High School Reunion Pt2

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Tonight I've been invited to pizza night at Sam and Colby's place. I've been living with my old co-star Dylan O'Brian, I worked with him on both Teen Wolf and The Maze Runner. I put on some jeans and a crop top before finishing off my makeup.
After an hour or so I'm ready to head off, grabbing my car keys from the key holder
"Bye Dyl I'll probably see you in the morning" I yell
"Bye YN have a good time" he yells back to me from the couch.

The drive wasn't to long from Dylan's place. When I arrive I notice the house is huge with a gate outside. I press the intercom and wait for someone to speak
"Hi Colby it's YN can you let me in?"
"Of course just give me a minute" I wait for the gate to open so I can park on the drive. I get out of my Aston Martin and head to the door which is open with Colby stood in the door way with open arms
"Hey YN"
"Hi Colby" I hug him and we sway side to side a little
"You ready to come and meet everyone?"
"Meet everyone? I thought you said not many would be here? Oh god Colby I can't meet loads of people"
"Says the actress who literally holds meet and greets"
"Yeah but like this is different these people are your friends and if they don't like me we can't all hang out together which mean your time will be divided up which isn't fair..."
"YN your doing that rambling thing again. Remember at school whenever you had a project you'd ramble from anxiety" I nod my head "what helped you through that?"
"Honestly looking at you and Sam"
"Well one of us will by your side until you feel more comfortable"
"Ok" I take a deep breath and head into the house.

We walk into a room what looks like a movie theatre
"Ok listen up" Colby slightly yells grabbing everyone's attention "this is YN, she's a friend of mine and Sams from back home. Please make her feel welcome" everyone waves at me smiling
"Ok so you already know Kat and Amber" Sam says probably to remind me of names "this is Brennen, Jake, Tara, Xepher, Griffin, Corey, Devyn, Cassie, Reggie, Aryia, Mike and Kevin" Sam points to each person
"It's nice to met you all" I say smiling
"I'm going to try and not sound like the biggest fan girl but I love you. I'm such a huge fan" the short girl Tara says
"Thank you so much, actually since seeing sam and Colby again I may have watched a load of videos and I'm actually big fans of you guys as well now"
"Ahhhh the YN YLN is a fan of us" Devyn squeals making me laugh
"But seriously please just treat me like any other friend of the boys"

We all end up with drinks in our hand and telling funny stories
"Hey can you show me where the toilet is please?" I say looking at Colby
"I will, I need to go myself" Kevin says standing up
"Thank you" I get up and follow Kevin out of the cinema room
"How are you finding everyone?" he asks
"Really lovely. Brennen is a huge flirt isn't he?" I giggle
"Yeah he his, any girl that's single he flirts with, don't get me wrong once he's in a relationship he's committed to that person. But single he's a bit of a"
"Man whore?" I attempt to finish Kevin's sentence
"Exactly. Whenever us boys go out it's always Colby and Brennen who get the attention, and obviously once Colby says he's in a relationship they all go for Brennen or if Mikes with us they go for him"
"Hmmm you know what I think. I think they don't go for you or Aryia because those girls only want one thing and when they see you or Aryia they see boyfriend material not a one night stand"
"You think so?" we have now stopped outside of the bathroom, Kevin leaning slightly on the door frame
"Uh huh. Don't put yourself down. Plus I think you're pretty hot" I smile putting my hand on his arm
"Your not so bad yourself if I'm being honest". I go on my tippy toes as if I'm about to kiss him but I then then turn to do into the bathroom shutting the door before Kevin could say anything. I do my business and wash my hands. I unlock the door to see Kevin still stunned. I decide to make it worse by winking at him "bathrooms all yours. I'll see you back in the cinema room" I sway my hips as I walk off.

I sit back down after entering the room
"Where's Kevin?" Sam asks
"Oh he had a little problem I think" I smile
"Did you make his pee pee say hello?" Corey asks
"No comment" I fold my arms
"Maybe you should have stayed to help him" Brennen laughs
"Or maybe that was my plan all along, get him excited for when it does finally happen" I joke, kinda
"You know boys I like this girl" Mike pats Colby on the back. The doors open and a flustered Kevin walks in, he walks to me and leans down whispering in my ear
"You know, you made it very difficult to pee"
"That was the point" I whisper back to him "get you excited for the real thing" Kevin chuckles and walks off.
The rest of the night we take glances at each other and continue to flirt.

10 years later
"And that's how your mother and I met" Kevin says to our 6 year old and 2 year old while I rub my little bump beginning to form
"Ok time to sleep" I say to my older boy and younger girl
"But mommy we're not tired yet" my boy yawns
"I beg to differ. Now come on time to sleep, good night baby boy. I love you"
"I love you to mommy" I pick my girl up and take her to her bedroom
"Goodnight angel"
"Night night momma" I kiss her head and turn the light off to see Kevin stood in the door way
"We've done good haven't we"
"Yeah we have" I glance over at our little girl cuddling her teddy. Who knew this would be my life, 2 beautiful children, another baby on the way and a gorgeous husband. All of this because of 1 high school reunion.

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