Sunken City

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This one is based off Sam and Colbys video 'elxploring sunken city' YN is dating Colby in this one and is Devyns younger sister. Devyn and Corey are still dating in this story

Why I agreed to go exploring for Sam and Colby is beyond me. I dont usually go exploring because it's scares me but here I am stood with Sam, Colby, Corey, Devyn and Aaron. I blame Dev for this. Corey has is arm around Devyn and I'm holding Colbys hand while stood in between him and Sam
"What's up guys is Sam and Colby"
"Today we are with YN, Aaron, Corey and Devyn. We are at sunken city" the boys all cheer while Devyn and I look at each other and laugh
"We've stayed overnight before but we've never explored the place. So that's what we're doing tonight" Colby says removing his hand from mine but pulling me in for a hug instead. Sam takes the camera and starts walking explaining why it's called sunken city. Devyn and I hang back from the group a little
"Why did you have to drag me here?" Devyn giggles at me
"Because you need to go out with friends more. You only ever hang out with me or Colby"
"Because that's what I like"
"I know but staying in your room all day everyday only seeing like 2 people isn't going to help your mental health"
"And being scared out of my mind will?" I question Devyn. Before Colby I was in a really bad relationship which caused me to have a lot of anxiety and other mental health issues. Of course my friends know and support me but it's hard for them because they think they have done something wrong but that's not the case
"Well your therapist said you needed to get out are have fun. Be 21"
"Yeah I'm not sure she had this in mind" I giggle
"See it's already doing you some good to get out"
"Come on slow pokes" Corey calls, Devyn and I walk quicker to get back to the group. Devyn immediately goes over to Corey and I go to Colby
"You ok?" Colby whispers in my ear. I smile and nod me head. We get to a wall that we need to jump over. Colby goes first lifting his leg up then pulling himself over. As Devyn and I aren't tall, me specifically being only 5ft 1, Corey lifts me up and Colby helps me down. Corey then lifts Devyn up and Colby helps her down. Sam, Corey and Aaron follow. We then go through a gap that leads to the cliff. Colby pulls me in close
"Look it's a full moon tonight" Sam points the camera to the moon
"That makes this 10x creepier" Colby says
"I think it looks pretty" I say looking up. We continue to walk when a bug flies into my face, I scream
"What?" Colby looks at me concerned
"It was a bug. Look" it had landed on the floor, Sam shoes the camera
"What the fuck is that?"
"I dunno but I don't like it" I laugh running over to Devyn. Everyone else starts laughing. We continue to walk when we see a light, we walk over and notice a memorial
"Oh god this is where that woman committed suicide" I move backwards not liking the fact we were stood where someone had passes away. I look over to Devyn who looks like she's about to cry, I walk over and hug her
"Are you ok?" I ask her causing Corey to look down at her
"Yeah it's just upsetting that someone felt they had nothing or no one. They thought this was their only option" I nod understanding. We decide to walk away and end up walking over to house ruins
"YN dont you think it's smells like our grandmas house?" Devyn says standing on the broken wall
"Yeah you're right that's weird"
"That's freaky bro. Like there's not a house here anymore and it smells like there is" Corey walks away
"Weird" we carry on walking and exploring, the boys mess around. We walk back to where the memorial was
"Anyone else feel really creeped out?" I say best the edge of the cliff
"Babe come this way" Colby puts us hand out
"Yeah YN your pretty close to the edge scoot this way" Corey says. I take Colbys hand and walk towards him. Aaron walks down the cliff to the shore front
"Yo you good?" Sam asks
"Yeah. It's just there's a shadow"
"What? Like down there or on the cliff" Colby asks
"On the cliff" Aaron shout back
"I wanna go home" I say shivering
"Are you cold?" Colby asks. I nod my head and Colby pulls me in rubbing his arms up and down to try and warm me up
"Come on let's go" we start walking
"Hold on. Was this here before?"
"What?" Sam asks Aaron. Aaron points to a creepy ass doll
"Oh hell no. Come on Devyn let's go" Corey says moving Devyn out the way. Colby presses the tummy of the doll and it makes weird sounds. He then picks the doll up
"eww babe puts it down you don't know what's on that thing"
"Drop the doll and lets go" Corey say
"I'm with Corey on this one. Babe put it down please". I start to walk away with Devyn and Corey. The boys hang back a little, I turn around and watch them catch up to us
"Cops" Colby whispers
"There's cops?" Sam says
"There look"
"Let's wait it out I think we're good" Colby says holding my hand. Just as the cops leave some idiots set off fireworks and the cop turns around with sirens on
"Guys we need to go. Go go go" Sam says as we all start running. Finally we make it over the wall and just walk casually to the cars. Corey and Devyn get into Corey's car while the rest of us get into Colbys. We all stop at a gas station to finish the video then we drive home and all go straight to bed.

Trap House Imagines ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें