over to me
"Can we just quickly talk about how clear that last voice was" Brandon says
"Yeah, it said your doing it, right?" Elton says what we all thought we heard
"Yeah, its like I heard that voice and it just went to my head and made me feel weird"
"Do you feel better now?" Corey asks concerned
"A bit yeah"

We end up sitting around and waiting for something else to come through the spirt box, but nothing does so Elton turns it off
"Wanna walk around with the K2 and see if we can pick up on anything?" he asks
"Yeah why not" I sigh
"For whatever it's worth everyone presumes that the murders took place between 12 and 5 in the morning, but it's only like 10:15 so that means right now he could be hiding up there"
"Why, why Elton, do you actually want me to pass out one of tases days?"
"I mean would make a good video"
"Gee thanks"
"I'm kidding, kinda, anyway come on lets go"

Corey, Elton and I go into the attic where all the nails are in the roof with the K2
"Is there anyone in here with u" before Corey could finish that question the K2 spikes a little
"Oh yeah look at that" Elton excitedly says
"Can you do that again to show us that you are in here with us?" I ask as Corey moves the K2 around
"Are you behind us now?" he says turning around "come on you already made it go off once and you're already talking to us, you don't have to be scared" the K2 spikes again ever so slightly "thank you. Are you a little kid?" Corey asks but the K2 does go off
"Are you an adult?" I ask but it doesn't go off
"If your an adult can you make this devise go off? we can't hear you but we know you can hear us" just as Corey finishes talking Corbin comes into the room with us
"Just think about this. If he was here, he would be hiding right and if he's hiding.." Corbin is interrupted by the sound of something knocking, making me jump
"Who's knocking on my foot?" Corey asks
"How would they even do that?" Elton says referring to everyone else downstairs
"Do you think they did it? Knocking on the ceiling to scare us and it was just a coincidence that Corey felt it?" I ask looking at Elton who just shrugs at me
"Should we go ask if it was them?" Corbin asks
"Yeah definitely" Elton agrees. We make our way down the stairs from the attic. Elton opens the door to the room the others are in "that better have been you guys"
"What better have been us?" Brandon asks sounding and looking very confused
"The knocking on the ceiling" Brandon pulls a little face as if he's now trying to hide a smile
"You're a terrible lier" Elton shakes his head and Brandon now smiles and laughs.

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