Im Sorry I Like You

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YN has grown up with Sam and Colby and really like Sam. Sam is dating Kat, YN has become really close to Colby trying to distance herself from Sam

I head over to the TRAP house to hang out with everyone once again. Once I arrive I see Kat's car and immediately feel guilty and upset. You see I've like Sam for a while now, but nothing can ever happen because Sam is dating Kat. Kat and I used to be really close but once I started to get feelings for Sam I had to distance myself from her and Sam. I walk into the house and walk outside where all the noise is coming from
"Ahhh YN finally your here I feel like I haven't seen you in ages" Kat runs to me and hugs me
"Yeah sorry about that" I hug her back
"Hey YN where have you been. Your never round anymore. I miss my best friend" Sam now walks over to us and pulls me into a hug. I quickly pull away
"I thought Colby was your best friend"
"You know you and Colby are on par of being my best friends" I roll my eyes and smile, maybe pretending that I don't fancy my best friend and my best friends boyfriend won't be so bad. I walk away over to Colby who is sat with Brennen and Amber on the couch
"Hey YN" Colby stands to hug me
"How are you doing, you know after what you told us the other week?" Amber asks, I guess she's kinda replaced Kat in the sense I now tell Amber everything that I would normally tell Kat
"I don't know I feel awful, guilty, just a horrible person"
"It's just a small crush. You'll get over him" Colby says putting his arm around my shoulder
"She'll get over who?" I hear Sam behind us "who do we need to look into? What's his name?"
"No one Sam don't worry about it" I say staring at Brennen mad
"Come on YN you use to tell me everything"
"Bro just leave it yeah" Colby says
"What's going on?" Kat now walks over with the other girls
"Nothings going on" I say annoyed
"YN has a crush and won't tell me who" Sam crosses his arms as he sits opposite me, Kat follows and sits on his lap. I look at Colby and he pulls me in for a hug
"Wait are you two?" Kat points between me and Colby
"Eww no she's like a sister to me"
"Then who is it?"
"Just drop it" I stand up and walk into the house and sit down on the couch. How is this mu life? How did I get into this mess? Kat is one of my best friends how could I do this to her? How could I be such a bitch? I know nothing could ever happen between me and Sam but how do I get over him? How do I stop these feelings? How do I stop the jealousy? My thoughts are interrupted but Sam sitting next to me
"You gonna talk?" I can feel the tears already threatening to fall "come on YN I know you, whatever this is it's ruining you so spill"
"Fine. There's this guy and I really like him..."
"Ok so talk to him. Do I know him?" I chuckle
"Really well. But he has a girlfriend and I dont know how to stop feeling jealous whenever he and his girlfriend are together, it's so bad of me but I don't know what to do. I don't want to split them up, but it's hard seeing them together and the worst part is I'm so close to these people" I see Sams face scrunch as if he's trying to think of who it is
"Brennen and Amber?" He asks, I sigh and shake my head
"No you and Kat"
"Oh" Sam turns and leans on his knees with his hands covering his mouth
"I'm sorry I like you, but I just don't know what to do" I wipe the tears falling
"Is this why you've been distant lately" I nod my head
"Oh YN I had no idea"
"I know. I only told Colby, Amber and Brennen and now you. God I'm a horrible person" I stand up and run my hands over my face
"No your not. Things like this happen..."
"But it shouldn't. I've ruined my friendship with you and Kat and now I..."
"YN that's enough" Sam stands up and holds my shoulder "you have not ruined anything. Your still my best friend. We will figure that out I promise"
"Kat's gonna hate me"
"No she won't, because you've be hiding this and trying to get ride of those feelings. Kat's got some makeup wipes, I'll go and get some and we can join the others" Sam goes off upstairs. I wait for a few minutes when Kat comes in
"YN I had no idea that you were feeling like that"
"You heard?" I say embarrassed
"Yeah but like Sam said we're gonna figure this out ok" Kat hugs me and I break down even more.

Time skip 3 months
Since talking to Sam and Kat things have been getting better. I no longer see Sam in that way thanks to Kat and the other girls setting me up with guys they know. I'm still single but hey now I'm over Sam maybe I can finally meet someone and be as happy as Kat is with Sam.

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