Single Dad Pt4

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This one is about how YN and Colby tell their friends she's pregnant

Today is Colbys birthday. He has currently gone out with the boys and I'm setting up the party. I've had a funny feeling that I might be pregnant so finally it was the time to take the test.
Pregnant. After 3 months off the pill the little stick finally says the word that we've been waiting for. Pregnant 3+ weeks. I smile putting the test in a box then walking out the bathroom. I'll surprise him when he gets home before the party. My mum and step dad are looking after Ally tonight. I wrap the box up in wrapping paper and put a bow on top. I decide to go to the store and get a 'happy birthday daddy' card. Before Colby arrives home I hide a camera to capture his reaction. When he arrives home I get out the present
"Hey baby. So I got you a present and card. I want you to open them before the party tonight"
"Ok?" Colby puts down his things and takes the card and present off me. He opens the card up and chuckles
"Happy birthday daddy. Is this to try and get me in the mood or something"
"Shut up" I nudge him as he opens the box
"Wait what? Is- is this real?" Colby asks
"Yes. We're gonna be parents" Colby wraps me up in his arms and kisses me
"I'm so happy" he says hugging me.

Colbys parents and YNs parents/step parents
Today is the day after Colbys birthday. My parents and his have all come over to celebrate. Kat and Sam have taken Ally and Jack out to the park. This is our chance to tell everyone. Once again I have a camera hidden
"How was you birthday Colby?" My mum asks with a glass of wine at the dinner table
"It's was good thank you. Thank you again for looking after Ally for us"
"No problem she's an angel and Jack loves her" my step dad says
"So mum and dad I have a present for you it's a late Christmas present"
"Yeah I've got something for you mum, dad, Dave and Leah" I get up and bring gift bags to everyone
"Ok so you need to open all at the same time" Colby says
"3, 2, 1" they all open the bag to see a positive pregnancy test
"Ahhhh oh my god" my mum yells jumping up
"Congratulations both of you" Colbys mum says
"That's amazing news" Leah says while dad and Dave send Colby glares
"So. You knock my daughter up huh"
"Oh hush Adam" Leah playfully hits my dad
"You take care of her you hear" Dave says
"Of course" Dave and my dad look at each other
"Then congratulations" they shake hands with Colby while the women hug Colby. Everyone hugs me and we celebrate the good news.

Ally and Jack
I'm now 12 weeks pregnant and I left it this long to tell anyone else just in case. Also Ally  and Jack will tell everyone when they find out. We are all in the living room and Colby is filming Jack and Ally
"Ok so how many people are in this room right now?" I ask
"4" Ally says
"Are you sure?" Colby asks
"Yeah Allys right. YN, Colby, me and her so..." Jack counts on his fingers "4" he shows us
"But one of them is hiding. Do you know where?" I ask and they look around then shake their heads
"There's one in YNs tummy"
"Are you having a baby?" Ally asks
"Yes. Your going to have a baby brother or sister. And you little man, your going to be an uncle"
"Woah so cool" Jack responds to Colby
"Now listen. Neither of you are going to be pushed to the side ok. We both love you so much Ally and Jack ok?"
"Ok" Jack shrugs. He's not the one I was worried about
"Ally?" I call her name
"Eeek I'm so excited" she yells jumping up and down

Sam, Jake, Corey, Brennen
"What's up guys it's Colby Brock and today I'm joined with these guys you all know them and today we are reacting to some videos and edits of us that you guys sent in" we watch the video and right at the end the video of me telling Colby I'm pregnant plays
"Wait what?" Corey asks confused
"Wait YN are you pregnant?" Sam asks and I nod
"Wait no joke. This isn't a prank?" Brennen now asks
"No joke. I'm 13 weeks pregnant" I hand the guys the ultrasound
"Fuck bro your gonna be a dad again how do you feel?" Jake says
"I'm so happy and excited"
"What about you YN how are you feeling?" Corey asks
"I'm nervous but really excited"
We all hug and film for Brennens channel who drops subtle hints which I'm hopping no one pick up on yet.

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