He Was Hiding?

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Based off Kevin's video 'sneaking into the trap house undercover' in this one YN is dating Colby

I arrive at the TRAP house. I grab my bag and let out my 2 dogs Oliver, a chocolate lab puppy and Nala, a 2 year old German Shepard. they hop out the car and I let them in
"Hey bitches I'm here" I yell, Colby comes down stairs to greet me. Oliver and Nala start to get excited
"Hey babe" he kisses me on the cheek then strokes the dogs
"Are we going in the pool?" I ask
"Yeah I need to clean the kitchen and my room first though"
"Oh I'll do the kitchen" I smile and kiss him. I go over to the kitchen and get out the wipes and start to wipe the surfaces down. Nala follows Colby up to his room while Oliver stays by my feet

Kevin POV
I slide the back door open "fucking idiots" I say to the camera. I shut the door and start to move. I then hear the front door alarm go off and hear YN yell then the sound of paws on the floor "YNs just got here and I think she's brought her dogs as well" I hear muffled noises and see YN walk into the kitchen with her new puppy. Oliver then starts to sniff about, he then stops to look at me, he wags he's tail and starts the try and play
"Oliver come" YN calls, he walks off. Sam then walks into the kitchen I pull a face a the camera then turn it back into
"Are staying overnight?"
"No I've go to film early hours of the morning so I don't want to disturb you guys. Colbs said he'd watch the dogs for me tonight and tomorrow"
"Ah I see. What time are you leaving?"
"Not sure yet but I need to be asleep for around 8 so probably about 7. Why are you trying to get rid of me" YN laughs and Sam joins in
"No I was gonna film with the boys later if you wanted to join"
"Yeah that sounds good" YN finishes off in the kitchen and takes Oliver away. Sam then walks out the kitchen
"Fuck that was close" I say to the camera the door alarm goes again "he must have walked out the house. I think I heard YN go up stairs" I take my shoes off and continue to move around

I finish off in the kitchen and go upstairs to Colby's room. He's tidying the floor while Nala is on his bed. I put Oliver down and he joins Nala
"Nearly done?" I ask
"Yeah just need to take this down" Colby points to a trash bag. I smile as he picks it up and we walk down the stairs. Colby takes out the trash and Sam comes over to talk to Colby
"Dude we need to have a house meeting at some point this week" Sam says
"Erm yeah maybe tonight after YNs gone home?"
"Yeah I'll let Corey and Jake know" Sam says and he walks out leaving Colby and I alone in the hall
"In a bit baby" Colby takes my face in hands and kisses me "god I love you"
"I love you too" I smile and peck his lips once more

Kevin's POV
I'm hiding in the movie theatre watching a conversation going on between Sam and Colby. Sam leaves the room and YN and Colby start kissing, I turn the camera round and fake gag
"God I love you"
"I love you too" they walk out the front door and I get out of my hiding spot as Corey comes out of his room. He shuts the door and I start laughing. Corey opens up his door again
"Shhh let me in"
"No my rooms way to dirty go in the movie room"
"I'm doing 24 hours in the TRAP house hitting every single room without anybody seeing me"
"I just saw you"
"I know. The plans dead. I've just had to watch YN and Colby make out for god knows how long" I laugh
"Yeah well welcome to our world. That happens all the time" Corey then tells me about a wig that will help me to disguise as Sam. I make my way upstairs and go into colby room
"I first of all Colby's room is fucking creepy. YN how do you sleep in here? Colby's room check. Colbys closet check. Colbys bathroom check" finish off upstairs and come back down and go in Jakes. Then run to get my shoes then outside "I did it. I was only caught by...." I'm interrupted by the door opening and YNs dogs running to me
"What the heck Kevin" YN laugh "what are you doing?"
"I was going into every room in the house without being caught. You and Corey are the only one who caught me"
"Ok well we're all getting in the pool in a bit. Sam and Colby are just working out around the front"
"Well that's it for today's video...." I stop and see Sam and Colby walking out the back
"Errm what the fuck are you doing?" Sam asks and I burst out laughing
"Wait how long have you been here?"
"I've been going through all of the rooms in the house. Question YN how the fuck do you sleep in Colby's room it's creepy as hell"
"She doesn't sleep" Colby says earning an eye roll from me. I end the video and run out of the house

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