New Girl Pt3

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It's been 4 months now since the party and I've been distancing myself from my friends, I got into a relationship with the schools bad boy and started smoking and doing drugs. This all happened because of a conversation I had with Layla a week after the party
"Hi so I'm going to make this simple. Leave my boyfriend alone or else I'll make high school a living hell"
"How?" I ask her raising my eyebrows
"I found information about you from some of your last schools. One in particular caught my eye, you moved from Hawaii because you were the reason your little brother died" Layla laughed
"What do you know about that?" I asked scared
"Well I know that the real reason you doing party is because one day you were meant to be looking after your brother, but instead you through a party and he chocked causing him to die" I have tears in my eyes
"What do you want?"
"To leave my friends alone, to leave my boyfriend alone or else I will tell everyone about that"

I'm currently sat with my boyfriend Oliver smoking on the field when I hear shouting from behind us
"Looks like little miss perfect isn't so perfect" Oliver says laughing
"Shh" I say trying to listen
"I can't believe you would do that"
"Baby please"
"No you threatened her. I thought she left our group because she was scare of what nearly happened to her at my party but now I hear it's being you were going to tell people about her past. Your a bitch Layla. We're through"
"No baby please I'm sorry"
"Fuck you"
I look back at Oliver and see him smiling
"What?" I ask
"Nothing it was just about time that they broke up" Oliver gets up "I'll see you tonight" for the rest of the day I do what I normal do, which is sit at the back of the class on my phone. Then at the end of the day I get in my car and drive home. On my way I get a text off Colby, honestly I though I had blocked his number I pick up my phone and suddenly my ears are ringing and all I see is black.
After what seems like forever my eyes open, I hear the sound of beeping and feel someone holding my hand
"Guys she's awake" I hear a family voice say, I look over and see Kat then I look at my hand and see rings that I only know belong to Colby
"Oh my god YN please don't ever scare us like that again" Sam says sitting on the end of the bed
"What happened?" My voice sounds croaky
"You were in a car accident, your mums on the way here now. Sam and Kat saw what happened, Sam was the one who pulled you out"
"I errm..."
"Shhh your voice is still going to be sore from the tube they had to put down your throat to make sure you were breathing" Jake says
"Also YN I really don't want to tell you this especially right now but I saw Oliver and Layla kissing earlier today, that's why I tried to text you to meet up so I could talk to you. I'm sorry"  I start to tear up
"Miss YLN your mum is here shall I send her in?" I nod my head and within second my mum is by my side
"Oh baby you know not to text and drive"
""I know I'm sorry"
"I'm just glad your alright"
A few weeks later and I'm back at school, I have a broken leg but I'm now hanging out with the group again and I'm so happy, prom is coming up in the next few months as well. Colby and I have been hanging out a lot as well and today he's asked me to meet him on the school field. Tara and Jake help me over to the field and I see Colby standing in the middle of rose petals
"YN YLN will you be my date to the prom?"
"Oh my god Colby yes"
"And another question. Will you please do my the honer of being mine"
"Yes" Colby runs up to me and hugs me tight, things are finally looking up for me.

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