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"What's up guys it's YN here and today I'm joined with my amazing husband Colby. Today I thought it could be funny to use a contraction simulation machine with Colby. These will simulate the pains I have when I have a period and it will also simulate labour pains. To make it interesting I'm going to be asking Colby female related questions. If you you get the answer wrong I get to zap you. Are you ready baby?" 
"No" I laugh
"Ok so lie down and I'm going to put these pads on" I stick them on and hold the machine in my hands
"First question is when a woman gives birth what are the pains called?"
"Oh easy contractions"
"How many centimetres should the cervix dilate before a woman pushes when giving birth"
"How am I meant to know that. Oh god ok errm 5?"
"Nope wrong. It's 10" I turn the machine on
"That's uncomfortable"
"Welcome to what I have to deal with for 5 days once a month. Ok next question name 3 makeup items"
"Errm powder, lipstick and errrm oh what's the stuff you put on your cheeks..... blush"
"Ok what's this" I hold up a period cup. Colby looks horrified
"Some weird sex toy"
"Nope a period cup you put it inside and it collects all the blood"
"Eww ok babe I get it" I laugh at Colby. I turn the machine on to 3
"Oh god"
"Who were the suffragettes?"
"They were the women who protested for woman's right to vote"
"How many weeks does a pregnancy typically last?"
"I dunno 50?"
"God that's a long pregnancy babe that's nearly a year" I laugh "I would have given you anything between 37 and 42 weeks" I turn up the machine
"I don't like this video anymore" I continue to ask questions and I keep turning the machine up. We are on our last one, either way I'm turning the tense machine up
"Last one. What's the name I want us to call our first boy and girl"
"Sophia and Thomas"
"You got it right but I want to show you what it's like for labour pains"
"Ow ow ow baby stop oh my god" Colby starts yelling while I'm laughing. I turn it off
"That is how much pain I will be in in 7 months"
"Wait what?"
"Surprise. I'm pregnant"
"Are you serious right now?" I nod while beginning to cry "I'm so happy" Colby pulls me over and starts kissing my face while I'm laughing "I just want to say thank you to my mom because that shit hurts and well done to all the mothers and soon to be mothers out there" I smile "us men have got it easy so if your pregnant wife, girlfriend, friend, sister, whoever is in a bad mood just be kind to them and buy them chocolate" i laugh
"I love you"
"I love you too" I kiss Colby and we wrap up the video
"So how are we going to tell our friends and family?" Colby asks
"I want to film their reactions"
"How far along are you anyway?"
"16 weeks I found out last week and wanted to surprise you"
"Your cute" Colby kisses my nose
"Your the best husband a woman could wish for"

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