The Conjuring House Pt2

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Once upstairs it becomes heavier and that iky feeling I have intensifies
"This room gives me chills. This room is giving me the most weird feelings. It's just eerie"
"Yeah I'm with Corey. I feel really weird being in here" we notice Elton hasn't come up with us, or more like hasn't come into the room with us. The boys play a small game if hide and clap while I feel this overwhelming feeling of going somewhere. I walk out the room
"YN where are you going?" Corey asks
"I- I dunno" I walk down the hall to a room that looks like an attic if some sort. My breath becomes heavy and quick. My hand immediately goes to my stomach as I walk in
"Bro your sister is freaking me out" Corbin says to Elton
"YN what do you feel?" Elton asks
"Pain, sorrow, heartache, but also joy. It's like residual energy, sometimes there was sadness shared in this room but other times there was joy and happiness" I say with tears in my eyes
"This is the birthing room. It's just off the fire place so it would still be heated" I nod at Corey with a beard now understanding
"That makes sense. Like women and babies probably passed away in here, but other times they both survived"
"Brandon go in" Elton says smirking
"I'm not going in there" he replies
"Actually I feel like this has been the safest room. Like I don't feel scared in here" I shrug.

We then go down to the basement and look down a hole. Brandon goes down it and the boys cover the hole, but he is able to get out pretty easily. I have a bad feeling in this room, like something is here that doesn't want us to be here. Corey manages to scare Elton, which is definitely a first
"YN your being very quiet right now" Corbin says
"Hmmm" I hum
"I hate it when she's like this" Corey says while Elton is laughing
"It's always a bad sign when she's quiet" Elton says still laughing
"Let's get out of here" I begin to walk out.

We all head back to the main living room area of the house. Josh sits down while the rest of us stand around. The iky feeling comes back
"Ok so I didn't want to say anything while we were in the basement but I felt like something was down there with us. Something that didn't want us to be there"
"Ok god" Corey says freaking a little
"Err Josh. What is your confidence in us finding the cemetery"
"Well when John took me I said I wouldn't know how to get there by myself and now it's like, I've only done it one time and it's dark. Maybe like 35%  and we might get lost. But if we get there though it will pretty cool. But there's a bridge that's falling apart"
"Great. Fantastic. Let's go on a wild goose chase and fall through a bridge"
"Don't you mean a wild ghost chase" Elton laughs
"How am I related to you" I shake my head and cross my arms.

We get given walkie talkies and Josh leads the way to the cemetery
"By the way we have no back up batteries so if all the lights go out then we're done" Elton says as we get to the bridge
"Ok so be carful. Don't stand in the middle" Josh says. I take a step on the bridge behind Elton and in front of Corey
"YN watch your step here" Elton points down "the boards are loose and it's a little slippery" I roll my eyes and follow Elton and carefully walk across making sure my feet down fall through the wooden boards. We continue to walk through woods and through a field.

In no time at all we arrive at the cemetery and we read some of the headstones, or well what we can read
"Do we have any ghost equipment?" Corey asks as Elton pulls out a K11 meter
"And we have YN"
"So that's the real reason I'm here?" I ask Elton
"Nooo of course not...... we needed clicks and you and Corey attract the shippers"
"Oh wow thanks" I laugh. I look around and become fixated on one of the headstones "huh" I mutter to myself walking up to a gravestone
"What are you feeling?" Corbin asks
"It's weird you'd think I'd be feeling sorrow or something but I don't. It feels happy, youthful or at least it does right here"
"Look at the writing in the headstone. It says infant son" Corbin reads
"So a baby?" Josh says.

We walk deeper into the graveyard
"It feels different over here"
"How do you mean?" Josh asks
"Evil" I say looking around
"Well come over here" we all follow Josh and see a pentagram on one of the headstones
"Wow wait what?" Corey says almost speechless
"I don't like that at all. Like I said there's something negative around here" I shiver trying to look around me
"Can you lead us to wherever you are? Can you make this spike?" Corey asks holding out the K11 meter. Nothing seems to happen and Elton gets out more ghost hunting equipment and we attempted to contact any spirts using them
"Are we welcome here?" Brandon asks. I feel something cold pass through me
"No" I say shivering
"Did you just speak through YN?" Elton asks then we all hear rustling in the bushes
"I don't like the fact it's using YN to contact us. The last time this happened we were at the Castle in England, we were talking to something demonic and YN passed out afterwards and I saw...him"
"I'm ok Corey. I don't feel like I did then. The moment I feel off I'll say ok?" Corey nods his had and smiles at me. I smile back at Corey as Elton sets up the spirit box on one of the headstones and almost immediately I hear something and I frown
"Wait that actually freaked me out for a second" Elton says nervously smiling "YN I'm guessing you heard that" I nod my head
"It just said Elton"
"Wait no it didn't. No it didn't" Corey freaks out "can you hear us?"
"Did that just say hello?" Corbin asks
"I didn't hear anything" I shrug
One of the equipment comes up with the word David so we search around for a gravestone that has the name David on it. We spend a while looking for a gravestone but don't find anything
"It almost feels like we shouldn't be out here" Corbin says and in that exact moment I hear something breath 'leave' into my ear. My eyes start to water
"Guys we should go" I say
"What why?" Elton looks at me confused
"Something just whispered saying leave"
"Do you want us to leave? If you say yes we will go" Corey says holding on to the ghost hunting equipment "dude" Corey yells slightly "did you just see that?"
"What?" I ask
"I saw a rock fly through the sky"
"Wait dead ass?"
"Yes dead ass"
We walk around some more and our lights start to turn off one by one
"Dude I'm getting Japan suicide Forest vibes" I say looking at Elton
"Honestly me too"
"Wait guys look" Corey calls us over to look at the ghost equipment he's holding
"So I swear I just heard a girls voice right then this started going crazy. Jumped, Lisa"
"Holy shit" I breath out speechless "is Lisa here? Is that who Corey heard? If it's you Lisa can you give us a sign?" I ask looking around. We walk some more and we get the name Lisa come through again
"The word unholy just came through. Oh my god look it's now saying ring and weeps" Corey says
"Well if you want to put that together. We've got the name Lisa twice, her husband did something unholy because hey had a ring now she weeps" Elton gets out his walkie talkie and talks to Corey with the beard "ok question for you. Is there anything known to you involving a woman named Lisa because we keep getting that name"
"Could you not do a reading or something?" Brandon asks me
"Not really I've not really practiced. It's more feelings I get and the occasional spirt talking through me. I can send spirts into the light but you don't really have to be psychic to do that but it helps" Corey with the beard says that he doesn't know anything about a Lisa.

We walk back to the barn and decide we're going to play a game of hide and clap before we do our investigation in the conjuring house.

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