Dead Girl Walking Pt4

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Dear Diary
25th October
After I wrote the suicide note the police deemed Xephers death as a suicided, so I guess Brennen and I are in the clear now right? I still can't believe what I did, I didn't want her to die but now is the day of her funeral

I put my diary away and get in Corey's car
"Hey" I just smile "why didn't Brennen pick you up"
"We haven't stoped arguing"
"Xephers death getting to you?"
"I guess you could say that" I sigh
"It's not your fault, it was a suicide. Come on let's go" oh if he only knew. We arrive at the church and sit down. I'm sat between Corey and Brennen
"Babe are you ok?" Brennen whispers, I snap my head over to him
"Of course I'm not fucking ok. I'm the reason she's not here anymore"
"What did I tell you. It's not your fault" Corey  takes my hand and squeezes.  Since Xephers death I have been getting closer to Corey, which I don't think Brennen has been to happy about it.
We now head over to the wake, I'm now stood with Corey, Colby, Sam and Kat
"How are you holding up?" Sam asks with his arm around Kat's waist
"Fine I guess" I shrug
"For the third time today stop blaming yourself"
"Yeah it wasn't your fault" Colby chimes in. I wish people would stop saying that. Colby hugs me
"What's going on here then?" Brennen walks over to us
"Don't start. They are friends ok? I love you"
"I know I'm sorry I just can't loose you. It would kill me" he is so possessive sometimes. He puts his arm around me as I roll my eye
"Dude chill you've been dating for like a month" Colby shouts
"Ok enough this is meant to be Xephers wake now stop"
"Kat's right"  I say
"YN can I talk to you?" Corey asks
"Sure" Corey and I walk outside
"YN after spending time with you over the last couple days I think I have feelings for you"
"Corey. Erm. I'm flattered but..." I lower my head
"Your with Brennen. I got it" Corey sighs and walks back inside to the others, Brennen comes out
"So he likes you huh?" I scoff at his remark
"You were listening to our privet conversation?"
"I just gotta make sure your safe"
"Whatever" I roll my eyes and walk back inside to the others with my arms crossed. They can clearly tell I'm not in a good mood
"Everything ok?" Sam asks
"No not really this douche is trying to steal my girl" Brennen pokes a finger at Corey
"Brennen stop nothing happened" I say
"Dude I think you need to go" Colby says
"Fine come on YN" Brennen grabs my hand
I'll see you guys tomorrow" I say defeated. We get in Brennens car
"I'm sorry but remember who those people were they made your life miserable. They made you cry, but that will end tonight you are the only thing that's right about this broken world.
Our love is God"
"You don't understand though. They have changed. They aren't like Xepher"
"But they didn't stop her. They only care about you for your looks but I love you. They don't they are willing to drop you as soon as you give them a reason"
"Your right what am I thinking. They don't really care about me"
"I have an idea" Brennen takes me to his. When we arrive he goes over to his room and pulls out a box. He opens it up
"Is that a gun? Are you crazy?"
"We're not gonna kill anyone. We will fill it with tranquilliser darts. It will put Corey to sleep"
"Why Corey?"
"He can't have you. No one can because your mine" Brennen passes me a phone and I call Corey, I don't feel comfortable with this but he agrees to meet me at a field. Brennen and I head off and I sit down at a pic nic table. What am I doing here? Brennen is crazy, but I love him. My thoughts are interrupted
"Hey are you ok?" Corey walks up to me
"I- I can't do this. I need to go" I stand up
"By you..." before he can finish his sentence there's a bang and Corey falls to the floor I then see blood pouring out
"What the fuck have you done" I kneel down and apply pressure to coreys wound
"This way he won't bother us again your mine and only mine" fuck Brennen really is crazy. I need to get out of this relationship, but how? Do I even love him at this point?
"I don't want him to die Brennen please ring the police. We can say I was meeting him and some guy came out of no where with a gun and shot him and you heard the gun shoot and came to help. Please Brennen I'm begging you" I have tears in my eyes
"Fine" suddenly we hear sirens and Brennen runs off. When the police talk to me I just say that I don't know who shot Corey.

Trap House Imagines ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें