Hockomok Swamp

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Request by @WaywardSister2 who asked for more of the TFIL videos so this one is a continuation from the last TFIL. I will do some more in the future. I'm still currently recovering but I seem to feel fairly ok moment ❤️

After traveling we arrive at a place called Hokomok Swamp once again with Josh. Corey and I are cuddling to try and keep warm
"What's up guys welcome back. Today Josh has brought us to this location, a swamp"
"Hokomok Swamp. I've been coming here for like 5 years and I would just come here with my friends and just kinda like bullshit around to be honest but this Swamp is really haunted it's known the mothman, I don't know if you guys know what that is"
"Wait here?" I ask
"Yeah there's reports of the mothman here and ufos and Indians. This used to be an Indian burial ground. So when the settlers came here they pretty much wiped out this entire place and killed everyone and after that there was a satanic cult and the guy who lead them is still in jail to this day" Josh explains to us
"Was a girl sacrificed?" I ask feeling like a girl was trying to pull me into the forest
"Errm yeah. So a girl was sacrificed and you can see the pictures of the murder scene" Josh says, Corey tightens his grip on me.

We walk into the forest, I hold a flashlight because I didn't want to wear a light on my head and on our way we stumble upon something
"What's that?" Corbin asks
"That's a girls dress, or sweater" Elton says then looks at me worriedly
"Guys I don't want to scare anyone but I've felt the presence of a female spirt since before walking into the forest and she seems to be following us"
"Seriously YN? You wanna just tell us that now? Like that couldn't wait till we've left?" Brandon says scared. We carry on walking until we get to some crossroads
"The circle of death is down here" Josh says and I stop walking
"Wait. Did you just say circle of death?" I ask
"Err yeah it's where they did the rituals"
"Fanfuckingtastic" I mumble grabbing hold of Corey's arm
"Shhh can you hear that?" Corey says "I can hear someone like walking on leaves"
"Maybe it's an animal?" I shrug. We continue to walk around
"YN just go steady. There's logs all over the place" Elton says moving the camera round the me
"Shhhh listen" Corbin says and we hear twigs snapping
"It sounds like it's coming from the trees" Corey says
"It's like in planet of the apes when they go in the trees it's like that" Corbin says pointing up to the trees above us
"That girl isn't with us anymore. Makes me kinda wonder if she had to bring us into the woods"
"For what?" Brandon asks and I shrug "bro she scares me" he says to Elton as I walk over to the circle.

We spend 3 hours in the swamp but nothing happens so we decide to start making our way out
"I'm hungry" I sigh
"We can get some food in a bit" Elton says and I look at him before slipping on a log
"YN are you ok?" Corey asks
"Ow my ankle" I say as Corey try's to help me up
"What did you do?" Brandon asks
"Slipped on a log"
"I told you to be careful" Elton says handing the camera over to Corbin so he can help me walk
"Is it broken?" Corey asks
"No I don't think so. Just think it's a sprain"
"Ok let's just walk back to the rental and rest up" Elton says walking along side me with Corey.

When we arrive out Elton does the outro and we get in the car, I sit next to Corey and we head off to our next adventure for TFIL.

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