Execution Rocks Pt 4

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After eating food and just messing around trying to lighten the mood we go back inside the building, Elton and Corbin shut the metal door behind them
"I hate this" I nervously laugh standing next to Corey. We walk up the stairs to the top, Elton carrying the suitcase with him. Elton and Corey both hear a boat so Brandon and Corey go to investigate
"There can't be a boat, I mean look how low the tide was" I say confused
"That's what I'm thinking. It's really strange" Elton says
"There is literally a boat right in the front of the fucking light house but you can't see it" we hear Corey say from the stairs underneath us
"There's bells ringing and stuff" Brandon gets to the top of the stairs first
"But on top of that we heard a fucking hiss"
"Isn't that like really bad? I swear that's meant to be something demo..."
"Don't finish that sentence" Corey cuts me off walking past me "my backs burning"
"That's not good. You heard a hiss and now your backs burning" I walk towards Corey worriedly
"Do you want us to check your back?" Brandon asks
"No I don't" both Elton and I look at each other confused then he looks as if he's trying to hide a smile
"Inside the lighthouse or outside?" Again Elton tries to hide a smile, I continue to frown looking at him
"It was outside the lighthouse we heard the hiss" Corey says. Corey makes Elton listen to the footage but can't hear it
"That makes it worse if it doesn't pick up on here because that means only you heard it"
"You got something attached to us then" Corey points to Elton
"Corbin?" I lean over and whisper
"Is it just me or is Elton acting really weird?"
"No more than usual I don't think why?"
"I dunno he just seems... off"

We all sit down, I sit in between Corbin and Elton. We talk about how the locks on the doors are all weird and how we would all like to know what's behind the doors. We turn off all the lights and Elton gets out the spirt box and turns it on. A voice comes through that sounds like 'get out of here ' both Corey and I look at each other
"Is there anything or anyone here that was brought here. With one of the items I brought?" Elton asks. We listen to the box but nothing really comes through until we all feel the floor shake
"Why did the ground just shake?" Corey slightly yells an fb a voice comes through again telling us to get out "can you get the dybbuk box away from me please?"
"Bring it here next to me" Elton rubs his hands on his face
"What no I'm next to you" I yell
"Just bring it here"
"I'm not picking it up" Corey says
"That was insane" Elton says finally looking up
"That was like a big vibration" Elton turns the box back on and Corbin asks a question
"We're you brought here against your will" again we're told to get out
"That's the third time now" I shakingly say
"Did you hear that though that was a loud yell" at the same time as Corbin saying 'loud yell' the spirt box also said that, when Corbin finished talking the spirt box said 'that was a'
"That just repeated you" Corey gasps
"It was so clear what the fuck"
"It goes 'loud' in your voice" Corey freaks out
"It literally was in his voice" Brandon points to Corbin
"That's really not good. First the boat, then the hiss, Corey's back hurting now this. Elton what at have you done?"
"What do you mean?" Elton looks at me
"Do you not get it, you've brought something dangerous here" I kinda yell
"YN calm down we're ok"
"I swear Elton if someone gets hurt..."
"I don't know if we're just freaking ourselves out"
"But that was Corbin's voice" Corey says still in shock
"Yeah I know and I don't like that" Corbin scrunches his face up a little. I take his hand in mine and smile at him a little
"I don't want to do this" Brandon says and I nod in agreement

We carry on listening to the spirit box and we have a few words come through like 'believe in us', 'help me' and 'I enjoy it' which not gonna lie scare the shit out of me. When Corey asks how may spirits there are immediately we have a response of 32. Corey asks they how they died and the spirt box says ocean. Elton decides that it's a good idea for him to just listen to the spirt box while the rest of us ask questions
"Hey you guys... Steve" Elton says
"Steve?" I frown
"How many years have you lived here?" Corbin asks
"Oh my god" Elton replies. This is so freaky "watch this"
"Watch what?" Corey asks, Elton stays quiet
"What do you want to tells us?" I ask
"There you are" Elton responds, making Corey and I look at one another worried as Corbin puts his head in his hands sighing
"Do you know us?" I ask. I look at Elton who's twitching and shaking his head. Corey repeats my question and again Elton is just twitching
"Why so serious?" Brandon, Corbin, Corey and I all look at each other
"Do you want us to leave the island?" Brandon asks. Elton shakes his head and takes off the head set he had on
"Yeah that's fucking irritating as hell"
"I'll do it this time" I say taking the headphones from Elton
"Are you sure?" Elton asks a little worried
"Yeah" I put them on and Eltons hat over my eyes. I understand what he meant by it being irritating because of the white noise. The first voice comes through, "sent" I say out loud so the others can hear me the same voice comes though "friend" I say again voice starts to say random numbers "7, 3, 1, 3" I say it out loud so the others know whats being said. The sentence why'd they care? comes through so again I repeat what is said to the boys. I'm guessing they asked a question because some words come through "quite fun" I say aloud then another voice comes through "spirit box" I frown a little even though no one can see my facial expression. I then feel someone take off the hat and headphones.

The questions that were asked during that little bit

Were you forced to come here?- sent

Why were you sent here?- friend

Did your friend screw you over?-

How old are you- 7 3 1 3- why'd they car

Are you upset with the items that Elton brought?- quite fun

Can you name one of the items that Elton brought here?- spirit box

"I heard the words spirt box" I say confused
"We asked if the spirt could name something that we had brought here"
"Holy shit" I breath out
"Dude I feel sick" Corey says holding his stomach
"Maybe it's the nerves?" I shrug

Corey decides he wants to have a go with the spirt box, when he puts the headphones on he said he heard a scream as the rem pod (sorry I've been calling the beeping device, I just realised what its actually called) is going crazy. Elton turns it off and Corey starts to make some weird faces
"Elton" he says frowning "hi Corey, investigation Corbin"
"Wait it said my name?"
"It was a girls voice go 'hi Corey', then a mans voice says 'investigation' and 'cor-bin' that's crazy. Do you just want me to repeat everything I hear?"
"Yeah everything you hear" Elton says responding to Corey
"Be calm" he yells turning around to face the wall so he cant see us
"Do you just want to ask the ques..." Elton starts but is cut off by Corey freaking out taking the headphones off and jumping
"What?" I say
"Dude I don't know what it said but it was like" Corey did an impression of the voice and the best way I can explain it is that it was kinda like what you'd imagine a gremlin to sound like "I'm not doing that no more, like I heard the last word which was room but ughhh" Corey shakes his arms and body a little. After Corey calms down a little he puts the headphones back on
"How did you die here?" Corbin whispers and once again Corey freaks out taking the headphones off
"Was that one of you guys?" he yells touching his neck
"What? none of us moved or did anything" I frown at Corey
"Something just touched my fucking neck"
"What the fuck"
"YN was that you? it was like hair sliding on my neck"
"What the fuck Corey? no it wasn't me and anyway I have my hair up in a bun and have all night"
"My neck is burning right now"
"In what way" Elton says as Corbin Evan try to look at cores neck
"Like it feels like a sun burn"
"You can see its red"
"I really don't like this" I shiver out of nerves.

Trap House Imagines ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora