Axe Murder House Pt2

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After waiting around the tour guid arrives
"Hi I'm John your tour guid. So you are all doing the over night here at the Axe Murder House"
"Yeah we are" Corbin nervously says
"Ok so June 9th 1912 the town had a church service about 10pm and everyone from the town is at this service. The family come home, the 2 parents and their 4 kids plus the 2 guests. The next morning a neighbour, Mary Pickins, came over and was knocking on the door because she thought something wasn't right. At 8:30 she gets a relative to used his key and lights a match and walks over to this bedroom here" John points to the bedroom which is downstairs "this is where Ina and Lena, the guests, were staying. So this dude just runs out and gets help who then go upstairs and finds the other 6 bodies, so 8 total, 6 kids and 2 adults. Everyone was in bed, their bodies and faces were covered with sheets. The axe was left right here" John points to the wall next to the bedroom "raw bacon was on the floor, food on the table where this person had eaten"
"What?" we all gasp
"Afterwards?" Corey's eyes widen as John says 'yes'
"That's insane" Corbin says to the camera
"It's almost like the murder was leaving clue to be able to get caught. Like here's the weapon, here's my half earn sandwich" I comment "Like if you did that now you would be caught in a day if that"
"You just don't mess with kids, 6 little kids. The detectives questioned people for 5 years. I mean you got 5 years of gossip in a small town about a murder, everyone in town was a suspect. The only one who was every tried for this was a minister called Rev George Kelly, who confessed to it in 1918. He said he went for a walk and a shadow handed him the axe and voices told him to kill everyone. Then he said he didn't then he said he worked for the queen of England so"
"So he was crazy?" I say
"He was for sure schizophrenic. Then after that the bank offered 6 moths free rent to anyone who would move into this place. The first slept 1 night in the house then slept for 10 years in the barn, left his wife and kids in here, he wanted nothing to do with it"
"Wow" Corey and I breath out at the same time
"Another man and his wife stayed 2 nights here and said they heard footsteps and the wife said she saw a shadow holding an axe. Erm in the 30s and 40s they were doing seance in here to find the killer. In the 60s a family moved in, they had no idea about the history behind this house and they lived here a year and claimed that tons of stuff happened they left 1 night leaving all of their stuff in here. I came in 1 day to clean and I hear someone walk upstairs and shut a dresser draw, I go up their, nothing" John explains more about what he has seen such as doors shutting, shadows, dominos stacked up. He takes us into one of the bedrooms and tells us that this room, the one with the broken bed, has an energy in it that likes to mess with your head. One guy stabbed himself in the chest while doing an investigation here "If anyone starts getting weird go outside. Don't push the issue, rev Kelly said he felt like he was in a dream state being forced to do something completely out of his control"

We start to make out way up the stairs, I'm halfway up holding Corey's hand when we hear Brandon
"What was that?"
"What happened?" Elton asks from the top of the stairs
"I can't be the only one who heard that"
"No I heard it" Kaylyn says behind me
"I heard it as well" I say as we all turn around and begin walking down the stairs back to the kitchen "what was that though?"
"I dunno" Brandon starts to walk into the room where the noise came from
"Someone give me a light" Corbin says .
"Evan has the main light" Elton replies. Corey and I walk into the room to see a picture now on the floor
"Oh a picture fell" Corey says "all of their names" Corey says as Brandon picks it up and puts it back on the dressing table. We go up the stairs to the broken bed and John tells us that that was the parents room
"This is where the dad was sleeping and this is where the mom was sleeping on the inside. All the mirrors are covered"
"Why?"Corey asks
"The killer had done that. This is 1 of the axe marks" John shows us using his phone light "it was wall papered over and you can see on the ceiling where it has been patched up"
"What? oh my god" I whisper holding on the Corey's arm. John explains how the murder did the crime and he tells us a story how he thought some kids were breaking in for a free tour so he hid in the closet to try and scare them but when jumps out to scare them, there was no one there.
After John leaves we all just chat about what we have just been told
"What I truly want to know is what was going through his head when he murdered this family. Like to kill 8 people then do a second round of hitting the already dead bodies then to have something to eat afterwards is just so messed up" I shake my head and sit down on Corey's lap who is sat on one of the beds
"But he could have gone on to have children, so his bloodline is still going" Brandon says
"Could be" Elton nods his head.

Elton sees something move on his way down the stairs so goes to check it out with Evan while the rest of us stay upstairs
"How are you feeling so far?" I ask Kaylyn
"Errm pretty scared to be honest"
"Elton won't do anything to scare you like he has in our other videos, if he's going to scare anyone it will be Corey and then I have to deal with him waking up in the night screaming like a little girl because of the nightmares"
"Hey I don't scream like a little girl"
"Hmmm I beg to differ" I then begin to hear Elton and Evan making their way back to us
"Ok I couldn't figure out how that cloth was moving so if you guys are ready to start the investigation lets head downstairs to the living room and get started"

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