Prank Wars Pt10

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Elton's POV
"What up everyone today I have got all the roommates apart from YN with me today and that's because we are going to be pulling a prank on her. YN has had the same old car since she passed her test and it's starting to die. She is refusing to buy a new one so I have with the help of these guys" I point to all the roommates "the girls have taken YN out for the day so it's time to move YNs car out of the drive way and bring the new one in. We are then going to wrap it up in layer of bubble wrap, brown paper then Disney wrapping paper" I set the camera down where it will be able to see what's happening. The pickup truck takes YNs car away while I go and get the new one. We then begin to wrap the car up
"She's going to be so mad at first" Jake says laughing
"Until she sees we've bought her a brand new car" I say smiling
"You know your actually a nice brother" Colby says
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I just mean like you prank her and torture her but when it comes down to it you do actually care about her" I laugh at Colby's comment. After hours of work we finally finish wrapping the car up and head inside. Kat texts me to say they are on their way home now. I ask her to get someone to film her reaction and in 10  minutes we're going to stand around the car.

We're nearly home after our day of shopping and Tara gets out her phone and starts filming me
"What are you doing?" I laugh
"You'll see" I furrow my eyebrows looking at her while the other girls start laughing. Finally we arrive at the house and I notice a car wrapped up in paper, then I see the boys stood outside with a camera. My eyes go wide
"They didn't"
"Oh they did" Kat stops the car and I get out
"What did you guys do to my car?" I ask shocked everyone is in stitches. I look over at Corey and raise my eyebrows "did you do this?"
"I may of helped"
"Ughhh guys"
"Why don't you start taking the layers off?" Colby says. I start to rip the paper then realise there's more paper underneath
"How long did this take?"
"Hours" Colby laughs
"This is gonna take me forever"
"Do you want help?" Sam asks and I nod my head
"No sam she has to do it her self that's part of the prank" Elton says and I glare at him. I keep ripping paper off and end up getting to bubble wrap
"Ughhh not more"
"Your almost there" jake says. After more ripping I notice that it's not my car, for one my old car was a light grey and this one is white
"This isn't my car" I say annoyed "I just spent all that time and it's not even my car"
"Are you sure about that?" I look at Elton confused, he pulls some keys out of his pocket and my eyes grow wide
"Wait what?"
"Well your old car wasn't working so we all pitched in to get you this new one" I run over to Elton and hug him then I hug everyone else
"Thank you guys so much" Corey hugs me from behind
"I may have put a little something in the car for you" he whispers in my ear. Elton gives me the keys and I open the car. On the drivers seat I see a little box, I pick it up and Corey takes it form me opening it up
"Now before you freak it's not an engagement ring but it's a promise ring. I promise that I will love you forever and I will always be by your side" I start crying and everyone films. Corey puts the ring on my finger and I jump in his arms and kiss him
"I love you so much"
"I love you too baby" he says holding me close

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