New Zealand Pt2

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It's time to zip line, which I'm so excited for. Elton gets out his camera after we are give our harnesses
"Ok. Sams got it, Colbys got it, YNs got it" Elton moves the camera to show Corey struggling with the harness "Corey's... Corey's got it" he says as Corey puts it on as if it were a bra
"I'm not sure that's how it goes" I chuckle. He takes it off and put the harness on properly
"That booty though" Elton comments and Corey starts twerking
"Which Scherer has the best booty?" Colby comments
"Errr it best be me. Do you know how many squats I do a day for this ass"
"That's true you haven't failed to miss a work out the whole time we've been in New Zealand" Elton points the camera to me.

We walk up to the top of the platform where we will be zip lining from and of course Corey is freaking out
"Dude everything that we do includes heights"
"At least it doesn't include the ouija board" I mumble
"Hey it's not even that high. Like right here it's like 20ft and right there it's like 200ft" Elton point to the different lines
"I mean you could only die" Sam comments nonchalantly causing us all to laugh. Sam manages to keep a straight face until Corey thanks him for the 'pep talk'
"I think Elton's a little nervous" I say as he hands Corey the camera
"Yeah why are you all the way back there" Corey points the camera to Elton "he's shaking. Can we get a refund because he's so nervous"
"I know what your doing Corey, I know what your trying to do"
"Dude look a ufo" Corey try's to distract Elton
"It's Christina Aguilera" Colby says
"If I look will you run away?" Elton asks Corey
"No" Corey frowns. Elton turns around and Corey runs off with Colby trying to catch him. I burst out laughing so hard that I start to cry.

Finally it's our turn. Colby goes first with Elton next to him. Then it's my turn with Corey
"Bro the sun set look so cool behind you" I say as I'm strapped onto the wire that will take us to the bottom. Corey poses making me laugh "your so weird"
"Hey your basically the same as me so that means your calling yourself weird"
"Hmmm not quite. I'm not the one who's scared of their own shadow"
"That was one time, let it go" Corey plays along
"Ok you ready?" The guy managing the zip line asks
"Ok pull the string when your ready"
"3, 2, 1" I count and both Corey and I wiz down the wire, of course Corey is screaming and I wouldn't expect anything less from him. Corey ends up going faster than me and so gets to the bottom before me. The really cute guy helps me off the zip line and I walk over to the boys
"I think someone has a crush" Colby pokes me
"Pfft please I don't need no man. I'm an independent woman who just likes to window shop sometimes" I flip my hair
"Well he's definitely checking you out" Sam says and I turn around to see the guy staring at my ass
"I've worked hard for this ass so he can stare" the boys laugh at me as I shrug my shoulders.

After a long day it's time to go back to the RV and to get food, I'm starving like I could eat a freaking horse.... ok maybe not but Im hungry. Elton drives us to a lake where we see some ducks and geese
"I'm a duck whisperer"
"Bro they ain't ducks" I chuckle at Corey. Corey runs over to the RV to get some bread
"Bring him to the RV" Elton says as Colby and Corey are trying to get the... I'm not sure what it is, out of the water
"Let's bring him back to LA" Corey gasps
"He can join TFIL" Colby joins in
"Colby it can be your girlfriend" I yell
"I touched it" Colby yells after touching the back of the...swan? I have no clue
"He touched the butt" Sam references finding nemo
"It's the only butt Colby can touch" I joke
"Wow, that's low"
"Sorry" I shrug and pout my lip "now can we get food because I'm starving"
"Wow what a diva" Corey crosses his arms
"Me? I'm the diva? Ok, yeah sure ok" I nod my head "I'll remember that" I get into the RV and the boys follow me.

After getting food we get back into the RV and Elton picks up the camera. I sit down opposite Corey who gets out his laptop
"Ok so you guys have been sleeping together every night" Elton points to Sam and Colby
"They do anyway" I laugh
"Well you've had the bed all by yourself the whole time" Elton points at me
"Yeah why is that?" Sam asks
"Errrm maybe because in a girl?" I say in a 'duh' tone. Colby starts laughing
"Naaa your one of the bros" he says
"I think it's only fair to see who gets a bed to themselves tonight. We should have a battle"
"Ok everyone who wants their own bed, nose goes" Elton says and we all put out finger on our nose "that was really close.... errrrr elbow goes" we all touch our elbow "oh god that was impressive. Erm knees goes" we all touch our knee "left ear goes... right ear goes"
"Ok I feel silly now" I laugh "I'll make it easier. I'll share for tonight but just know I'm not good a sharing beds" I smile evilly
"Oh that's true" Sam points at me "Kat says your a kicker and you hog the bed sheets"
"So that's the real reason your single" Colby says and I give him the death glare
"Ok so YN can keep the bed"
"Yay" I jump up "I would like to thank my inability to sit still or lie still for long periods of time. I would also like to thank the fact I get cold at night. I would also like...."
"Ok pipe down you haven't won a Oscar"
"Yet" I correct Corey
"See diva" Corey points to me
"I mean she should get the bed because she's a girl"
"Oh so I'm not one of the bros now Colby?" I raise an eyebrow
"No I just mean because you have..."
"I have what Colby?"
"I- errrm" Colby sits down and puts his head on the table "I'm not here" he yells making us all laugh.

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