Wisdom Teeth

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Sam is YNs brother. YN is dating Colby
I'm sat in the back of Colby's car scared out of my mind about having my wisdom teeth out.
"What's up guys its Colby here and today Sam and I are taking YN to get her wisdom teeth out"
"I'm scared. Jc told me that I'm gonna be in loads of pain"
"Don't listen to him it's fine I had mine out" Colby says looking back at me
"You'll be ok YN you'll go to sleep and wake up felling like your on drugs but Colby and I will look after you"
"Hmmm" I slump in the back as Colby starts he's car up. Finally we arrive at the dentist and I'm taken into a waiting area and sit in between Sam and Colby who are both holding my hands. I jiggle my leg up and down, I do this when I'm anxious
"Baby your going to be fine I promise. Jc was just messing with you"
"YN Golbach" I get up and walk over to the room. I sit in the chair and a mask is put over my face, after a few minutes I fall asleep

Colby's POV
After a few hours Sam and I go to pick up YN, Sam signs some papers and I go into the room she's in
"Hey baby how you feeling?"
"Huh? I'm not a baby" she says sleepy
"No that's what I call you. It's a nick name" I laugh
"Your names nick? Hi nick"
"You know what it doesn't matter. How are you feeling?" She yawn "tired?" I ask and she nods her head
"Ok I've signed the papers let's get going" Sam says walking into the room filming her. The dental nurse helps her up, I put my arm around her waist to help her walk
"Woah I have a boyfriend" she slurs
"I am your boyfriend" she looks at me and puts her head to the side then starts laughing
"Noooo my boyfriends called Colby not nick"
"Well at least you know she wouldn't cheat" Sam laughs and takes her other side. We manage to get her in the car
"Oh hi Colby"
"Hi princess"
"Where did you go? I need to tell you a secret"
"Do I wanna hear this" Sam chuckles
"Shhhh. Ok. There was a weird person in there called nick"
"Was there really"
"Uh huh" I start the car and reverse "woah"
"You good?" Sam asks as he records her, I look at her through the mirror her eyes are wide
"I'm moving"
"Yes baby your moving" YN gasps
"What?" Sam asks
"Nick called me a baby as well"
"Oh jeeze today's going to be a long day" I say sighing. We carry on driving and arrive at the chemist
"YN stay here with Colby, I'll go in to get your medication" Sam says opening the car door and walking out
"Do you want some music on?" I ask YN and pass her my phone. She takes it and puts on Disney music, she gives me my phone back
"I'm hungry"
"I know but you can't eat anything for another 3 hours"
"Whyyy" she whines, I do feel bad for her but at the same time she is acting like a child
"Because you had your wisdom teeth out"
"Where did they go?"
"The dentist has them"
"We need to go get them"
"No we don't" not long after Sam comes back
"Right I've got everything so we can finally go home" The next 10 minutes are silent until I hear crying, I look through the mirror to see YN crying
"YN what's wrong?" I ask her, sam turns around to check her
"I miss my teeth"
"But they were making your mouth sore"
"Oh" Finally we arrive at the house and we take YN over to the couch
"Hey YN how are you feeling?" Corey says sitting down
"The dentist stole my teeth"
"Did he?" Jake asks and YN nods her head
"Also guess what"
"When I woke up there was this guy called nick and he called me a baby. Then he held me by my waist and I told him that I had a boyfriend, he then said that he was my boyfriend but I said that my boyfriend was called Colby not nick" YN bursts out laughing
"Well Colby good luck with this one" Jake says getting up
"Oh hell no your all helping me take care of her" after an hour or so YN falls asleep and when she finally wakes up the drugs has worn off, however she is unfortunately miserable in pain

I wake up in pain on the couch
"Hey YN" Corey says, I groan and touch my mouth
"It hurts"
"Baby you need to take these" Colby gives me a glass of water and some painkillers
"Thank you. And thank you for taking care of me"
"Always. I love you YN"
"I love you too"

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