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This one is based of Sams games of the midnightman. YN and Brennen are dating and she grew up with Sam and Colby so they are very close
Tonight Sam, Colby, Brennen, Kat and I are playing the midnightman. Not going to lie I am completely terrified right now, we're sat on Sams bed while Sam is explaining what we're going to do. Kat looks at me as I hear a bang come from outside she points out the window, I look outside and see nothing. Kat and look at each other wide eyed then we hear it again
"What the heck. Kat and I keep hearing a car door but there's literally no one outside"
"Why are we already hearing things?" Kat whines
"So you need to prick your fingers and put the blood on the paper" Sam says like as if it was normal
"No I'm not doing that" Kat says and I agree with her
"I hate needles you know I can't"
"Pass me your finger" brennen says. He gently takes my hand in his, I keep pulling my finger away "baby stop it's fine and I'll kiss it better promise". Finally he is able to prick my finger and I put it on the paper with my name on
"Right now we need to blow out the candles, go out the door knock the door 13 times then we come back in and light the candles again" we do as Sam says stood outside his door. We go back in and pick up our candles
"Woah" Kat says holding on to my arm
"Are you ok?" I ask her concerned
"I can see stars"
"Do you wanna sit down?"
"No I think I'm ok"
"We need to move" Sam says taking Kat's hand leading the way. Brennen takes mine and we follow, Colby keeping close behind me. We make our way down to the kitchen, Colby takes the salt and Brennen takes the lighter. My candle suddenly blows out and Brennen quickly re lights it
"Yo lets do Bloody Mary" Brennen says
"No baby that's not a good idea" Brennen ignores me and walks over to the bathroom with Colby they both start chanting Bloody Mary while Kat is franticly crying. I go over to her and hug her, the boys realise that it wasn't fair to do and both come back to us
"Not cool B"
"Sorry YN. Sorry Kat. I thought it would just liven up the mood a bit" I roll my eyes at Brennen "babe don't be like that come on I was only joking"
"Yeah well it wasn't funny"
"I know and I'm sorry" we continue to play the game, we hear the odd knock and bang but nothing crazy until the last 20 minutes. We are upstairs when we hear the piano begin to play, kat holds on to Sams arm and I grab Brennens hand
"Nope no don't like this anymore" I say as we walk down the stairs, Sam goes and turns the piano off then there's a smash in the kitchen. I go over to have a look
"Ahhh shit"
"What?" Brennen says worried
"Careful theres glass on the floor. I think I've just trod in it"
"What the hell" colby says under his breath
"YN where are your shoes?" Sam asks
"I never wear them. You know that"
"We need to see if you have and glass in your foot" Colby says
"How much longer have we got left?" Kat asks
"5 minutes" Sam says looking at his watch
"I say let's head upstairs and get YN sat down for the last bit" Brennen says picking me up walking up the stairs. Once we get to Sams room it's nearly over, we just wait a little while for the game to finish then turn on the lights. I look at my foot and see glass in it
"Shit ok errm. Kat have you got any tweezers here?"
"Yeah hang on" Kat rummages through some bags
"Colby I need a first aid kit. I need a clean cloth and lukewarm water and Kat when you have the tweezers run them under boiling water" Kat runs out the room
"What do you want me to do?" Sam asks
"Would you prefer to pull out the glass or hold my foot?"
"I'll hold your foot" Kat soon brings the tweezers over and an antibacterial wipe
"Ok B can you hold my hand. Colbs I need you to pull the glass out but do it slowly so it doesn't break then you need to clean my foot with the warm water and bandage it up" Colby goes as I say which hurts a lot, I have tears down my face finally it's over. Brennen takes me back to his apartment and we got straight to bed.

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