The Stanly Hotel Pt3

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We chill out for a while talking about random stuff. Finally we get ready for the seance
"So do we have green?" Sam asks
"I do" I say
"What you do?" Colby asks confused
"Yeah. I'm wearing green underwear and bra"
"Wait" sam pulls his jeans down a little "I forgot I put on green boxers"
"Great so you two are gonna be safe" Corey says making me laugh.
We get out the lolly pops and spread them around the room
"Look at that one" I say pointing to one of the lollipops that's got the stick pointing the ceiling "that's perfect we can see if something knocks it over" Sam says zooming into the lolly I'm pointing at. After that we head outside so Colby can sage us. After being saged we go back inside ready to start the seance
"There's no way" Corey slightly raises his voice
"What?" I ask picking up the camera
Ok at me right now did anyone move any of the lolly pops?" Corey asks
"What no why would we" I say confused
"You know that lolly pop that was standing up right there is now in front on the bathroom standing up"
"What? Where?" I scan the floor
"Baby there"
"Holy shit" I whisper
"Wait that is really weird" Sam says a little freaked out
"People are gonna think that was us" Jake pipes up
"Yeah they will but that's ok. We still know..." everyone starts talking and I find it hard to actually understand what anyone is saying
"Guys calm down look a lolly pop moved yes it doesn't matter if no one believes us because we know that it wasn't us"
"I think we should do the seance now because whatever is here is present" Colby says as he sits down
"I dunno bro. After what the psychic said. She literally said something gonna happen to us while we're here. This is like ouija board shit can we go?"
"Corey I love you but this is what we can for" I say
"We traveled all this way to capture something and now you want to leave?" Colby says
"Babe how do we know what the psychic said was actually true? I mean there are a fair few fakes and maybe she googled our names saw that we did this kinda of stuff I dunno take what she said with a pinch of salt"
"I'll go in the other room if you want to do it but like I don't want to do it now. I just have... I dunno. I have a really bad feeling ya know. I just don't feel good"
"The spirits react to you the most so could you like stay in the room?" Colby asks as I sit next to Colby on the floor
"Ok" Corey sighs
"And if nothing happens we end it ok?" I say
"Ok let's keep this short and just ask 1 question each" Sam says. I take Jake and Colbys hand
"We're not trying to do any harm we're not coming out her to try and summon anything bad so let's just be nice to whatever we talk to and be serious" Sam says seriously. We take a few breaths
"If anyone out there is listening we just wanna know if any noises that we heard were spirits or some kind of presence" nothing happens
"Hey Corey could you open the doors cuz remember Lucy opens the doors as well" Sam asks Corey
"That's true" Colby agrees. Corey gets up and opens the doors "brother I think you should join it's only works when there's all of us"
"How about this I ask a question, Colby asks a question, YN asks one and you then we're done?" Sam says trying to convince Corey
"Just one each?"
"Yeah it will take like 5 minutes"
"Ok" Corey sits down and we try again
"Can you give us a sign that your here. Anything" we sit for a little while. I feel my hair tickle my ear so I move my should up to my ear to rub it, the boys look at me confused to what I'm doing
"I think it was just my hair falling but it tickled my ear"
"You sure?" Corey asks a little scared
"Yeah I'm sure it's nothing"
"Ok you've been here all day. You've moved the lolly pops it's not time to play games anymore use our energy, show us that your here" Colby says firmly
"The candle just flickered" I say
"I saw that. It looked like it blew out for a second then relit" Corey confirms what I just saw. We then all hear a creek and turn around to look at the door
"Was that the door?" Sam asks
"Can I go?" Corey stands up and we hear the door creak again "yo can I go. Dead ass. Baby let's go I don't like this"
"Isn't this what we wanted. Why stop now?" Jake says
"I agree with Jake" Sam says
"It could have been nothing babe. Look the window is open the fan is on it could have just been the wind or someone might have walked passed and made a breeze" I shrug. We all sit back down and Corey asks the final question
"If there is anything, a spirit, a ghost, an entity, if there is anything in this room with us can you please make a sound or make something move to let us know that your here with us" we sit in silence and don't hear anything
"Nothing" I whisper. As soon as I say that we hear a rustle
"Yo that's in the closet" Corey leaves the room as Colby checks the closet "I just want to go outside" we follow Corey outside who looks completely freaked out "what the fuck was that? We should get anther hotel I do not want to stay in there tonight"
"Why did we come here Corey? The moment we catch it we stop? I just think we should stop running away from it"
"I agree with Jake I think we should go back in and just chill out in the room" I say shrugging. The others agree so we head back into the hotel and up to our room. I go into the suit case and take out some shorts and an oversized jumper. I go into the bathroom and get changed. I walk out and take a makeup wipe of the bag and take off my makeup while the boys are talking. Once I'm done I throw the makeup wipe away and lay down on the couch under a blanket. Corey gets under the blanket and holds me close to him
"We will turn the camera back on if anything else happens but for now we will see you in the morning" Sam says as Colby puts down the camera. Corey plays with my hair as I fall asleep. I then feel him kiss my head just before darkness consumes me.

The next morning we get dressed and turn the camera on and talk about the weird dreams we had. Turns out we all seemed to have been running in our dreams
"Anyone hear anything weird last night?" Sam asks
"No. I slept fine. I remember Corey playing with my hair and kissing my head before I fell asleep then I only woken up once with the dream of me running but thats it" I shrug
"Wait what?" Corey asks shocked
"What? That's all I remember" Corey  looks scared
"Baby I wasn't playing with your hair last night and I didn't kiss your forehead. I fell asleep almost immediately" I get off the bed with tears in my eyes
"Was that one of you guys pissing about?"
"No YN I promise" Colby says also now looking scared. Everyone else tells me it wasn't them either
"So you think it was the cowboy?" Sam asks
"Can we go?" I ask shakily
"Yes let's go pack your stuff. Come on guys" Corey starts grabbing our things. We check out and head home.

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